fixing #3
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ fn generate(protocol_name: &str) {
let out_dir = Path::new(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/wayland/"));
let mut protocol_dir = String::from(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/protocol/"));
let protocol_file= protocol_name.replace("_", "-");
protocol_dir = protocol_dir.replace("_", "-");
let protocol = Path::new(&protocol_dir);
let mut protocol_file = protocol_name.to_string();
@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ fn main() {
if let Some(inner_value) = env.urgency.get_mut(&make) {
(*inner_value) = tags;
} else {
// println!("{}", tags);
env.urgency.insert(make.clone(), tags);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
const NULLPTR: *const c_void = 0 as *const c_void;
static mut types_null: [*const sys::common::wl_interface; 1] =
[NULLPTR as *const sys::common::wl_interface];
#[doc = "manage river status objects\n\nA global factory for objects that receive status information specific\nto river. It could be used to implement, for example, a status bar."]
pub mod zriver_status_manager_v1 {
use super::sys::client::*;
use super::sys::common::{wl_argument, wl_array, wl_interface, wl_message};
use super::{
smallvec, types_null, AnonymousObject, Argument, ArgumentType, Interface, Main, Message,
MessageDesc, MessageGroup, Object, ObjectMetadata, Proxy, NULLPTR,
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub enum Request {
#[doc = "destroy the river_status_manager object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_status_manager object any more. Objects that have been created\nthrough this instance are not affected.\n\nThis is a destructor, once sent this object cannot be used any longer."]
#[doc = "create an output status object\n\nThis creates a new river_output_status object for the given wl_output."]
GetRiverOutputStatus { output: super::wl_output::WlOutput },
#[doc = "create a seat status object\n\nThis creates a new river_seat_status object for the given wl_seat."]
GetRiverSeatStatus { seat: super::wl_seat::WlSeat },
impl super::MessageGroup for Request {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[
super::MessageDesc {
name: "destroy",
since: 1,
signature: &[],
destructor: true,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "get_river_output_status",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::NewId, super::ArgumentType::Object],
destructor: false,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "get_river_seat_status",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::NewId, super::ArgumentType::Object],
destructor: false,
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => true,
_ => false,
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 0,
Request::GetRiverOutputStatus { .. } => 1,
Request::GetRiverSeatStatus { .. } => 2,
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 1,
Request::GetRiverOutputStatus { .. } => 1,
Request::GetRiverSeatStatus { .. } => 1,
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
1 => Some(Object::from_interface::<
>(version, meta.child())),
2 => Some(Object::from_interface::<
>(version, meta.child())),
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw can not be used Client-side.")
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
match self {
Request::Destroy => Message {
sender_id: sender_id,
opcode: 0,
args: smallvec![],
Request::GetRiverOutputStatus { output } => Message {
sender_id: sender_id,
opcode: 1,
args: smallvec![Argument::NewId(0), Argument::Object(output.as_ref().id()),],
Request::GetRiverSeatStatus { seat } => Message {
sender_id: sender_id,
opcode: 2,
args: smallvec![Argument::NewId(0), Argument::Object(seat.as_ref().id()),],
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Request, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw_c can not be used Client-side.")
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
match self {
Request::Destroy => {
let mut _args_array: [wl_argument; 0] = unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() };
f(0, &mut _args_array)
Request::GetRiverOutputStatus { output } => {
let mut _args_array: [wl_argument; 2] = unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() };
_args_array[0].o = ::std::ptr::null_mut() as *mut _;
_args_array[1].o = output.as_ref().c_ptr() as *mut _;
f(1, &mut _args_array)
Request::GetRiverSeatStatus { seat } => {
let mut _args_array: [wl_argument; 2] = unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() };
_args_array[0].o = ::std::ptr::null_mut() as *mut _;
_args_array[1].o = seat.as_ref().c_ptr() as *mut _;
f(2, &mut _args_array)
pub enum Event {}
impl super::MessageGroup for Event {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[];
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {}
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {}
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {}
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match msg.opcode {
_ => Err(()),
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
panic!("Event::into_raw can not be used Client-side.")
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Event, ()> {
match opcode {
_ => return Err(()),
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
panic!("Event::as_raw_c_in can not be used Client-side.")
