Move to new parser
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,25 +29,10 @@
(:documentation "Condition representing an error that occurred during
evaluation for a proposition."))
(defun operator-argument-count (oper)
"Return the minimum number of arguments that OPER takes as the first value,
and the maximum number (or nil for infinity) as a second value."
(case oper
(and (values 2 nil))
(or (values 2 nil))
(xor (values 2 nil))
(not (values 1 1))
(implies (values 2 2))
(converse (values 2 2))
(iff (values 2 2))
(nand (values 2 nil))
(nor (values 2 2))
(t (error "unknown operator: ~S" oper))))
(defun logical-xor (&rest args)
"Logical xor (not equal) each argument in turn with its following argument.
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so all arguments, so there is no short circuit
evaluation (all arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, there is no short circuit evaluation (all arguments
are evaluated no matter what)."
(loop with result = nil
for arg in args do
(setq result (not (eq result arg)))
@ -55,21 +40,21 @@ evaluation (all arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
(defun logical-and (&rest args)
"Logical and (all true).
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so all arguments, so there is no short circuit
evaluation (all arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, there is no short circuit evaluation (all arguments
are evaluated no matter what)."
(not (member nil args)))
(defun logical-or (&rest args)
"Logical or (one or more true).
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so all arguments, so there is no short circuit
evaluation (all arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so there is no short circuit evaluation (all
arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
(not (not (member t args))))
(defun logical-implies (prop1 prop2)
"Evaluate the logical implies operation on PROP1 and PROP2. That is \"if
PROP1, then PROP2\".
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so all arguments, so there is no short circuit
evaluation (all arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
NOTE: This is NOT a macro, so there is no short circuit evaluation (all
arguments are evaluated no matter what)."
(if prop1 ;; only if first is true
prop2 ;; eval second
t)) ;; otherwise, just return true
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ proposition."))
'((open-paren "(")
(close-paren ")")
(and "/\\" "and" "&&" "&" "∧" ".")
(nand "nand" "↑" "⊼")
(nand "nand" "↑" "⊼" "~&" "~&&" "!&" "!&&")
(or "\\/" "or" "||" "|" "∥" "+" "∨")
(nor "nor" "↓" "⊽")
(nor "nor" "↓" "⊽" "~|" "~||" "!|" "!||")
(xor "xor" "⊕" "⊻" "↮" "≢" "^" "!=")
(not "¬" "~" "!" "not")
(implies "->" ">" "=>" "⇒" "⟹" "→" "⊃" "implies")
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ proposition."))
(case oper
(not 1)
(and 2)
(implicit-and 2)
(nand 2)
(xor 3)
(or 4)
@ -107,6 +108,27 @@ proposition."))
(open-paren most-positive-fixnum)
(t nil)))
(defun operator-argument-count (oper)
"Return the minimum number of arguments that OPER takes as the first value,
and the maximum number (or nil for infinity) as a second value."
(case oper
(and (values 2 nil))
(or (values 2 nil))
(xor (values 2 nil))
(not (values 1 1))
(implies (values 2 2))
(converse (values 2 2))
(iff (values 2 2))
(nand (values 2 nil))
(nor (values 2 2))
(open-paren (values 0 0))
(t (error "unknown operator: ~S" oper))))
(defun unary-p (oper)
"Return whether OPER is a unary operator or not."
(when oper
(= 1 (operator-argument-count oper))))
(defun interpret-operand (oper-str)
"Return a symbol representing OPER-STR, or the string itself if it represents
a variable."
@ -206,135 +228,143 @@ nil)."
(list 'operand operand-value)
(list nil nil))))))
(defun apply-one-operator (operator-stack operand-stack
&optional proposition position)
"Apply the next operator from OPERATOR-STACK to its operands from
OPERAND-STACK, return the new state of both stacks as values."
(let* ((operator (pop operator-stack)))
(when (not operator)
(error 'proposition-parse-error :message "no more operators"
:position position :proposition proposition))
(let ((oper-args (operator-argument-count operator))
(cur-operands (list (pop operand-stack))))
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position position
:proposition proposition
:message (format nil
"operator ~A expects ~D arguments, found none"
operator oper-args)))
(when (= oper-args 2)
(push (pop operand-stack) cur-operands)
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position position
:proposition proposition
:message (format nil "operator ~A expects ~D arguments, found 1"
operator oper-args))))
(push (cons operator cur-operands) operand-stack)))
(values operator-stack operand-stack))
(defun apply-lower-precedent (prec operators operands
&optional proposition position)
"Apply all operators with lower precedent than PREC. Return the values of the
new operators and operands stack, as well as the number of operators removed."
(loop with pop-count = 0
while (<= (or (operator-precedence (car operators))
(setf (values operators operands)
(apply-one-operator operators operands
proposition position)
pop-count (1+ pop-count))
finally (return (values operators operands pop-count))))
(defun parse-proposition-string (str &key (implicit-and t) multi-char-names)
"Parse STR, which is a proposition string.
(defun parse-proposition-string (prop-str &key (implicit-and t) multi-char-names)
"Parse PROP-STR, which is a proposition string.
