Cursor: allow resizing from all edges
Co-authored-by: Leon Henrik Plickat <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,10 +68,15 @@ const Mode = union(enum) {
resize: struct {
view: *View,
delta_x: f64 = 0,
delta_y: f64 = 0,
/// Offset from the lower right corner of the view
/// Resize edges, maximum of 2 are set and they may not be opposing edges.
edges: wlr.Edges,
/// Offset from the left or right edge
offset_x: i32,
/// Offset from the top or bottom edge
offset_y: i32,
@ -81,7 +86,30 @@ const Image = enum {
fn resize(edges: wlr.Edges) Image {
assert(!( and edges.bottom));
assert(!(edges.left and edges.right));
if ( and edges.left) return .@"nw-resize";
if ( and edges.right) return .@"ne-resize";
if (edges.bottom and edges.left) return .@"sw-resize";
if (edges.bottom and edges.right) return .@"se-resize";
if ( return .@"n-resize";
if (edges.bottom) return .@"s-resize";
if (edges.left) return .@"w-resize";
if (edges.right) return .@"e-resize";
return .@"se-resize";
const default_size = 24;
@ -537,8 +565,8 @@ fn handlePointerMapping(self: *Self, event: *wlr.Pointer.event.Button, view: *Vi
return for (server.config.modes.items[].pointer_mappings.items) |mapping| {
if (event.button == mapping.event_code and std.meta.eql(modifiers, mapping.modifiers)) {
switch (mapping.action) {
.move => if (!fullscreen) self.enterMode(.move, view),
.resize => if (!fullscreen) self.enterMode(.resize, view),
.move => if (!fullscreen) self.startMove(view),
.resize => if (!fullscreen) self.startResize(view, null),
.command => |args| {
@ -644,37 +672,91 @@ fn handleHideCursorTimeout(self: *Self) c_int {
return 0;
pub fn enterMode(self: *Self, mode: enum { move, resize }, view: *View) void {
pub fn startMove(cursor: *Self, view: *View) void {
cursor.enterMode(.{ .move = .{ .view = view } }, view, .move);
pub fn startResize(cursor: *Self, view: *View, proposed_edges: ?wlr.Edges) void {
const edges = blk: {
if (proposed_edges) |edges| {
if ( or edges.bottom or edges.left or edges.right) {
break :blk edges;
break :blk cursor.computeEdges(view);
const box = &;
const lx = @floatToInt(i32, cursor.wlr_cursor.x);
const ly = @floatToInt(i32, cursor.wlr_cursor.y);
const offset_x = if (edges.left) lx - box.x else box.x + box.width - lx;
const offset_y = if ( ly - box.y else box.y + box.height - ly;
view.pending.resizing = true;
const new_mode: Mode = .{ .resize = .{
.view = view,
.edges = edges,
.offset_x = offset_x,
.offset_y = offset_y,
} };
cursor.enterMode(new_mode, view, Image.resize(edges));
fn computeEdges(cursor: *const Self, view: *const View) wlr.Edges {
const min_handle_size = 20;
const box = &;
var output_box: wlr.Box = undefined;
server.root.output_layout.getBox(view.current.output.?.wlr_output, &output_box);
const sx = @floatToInt(i32, cursor.wlr_cursor.x) - output_box.x - box.x;
const sy = @floatToInt(i32, cursor.wlr_cursor.y) - output_box.y - box.y;
var edges: wlr.Edges = .{};
if (box.width > min_handle_size * 2) {
const handle = math.max(min_handle_size, @divFloor(box.width, 5));
if (sx < handle) {
edges.left = true;
} else if (sx > box.width - handle) {
edges.right = true;
if (box.height > min_handle_size * 2) {
const handle = math.max(min_handle_size, @divFloor(box.height, 5));
if (sy < handle) {
|||| = true;
} else if (sy > box.height - handle) {
edges.bottom = true;
if (! and !edges.bottom and !edges.left and !edges.right) {
return .{ .bottom = true, .right = true };
} else {
return edges;
fn enterMode(cursor: *Self, mode: Mode, view: *View, image: Image) void {
assert(cursor.mode == .passthrough);
assert(mode == .move or mode == .resize);
log.debug("enter {s} cursor mode", .{@tagName(mode)});
cursor.mode = mode;
switch (mode) {
.move => self.mode = .{ .move = .{ .view = view } },
.resize => {
const cur_box = &;
self.mode = .{ .resize = .{
.view = view,
.offset_x = cur_box.x + cur_box.width - @floatToInt(i32, self.wlr_cursor.x),
.offset_y = cur_box.y + cur_box.height - @floatToInt(i32, self.wlr_cursor.y),
} };
view.pending.resizing = true;
// Automatically float all views being moved by the pointer, if
// their dimensions are set by a layout generator. If however the views
// are unarranged, leave them as non-floating so the next active
// layout can affect them.