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ZriverStatusManagerV1(Proxy<ZriverStatusManagerV1>);
impl AsRef<Proxy<ZriverStatusManagerV1>> for ZriverStatusManagerV1 {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Proxy<Self> {
impl From<Proxy<ZriverStatusManagerV1>> for ZriverStatusManagerV1 {
fn from(value: Proxy<Self>) -> Self {
impl From<ZriverStatusManagerV1> for Proxy<ZriverStatusManagerV1> {
fn from(value: ZriverStatusManagerV1) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Debug for ZriverStatusManagerV1 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{:?}", self.0))
impl Interface for ZriverStatusManagerV1 {
type Request = Request;
type Event = Event;
const NAME: &'static str = "zriver_status_manager_v1";
const VERSION: u32 = 2;
fn c_interface() -> *const wl_interface {
unsafe { &zriver_status_manager_v1_interface }
impl ZriverStatusManagerV1 {
#[doc = "destroy the river_status_manager object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_status_manager object any more. Objects that have been created\nthrough this instance are not affected.\n\nThis is a destructor, you cannot send requests to this object any longer once this method is called."]
pub fn destroy(&self) -> () {
let msg = Request::Destroy;
self.0.send::<AnonymousObject>(msg, None);
#[doc = "create an output status object\n\nThis creates a new river_output_status object for the given wl_output."]
pub fn get_river_output_status(
output: &super::wl_output::WlOutput,
) -> Main<super::zriver_output_status_v1::ZriverOutputStatusV1> {
let msg = Request::GetRiverOutputStatus {
output: output.clone(),
self.0.send(msg, None).unwrap()
#[doc = "create a seat status object\n\nThis creates a new river_seat_status object for the given wl_seat."]
pub fn get_river_seat_status(
seat: &super::wl_seat::WlSeat,
) -> Main<super::zriver_seat_status_v1::ZriverSeatStatusV1> {
let msg = Request::GetRiverSeatStatus { seat: seat.clone() };
self.0.send(msg, None).unwrap()
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this request"]
pub const REQ_DESTROY_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this request"]
pub const REQ_GET_RIVER_OUTPUT_STATUS_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this request"]
pub const REQ_GET_RIVER_SEAT_STATUS_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
static mut zriver_status_manager_v1_requests_get_river_output_status_types:
[*const wl_interface; 2] = [
unsafe {
as *const wl_interface
unsafe { &super::wl_output::wl_output_interface as *const wl_interface },
static mut zriver_status_manager_v1_requests_get_river_seat_status_types:
[*const wl_interface; 2] = [
unsafe {
&super::zriver_seat_status_v1::zriver_seat_status_v1_interface as *const wl_interface
unsafe { &super::wl_seat::wl_seat_interface as *const wl_interface },
#[doc = r" C-representation of the messages of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_status_manager_v1_requests: [wl_message; 3] = [
wl_message {
name: b"destroy\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
wl_message {
name: b"get_river_output_status\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"no\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe {
&zriver_status_manager_v1_requests_get_river_output_status_types as *const _
wl_message {
name: b"get_river_seat_status\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"no\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe {
&zriver_status_manager_v1_requests_get_river_seat_status_types as *const _
#[doc = r" C representation of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_status_manager_v1_interface: wl_interface = wl_interface {
name: b"zriver_status_manager_v1\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
version: 2,
request_count: 3,
requests: unsafe { &zriver_status_manager_v1_requests as *const _ },
event_count: 0,
events: NULLPTR as *const wl_message,
#[doc = "track output tags and focus\n\nThis interface allows clients to receive information about the current\nwindowing state of an output."]
pub mod zriver_output_status_v1 {
use super::sys::client::*;
use super::sys::common::{wl_argument, wl_array, wl_interface, wl_message};
use super::{
smallvec, types_null, AnonymousObject, Argument, ArgumentType, Interface, Main, Message,
MessageDesc, MessageGroup, Object, ObjectMetadata, Proxy, NULLPTR,
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub enum Request {
#[doc = "destroy the river_output_status object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_output_status object any more.\n\nThis is a destructor, once sent this object cannot be used any longer."]
impl super::MessageGroup for Request {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[super::MessageDesc {
name: "destroy",
since: 1,
signature: &[],
destructor: true,
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => true,
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 0,
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 1,
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw can not be used Client-side.")
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
match self {
Request::Destroy => Message {
sender_id: sender_id,
opcode: 0,
args: smallvec![],
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Request, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw_c can not be used Client-side.")
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
match self {
Request::Destroy => {
let mut _args_array: [wl_argument; 0] = unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() };
f(0, &mut _args_array)
pub enum Event {
#[doc = "focused tags of the output\n\nSent once binding the interface and again whenever the tag focus of\nthe output changes."]