The return value is the values set of the parsed string, and the list of all
found variables."
(let ((found-vars '())
(operators '())
(operands '())
(oper-poses '())
(last-was-operand nil))
(flet ((push-operator (value pos)
(multiple-value-bind (new-oper new-opan pop-count)
(apply-lower-precedent (operator-precedence value)
operators operands str pos)
(setq operators new-oper
operands new-opan)
(dotimes (i pop-count)
(pop oper-poses)))
(push value operators)
(push pos oper-poses)))
(dotokens (token token-pos str)
(paren-operands (list 0)))
(labels ((peek-operator ()
(destructuring-bind (&optional value . pos) (car operators)
(values value pos)))
(pop-operator ()
(destructuring-bind (&optional value . pos) (pop operators)
(values value pos)))
(convert-implicit-and (this-name pos)
(multiple-value-bind (value top-pos) (peek-operator)
(when (eq value 'implicit-and)
(unless implicit-and
(cerror "Insert implicit AND operator"
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "expected binary operator, found ~a"
(push (cons 'and top-pos) operators))))
(apply-one-operator ()
(multiple-value-bind (oper pos) (pop-operator)
(when (not oper)
(error 'proposition-parse-error :message "no more operators"
:position pos
:proposition prop-str))
(let ((oper-args (operator-argument-count oper))
(cur-operands (list (pop operands))))
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "~A expects ~D arguments, found none"
oper oper-args)))
(when (= oper-args 2)
(push (pop operands) cur-operands)
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "~A expects ~D arguments, found 1"
oper oper-args))))
(push (cons oper cur-operands) operands))))
(apply-lower-precedent (prec)
(loop for top-oper = (peek-operator)
while (and top-oper
(<= (or (operator-precedence top-oper)
(not (unary-p top-oper)))
do (apply-one-operator)))
(apply-all-unary ()
(loop while (unary-p (peek-operator))
(push-operator (oper token-pos)
(apply-lower-precedent (operator-precedence oper))
(push (cons oper token-pos) operators)))
(dotokens (token-str token-pos prop-str)
(:multi-char-names multi-char-names)
(destructuring-bind (type value) (interpret-token token)
(destructuring-bind (type value) (interpret-token token-str)
;; unknown type
;; unknown token
((not type)
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition str
:proposition prop-str
:message "unknown token"))
;; operand
((eq type 'operand)
(when last-was-operand
;; two operands next to each other often means "and" implicitly
(unless implicit-and
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition str
:message "expected operator, found operand"))
(push-operator 'and token-pos))
(convert-implicit-and "operand" token-pos)
(unless (member value '(true false))
(pushnew value found-vars :test 'equal))
(push value operands)
(setq last-was-operand t))
(incf (car paren-operands))
(convert-implicit-and "operand" token-pos)
(push-operator 'implicit-and token-pos))
;; open parenthesis
((eq value 'open-paren)
(when last-was-operand
;; an open parenthesis directly following an operator is also a
;; signal of an implicit "and"
(unless implicit-and
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition str
:message "expected operator, found open parenthesis"))
(push-operator 'and token-pos)
(setq last-was-operand nil))
(push value operators)
(push token-pos oper-poses))
;; close paren doesn't touch `last-was-operand'
(convert-implicit-and "open parenthesis" token-pos)
(push (cons value token-pos) operators)
(push 0 paren-operands))
;; close parenthesis
((eq value 'close-paren)
(loop while (not (eq (car operators) 'open-paren))
(when (eq (peek-operator) 'implicit-and)
(loop while (not (eq (peek-operator) 'open-paren))
when (null operators) do
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition str
:proposition prop-str
:message "no matching open parenthesis")
(setf (values operators operands)
(apply-one-operator operators operands
str token-pos))
(pop oper-poses))
;; remove the open-paren
(pop operators)
(pop oper-poses))
do (apply-one-operator))
(when (zerop (pop paren-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
;; open paren position
:position (cdr (pop operators))
:proposition prop-str
:message "empty parenthesis"))
;; remove open paren
(convert-implicit-and "close parenthesis" token-pos)
(push-operator 'implicit-and token-pos))
;; operator
(push-operator value token-pos)
(setq last-was-operand nil)))))
(loop while operators
for oper-pos = (pop oper-poses)
when (eq (car operators) 'open-paren) do
(if (eq (peek-operator) 'implicit-and)
(if (unary-p value)
(convert-implicit-and "unary operator" token-pos)
(unless (unary-p value)
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition prop-str
:message "expected operand, found operator")))
(push-operator value token-pos)))))
;; remove implicit-and
(when (eq 'implicit-and (peek-operator))
(loop for (top-oper . top-pos) = (car operators)
while top-oper
when (eq top-oper 'open-paren) do
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:message "no matching closing parenthesis"
:proposition str
:position oper-pos)
:proposition prop-str
:position top-pos)
(setf (values operators operands)
(apply-one-operator operators operands
str oper-pos)))
;; return variables in the order we found them
(values (car operands) (nreverse found-vars)))))
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