if (!view.current.float and view.current.output.?.layout != null) {
view.pending.float = true;
if (view.current.output.?.layout != null) {
view.float_box =;
view.pending.float = true;
// Clear cursor focus, so that the surface does not receive events
self.setImage(if (mode == .move) .move else .@"se-resize");
@ -748,27 +830,57 @@ fn processMotion(self: *Self, device: *wlr.InputDevice, time: u32, delta_x: f64,
data.delta_x = dx - @trunc(dx);
data.delta_y = dy - @trunc(dy);
const border_width = if (data.view.pending.borders) server.config.border_width else 0;
// Modify the pending box, taking constraints into account
const border_width = if (data.view.pending.borders) server.config.border_width else 0;
// Set width/height of view, clamp to view size constraints and output dimensions
|||| += @floatToInt(i32, dx);
|||| += @floatToInt(i32, dy);
var output_width: i32 = undefined;
var output_height: i32 = undefined;
data.view.current.output.?.wlr_output.effectiveResolution(&output_width, &output_height);
var output_width: i32 = undefined;
var output_height: i32 = undefined;
data.view.current.output.?.wlr_output.effectiveResolution(&output_width, &output_height);
const constraints = &data.view.constraints;
const box = &;
const box = &;
box.width = math.min(box.width, output_width - border_width - box.x);
box.height = math.min(box.height, output_height - border_width - box.y);
if (data.edges.left) {
const x2 = box.x + box.width;
box.x += @floatToInt(i32, dx);
box.x = math.max(box.x, border_width);
box.x = math.max(box.x, x2 - constraints.max_width);
box.x = math.min(box.x, x2 - constraints.min_width);
box.width = x2 - box.x;
} else if (data.edges.right) {
box.width += @floatToInt(i32, dx);
box.width = math.max(box.width, constraints.min_width);
box.width = math.min(box.width, constraints.max_width);
box.width = math.min(box.width, output_width - border_width - box.x);
if ( {
const y2 = box.y + box.height;
box.y += @floatToInt(i32, dy);
box.y = math.max(box.y, border_width);
box.y = math.max(box.y, y2 - constraints.max_height);
box.y = math.min(box.y, y2 - constraints.min_height);
box.height = y2 - box.y;
} else if (data.edges.bottom) {
box.height += @floatToInt(i32, dy);
box.height = math.max(box.height, constraints.min_height);
box.height = math.min(box.height, constraints.max_height);
box.height = math.min(box.height, output_height - border_width - box.y);
// Keep cursor locked to the original offset from the resize edges
const box = &;
const off_x = data.offset_x;
const off_y = data.offset_y;
const cursor_x = if (data.edges.left) off_x + box.x else box.x + box.width - off_x;
const cursor_y = if ( off_y + box.y else box.y + box.height - off_y;
self.wlr_cursor.warpClosest(device, @intToFloat(f64, cursor_x), @intToFloat(f64, cursor_y));
// Keep cursor locked to the original offset from the bottom right corner
@intToFloat(f64, box.x + box.width - data.offset_x),
@intToFloat(f64, box.y + box.height - data.offset_y),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user