FocusedTags { tags: u32 },
#[doc = "tag state of an output's views\n\nSent once on binding the interface and again whenever the tag state\nof the output changes."]
ViewTags { tags: Vec<u8> },
#[doc = "tags of the output with an urgent view\n\nSent once on binding the interface and again whenever the set of\ntags with at least one urgent view changes.\n\nOnly available since version 2 of the interface"]
UrgentTags { tags: u32 },
impl super::MessageGroup for Event {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[
super::MessageDesc {
name: "focused_tags",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Uint],
destructor: false,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "view_tags",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Array],
destructor: false,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "urgent_tags",
since: 2,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Uint],
destructor: false,
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
_ => false,
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Event::FocusedTags { .. } => 0,
Event::ViewTags { .. } => 1,
Event::UrgentTags { .. } => 2,
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Event::FocusedTags { .. } => 1,
Event::ViewTags { .. } => 1,
Event::UrgentTags { .. } => 2,
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match msg.opcode {
0 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::FocusedTags {
tags: {
if let Some(Argument::Uint(val)) = {
} else {
return Err(());
1 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::ViewTags {
tags: {
if let Some(Argument::Array(val)) = {
} else {
return Err(());
2 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::UrgentTags {
tags: {
if let Some(Argument::Uint(val)) = {
} else {
return Err(());
_ => Err(()),
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
panic!("Event::into_raw can not be used Client-side.")
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Event, ()> {
match opcode {
0 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::FocusedTags { tags: _args[0].u })
1 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::ViewTags {
tags: {
let array = &*_args[0].a;
::std::slice::from_raw_parts( as *const u8, array.size)
2 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::UrgentTags { tags: _args[0].u })
_ => return Err(()),
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
panic!("Event::as_raw_c_in can not be used Client-side.")
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ZriverOutputStatusV1(Proxy<ZriverOutputStatusV1>);
impl AsRef<Proxy<ZriverOutputStatusV1>> for ZriverOutputStatusV1 {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Proxy<Self> {
impl From<Proxy<ZriverOutputStatusV1>> for ZriverOutputStatusV1 {
fn from(value: Proxy<Self>) -> Self {
impl From<ZriverOutputStatusV1> for Proxy<ZriverOutputStatusV1> {
fn from(value: ZriverOutputStatusV1) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Debug for ZriverOutputStatusV1 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{:?}", self.0))
impl Interface for ZriverOutputStatusV1 {
type Request = Request;
type Event = Event;
const NAME: &'static str = "zriver_output_status_v1";
const VERSION: u32 = 2;
fn c_interface() -> *const wl_interface {
unsafe { &zriver_output_status_v1_interface }
impl ZriverOutputStatusV1 {
#[doc = "destroy the river_output_status object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_output_status object any more.\n\nThis is a destructor, you cannot send requests to this object any longer once this method is called."]
pub fn destroy(&self) -> () {
let msg = Request::Destroy;
self.0.send::<AnonymousObject>(msg, None);
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this request"]
pub const REQ_DESTROY_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_FOCUSED_TAGS_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_VIEW_TAGS_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_URGENT_TAGS_SINCE: u32 = 2u32;
#[doc = r" C-representation of the messages of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_output_status_v1_requests: [wl_message; 1] = [wl_message {
name: b"destroy\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
#[doc = r" C-representation of the messages of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_output_status_v1_events: [wl_message; 3] = [
wl_message {
name: b"focused_tags\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"u\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
wl_message {
name: b"view_tags\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"a\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
wl_message {
name: b"urgent_tags\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"2u\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
#[doc = r" C representation of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_output_status_v1_interface: wl_interface = wl_interface {
name: b"zriver_output_status_v1\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
version: 2,
request_count: 1,
requests: unsafe { &zriver_output_status_v1_requests as *const _ },
event_count: 3,
events: unsafe { &zriver_output_status_v1_events as *const _ },
#[doc = "track seat focus\n\nThis interface allows clients to receive information about the current\nfocus of a seat. Note that (un)focused_output events will only be sent\nif the client has bound the relevant wl_output globals."]
pub mod zriver_seat_status_v1 {
use super::sys::client::*;
use super::sys::common::{wl_argument, wl_array, wl_interface, wl_message};
use super::{
smallvec, types_null, AnonymousObject, Argument, ArgumentType, Interface, Main, Message,
MessageDesc, MessageGroup, Object, ObjectMetadata, Proxy, NULLPTR,
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub enum Request {
#[doc = "destroy the river_seat_status object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_seat_status object any more.\n\nThis is a destructor, once sent this object cannot be used any longer."]
impl super::MessageGroup for Request {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[super::MessageDesc {
name: "destroy",
since: 1,
signature: &[],
destructor: true,
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => true,
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 0,
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Request::Destroy => 1,
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw can not be used Client-side.")
