Implement initial layer shell support
exclusive zones and popups are still TODO
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
pub const Box = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ pub usingnamespace @cImport({
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const Log = @import("log.zig").Log;
const Output = @import("output.zig").Output;
pub const LayerSurface = struct {
const Self = @This();
output: *Output,
wlr_layer_surface: *c.wlr_layer_surface_v1,
box: Box,
layer: c.zwlr_layer_shell_v1_layer,
listen_map: c.wl_listener,
listen_unmap: c.wl_listener,
listen_destroy: c.wl_listener,
listen_commit: c.wl_listener,
listen_new_popup: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(
self: *Self,
output: *Output,
wlr_layer_surface: *c.wlr_layer_surface_v1,
layer: c.zwlr_layer_shell_v1_layer,
) void {
self.output = output;
self.wlr_layer_surface = wlr_layer_surface;
self.layer = layer;
self.listen_map.notify = handleMap;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_map);
self.listen_unmap.notify = handleUnmap;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_unmap);
self.listen_destroy.notify = handleDestroy;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_destroy);
self.listen_commit.notify = handleCommit;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_layer_surface.surface.*.events.commit, &self.listen_commit);
self.listen_new_popup.notify = handleNewPopup;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_new_popup);
/// Send a configure event to the client with the dimensions of the current box
pub fn sendConfigure(self: Self) void {
fn handleMap(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const layer_surface = @fieldParentPtr(LayerSurface, "listen_map", listener.?);
fn handleUnmap(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const layer_surface = @fieldParentPtr(LayerSurface, "listen_unmap", listener.?);
fn handleDestroy(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const layer_surface = @fieldParentPtr(LayerSurface, "listen_destroy", listener.?);
Log.Debug.log("Layer surface '{}' destroyed", .{layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.namespace});
const node = @fieldParentPtr(std.TailQueue(LayerSurface).Node, "data", layer_surface);
layer_surface.output.layers[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer_surface.layer))].remove(node);
fn handleCommit(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const layer_surface = @fieldParentPtr(LayerSurface, "listen_commit", listener.?);
if (layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.output == null) {
// If the layer changed, move the LayerSurface to the proper list
if (layer_surface.layer != layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current.layer) {
const node = @fieldParentPtr(std.TailQueue(LayerSurface).Node, "data", layer_surface);
const old_layer_idx = @intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer_surface.layer));
layer_surface.layer = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current.layer;
const new_layer_idx = @intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer_surface.layer));
fn handleNewPopup(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const layer_surface = @fieldParentPtr(LayerSurface, "listen_new_popup", listener.?);
Log.Debug.log("new layer surface popup.", .{});
// TODO: handle popups
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const LayerSurface = @import("layer_surface.zig").LayerSurface;
const Root = @import("root.zig").Root;
const Server = @import("server.zig").Server;
const View = @import("view.zig").View;
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const RenderData = struct {
const ViewRenderData = struct {
output: *c.wlr_output,
renderer: *c.wlr_renderer,
view: *View,
@ -15,11 +17,23 @@ const RenderData = struct {
oy: f64,
const LayerSurfaceRenderData = struct {
output: *c.wlr_output,
renderer: *c.wlr_renderer,
layer_surface: *LayerSurface,
when: *c.struct_timespec,
ox: f64,
oy: f64,
pub const Output = struct {
const Self = @This();
root: *Root,
wlr_output: *c.wlr_output,
layers: [4]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
listen_frame: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(self: *Self, root: *Root, wlr_output: *c.wlr_output) !void {
@ -43,6 +57,10 @@ pub const Output = struct {
self.root = root;
self.wlr_output = wlr_output;
for (self.layers) |*layer| {
layer.* = std.TailQueue(LayerSurface).init();
// Sets up a listener for the frame notify event.
self.listen_frame.notify = handleFrame;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_frame);
@ -59,6 +77,91 @@ pub const Output = struct {
/// Add a newly created layer surface to the output.
