Add nor and nand operators

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Rosenberg 2024-09-03 18:47:44 -07:00
parent 51f99a87ab
commit 5a0371ae15
Signed by: Zander671
GPG Key ID: 5FD0394ADBD72730

@ -128,12 +128,14 @@ line."))
'((open-paren "(")
(close-paren ")")
(and "/\\" "and" "&&" "&" "∧" ".")
(nand "nand" "↑" "⊼")
(or "\\/" "or" "||" "|" "∥" "+" "")
(nor "nor" "↓" "⊽")
(xor "xor" "⊕" "⊻" "↮" "≢" "^" "!=")
(not "¬" "~" "!" "not")
(implies "->" ">" "=>" "⇒" "⟹" "→" "⊃" "implies")
(converse "<-" "<" "<=" "←" "⇐" "⟸" "⊂" "converse")
(iff "<->" "<>" "<=>" "⇔" "↔" "≡" "iff" "=" "=="))
(iff "<->" "<>" "<=>" "⇔" "↔" "≡" "iff" "=" "==" "xnor" "⊙"))
"Alist table of operator symbols and their possible string representations.")
(defun operator-symbol (oper-str)
@ -147,8 +149,10 @@ line."))
(case oper
(not 1)
(and 2)
(nand 2)
(xor 3)
(or 4)
(nor 4)
(implies 5)
(converse 5)
(iff 6)
@ -166,6 +170,8 @@ and the maximum number (or nil for infinity) as a second value."
(implies (values 2 2))
(converse (values 2 2))
(iff (values 2 2))
(nand (values 2 nil))
(nor (values 2 2))
(t (error "unknown operator: ~S" oper))))
(defun interpret-operand (oper-str)
@ -398,7 +404,9 @@ found variables."
(defconstant operator-ascii-lookup-alist
'((and . "&")
(nand . "nand")
(or . "|")
(nor . "nor")
(xor . "^")
(not . "~")
(implies . "->")
@ -412,7 +420,9 @@ found variables."
(defconstant operator-unicode-lookup-alist
'((and . "∧")
(nand . "⊼")
(or . "")
(nor . "⊽")
(xor . "⊕")
(not . "¬")
(implies . "→")
@ -426,7 +436,9 @@ found variables."
(defconstant operator-latex-lookup-alist
'((and . "\\land")
(nand . "\\uparrow")
(or . "\\lor")
(nor . "\\downarrow")
(xor . "\\oplus")
(not . "\\lnot ")
(implies . "\\to")
@ -589,8 +601,12 @@ NOTE: the second value does not include individual variables, literal values
;; using `eval'
(apply 'logical-and arg-values))
(not (apply 'logical-and arg-values)))
(apply 'logical-or arg-values))
(not (apply 'logical-or arg-values)))
(apply 'logical-xor arg-values))