pub fn addLayerSurface(self: *Self, wlr_layer_surface: *c.wlr_layer_surface_v1) !void {
const layer = wlr_layer_surface.client_pending.layer;
const node = try self.layers[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer))].allocateNode(self.root.server.allocator);
||||, wlr_layer_surface, layer);
self.layers[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer))].append(node);
/// Arrange all layer surfaces of this output and addjust the usable aread
pub fn arrangeLayers(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: handle exclusive zones
const bounds = blk: {
var width: c_int = undefined;
var height: c_int = undefined;
c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(self.wlr_output, &width, &height);
break :blk Box{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = @intCast(u32, width),
.height = @intCast(u32, height),
for (self.layers) |layer| {
self.arrangeLayer(layer, bounds);
// TODO: handle seat focus
/// Arrange the layer surfaces of a given layer
fn arrangeLayer(self: *Self, layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface), bounds: Box) void {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
const layer_surface = &;
const current_state = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current;
var new_box: Box = undefined;
// Horizontal alignment
if (current_state.anchor & (@intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT) |
@intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_RIGHT)) != 0 and
current_state.desired_width == 0)
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.left);
new_box.width = bounds.width -
(current_state.margin.left + current_state.margin.right);
} else if (current_state.anchor & @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT) != 0) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.left);
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
} else if (current_state.anchor & @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_RIGHT) != 0) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, bounds.width - current_state.desired_width -
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
} else {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, bounds.width / 2 - current_state.desired_width / 2);
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
// Vertical alignment
if (current_state.anchor & (@intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP) |
@intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_BOTTOM)) != 0 and
current_state.desired_height == 0)
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32,;
new_box.height = bounds.height -
( + current_state.margin.bottom);
} else if (current_state.anchor & @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP) != 0) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32,;
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
} else if (current_state.anchor & @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_BOTTOM) != 0) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, bounds.height - current_state.desired_height -
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
} else {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, bounds.height / 2 - current_state.desired_height / 2);
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
|||| = new_box;
fn handleFrame(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This function is called every time an output is ready to display a frame,
// generally at the output's refresh rate (e.g. 60Hz).
@ -95,6 +198,9 @@ pub const Output = struct {
output.renderLayer(output.layers[c.ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BACKGROUND], &now, ox, oy);
output.renderLayer(output.layers[c.ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM], &now, ox, oy);
// The first view in the list is "on top" so iterate in reverse.
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(
@ -110,6 +216,9 @@ pub const Output = struct {
output.renderBorders(view, &now, ox, oy);
output.renderLayer(output.layers[c.ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP], &now, ox, oy);
output.renderLayer(output.layers[c.ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_OVERLAY], &now, ox, oy);
// Hardware cursors are rendered by the GPU on a separate plane, and can be
// moved around without re-rendering what's beneath them - which is more
// efficient. However, not all hardware supports hardware cursors. For this
@ -125,6 +234,74 @@ pub const Output = struct {
_ = c.wlr_output_commit(output.wlr_output);
/// Render all surfaces on the passed layer
fn renderLayer(self: Self, layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface), now: *c.struct_timespec, ox: f64, oy: f64) void {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
const layer_surface = &;
var rdata = LayerSurfaceRenderData{
.output = self.wlr_output,
.renderer = self.root.server.wlr_renderer,
.layer_surface = layer_surface,
.when = now,
.ox = ox,
.oy = oy,
/// This function is called for every layer surface and popup that needs to be rendered.
/// TODO: refactor this to reduce code duplication
fn renderLayerSurface(_surface: ?*c.wlr_surface, sx: c_int, sy: c_int, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// wlroots says this will never be null
const surface = _surface.?;
// This function is called for every surface that needs to be rendered.
const rdata = @ptrCast(*LayerSurfaceRenderData, @alignCast(@alignOf(LayerSurfaceRenderData), data));
const layer_surface = rdata.layer_surface;
const output = rdata.output;
// We first obtain a wlr_texture, which is a GPU resource. wlroots
// automatically handles negotiating these with the client. The underlying
// resource could be an opaque handle passed from the client, or the client
// could have sent a pixel buffer which we copied to the GPU, or a few other
// means. You don't have to worry about this, wlroots takes care of it.
const texture = c.wlr_surface_get_texture(surface);
if (texture == null) {
var box = c.wlr_box{
.x = @floatToInt(c_int, rdata.ox) + + sx,
.y = @floatToInt(c_int, rdata.oy) + + sy,
.width = surface.current.width,
.height = surface.current.height,
// Scale the box to the output's current scaling factor
scaleBox(&box, output.scale);
// wlr_matrix_project_box is a helper which takes a box with a desired
// x, y coordinates, width and height, and an output geometry, then
// prepares an orthographic projection and multiplies the necessary
// transforms to produce a model-view-projection matrix.
var matrix: [9]f32 = undefined;
const transform = c.wlr_output_transform_invert(surface.current.transform);
c.wlr_matrix_project_box(&matrix, &box, transform, 0.0, &output.transform_matrix);
// This takes our matrix, the texture, and an alpha, and performs the actual
// rendering on the GPU.
_ = c.wlr_render_texture_with_matrix(rdata.renderer, texture, &matrix, 1.0);
// This lets the client know that we've displayed that frame and it can
// prepare another one now if it likes.
c.wlr_surface_send_frame_done(surface, rdata.when);
fn renderView(self: Self, view: *View, now: *c.struct_timespec, ox: f64, oy: f64) void {
// If we have a stashed buffer, we are in the middle of a transaction
// and need to render that buffer until the transaction is complete.
@ -161,7 +338,7 @@ pub const Output = struct {
} else {
// Since there is no stashed buffer, we are not in the middle of
// a transaction and may simply render each toplevel surface.
var rdata = RenderData{
var rdata = ViewRenderData{
.output = self.wlr_output,
.view = view,
.renderer = self.root.server.wlr_renderer,
@ -176,11 +353,11 @@ pub const Output = struct {
/// This function is called for every toplevel and popup surface that needs to be rendered.
fn renderSurface(_surface: ?*c.wlr_surface, sx: c_int, sy: c_int, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// wlroots says this will never be null
const surface = _surface.?;
// This function is called for every surface that needs to be rendered.
const rdata = @ptrCast(*RenderData, @alignCast(@alignOf(RenderData), data));
const rdata = @ptrCast(*ViewRenderData, @alignCast(@alignOf(ViewRenderData), data));
const view = rdata.view;
const output = rdata.output;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const Log = @import("log.zig").Log;
const Output = @import("output.zig").Output;
const Server = @import("server.zig").Server;
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ pub const Root = struct {
const master_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, master_count);
const master_height_rem = layout_height % master_count;
view.pending_box = View.Box{
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + i * master_height +
if (i > 0) master_height_rem else 0),
@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ pub const Root = struct {
const slave_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, slave_count);
const slave_height_rem = layout_height % slave_count;
view.pending_box = View.Box{
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + master_column_width),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + (i - master_count) * slave_height +
if (i > master_count) slave_height_rem else 0),
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ pub const Server = struct {
wlr_renderer: *c.wlr_renderer,
wlr_xdg_shell: *c.wlr_xdg_shell,
wlr_layer_shell: *c.wlr_layer_shell_v1,
decoration_manager: DecorationManager,
root: Root,
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ pub const Server = struct {
listen_new_output: c.wl_listener,
listen_new_xdg_surface: c.wl_listener,
listen_new_layer_surface: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(self: *Self, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !void {
self.allocator = allocator;
@ -71,6 +73,9 @@ pub const Server = struct {
self.wlr_xdg_shell = c.wlr_xdg_shell_create(self.wl_display) orelse
return error.CantCreateWlrXdgShell;
self.wlr_layer_shell = c.wlr_layer_shell_v1_create(self.wl_display) orelse
return error.CantCreateWlrLayerShell;
try self.decoration_manager.init(self);
try self.root.init(self);
@ -79,12 +84,15 @@ pub const Server = struct {
try self.config.init(self.allocator);
// Register our listeners for new outputs and xdg_surfaces.
// Register listeners for events on our globals
self.listen_new_output.notify = handleNewOutput;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_new_output);
self.listen_new_xdg_surface.notify = handleNewXdgSurface;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_new_xdg_surface);
self.listen_new_layer_surface.notify = handleNewLayerSurface;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_new_layer_surface);
/// Free allocated memory and clean up
@ -137,4 +145,44 @@ pub const Server = struct {
// toplevel surfaces are tracked and managed by the root
/// This event is raised when the layer_shell recieves a new surface from a client.
fn handleNewLayerSurface(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const server = @fieldParentPtr(Server, "listen_new_layer_surface", listener.?);
const wlr_layer_surface = @ptrCast(
@alignCast(@alignOf(*c.wlr_layer_surface_v1), data),
"New layer surface: namespace {}, layer {}, anchor {}, size {}x{}, margin ({},{},{},{})",
// TODO: this is insufficent for multi output support
if (server.root.outputs.first) |node| {
const output = &;
if (wlr_layer_surface.output == null) {
wlr_layer_surface.output = output.wlr_output;
output.addLayerSurface(wlr_layer_surface) catch unreachable;
} else {
"No output available for layer surface '{}' autoassign",
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const Root = @import("root.zig").Root;
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
@ -12,13 +13,6 @@ pub const View = struct {
mapped: bool,
pub const Box = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
current_box: Box,
pending_box: ?Box,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user