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
match self {
Request::Destroy => Message {
sender_id: sender_id,
opcode: 0,
args: smallvec![],
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Request, ()> {
panic!("Request::from_raw_c can not be used Client-side.")
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
match self {
Request::Destroy => {
let mut _args_array: [wl_argument; 0] = unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() };
f(0, &mut _args_array)
pub enum Event {
#[doc = "the seat focused an output\n\nSent on binding the interface and again whenever an output gains focus."]
FocusedOutput { output: super::wl_output::WlOutput },
#[doc = "the seat unfocused an output\n\nSent whenever an output loses focus."]
UnfocusedOutput { output: super::wl_output::WlOutput },
#[doc = "information on the focused view\n\nSent once on binding the interface and again whenever the focused\nview or a property thereof changes. The title may be an empty string\nif no view is focused or the focused view did not set a title."]
FocusedView { title: String },
impl super::MessageGroup for Event {
const MESSAGES: &'static [super::MessageDesc] = &[
super::MessageDesc {
name: "focused_output",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Object],
destructor: false,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "unfocused_output",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Object],
destructor: false,
super::MessageDesc {
name: "focused_view",
since: 1,
signature: &[super::ArgumentType::Str],
destructor: false,
type Map = super::ProxyMap;
fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
_ => false,
fn opcode(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Event::FocusedOutput { .. } => 0,
Event::UnfocusedOutput { .. } => 1,
Event::FocusedView { .. } => 2,
fn since(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Event::FocusedOutput { .. } => 1,
Event::UnfocusedOutput { .. } => 1,
Event::FocusedView { .. } => 1,
fn child<Meta: ObjectMetadata>(
opcode: u16,
version: u32,
meta: &Meta,
) -> Option<Object<Meta>> {
match opcode {
_ => None,
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match msg.opcode {
0 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::FocusedOutput {
output: {
if let Some(Argument::Object(val)) = {
} else {
return Err(());
1 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::UnfocusedOutput {
output: {
if let Some(Argument::Object(val)) = {
} else {
return Err(());
2 => {
let mut args = msg.args.into_iter();
Ok(Event::FocusedView {
title: {
if let Some(Argument::Str(val)) = {
let s = String::from_utf8(val.into_bytes()).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
} else {
return Err(());
_ => Err(()),
fn into_raw(self, sender_id: u32) -> Message {
panic!("Event::into_raw can not be used Client-side.")
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument,
) -> Result<Event, ()> {
match opcode {
0 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::FocusedOutput {
output: Proxy::<super::wl_output::WlOutput>::from_c_ptr(
_args[0].o as *mut _,
1 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::UnfocusedOutput {
output: Proxy::<super::wl_output::WlOutput>::from_c_ptr(
_args[0].o as *mut _,
2 => {
let _args = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, 1);
Ok(Event::FocusedView {
title: ::std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(_args[0].s)
_ => return Err(()),
fn as_raw_c_in<F, T>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(u32, &mut [wl_argument]) -> T,
panic!("Event::as_raw_c_in can not be used Client-side.")
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ZriverSeatStatusV1(Proxy<ZriverSeatStatusV1>);
impl AsRef<Proxy<ZriverSeatStatusV1>> for ZriverSeatStatusV1 {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Proxy<Self> {
impl From<Proxy<ZriverSeatStatusV1>> for ZriverSeatStatusV1 {
fn from(value: Proxy<Self>) -> Self {
impl From<ZriverSeatStatusV1> for Proxy<ZriverSeatStatusV1> {
fn from(value: ZriverSeatStatusV1) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Debug for ZriverSeatStatusV1 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{:?}", self.0))
impl Interface for ZriverSeatStatusV1 {
type Request = Request;
type Event = Event;
const NAME: &'static str = "zriver_seat_status_v1";
const VERSION: u32 = 1;
fn c_interface() -> *const wl_interface {
unsafe { &zriver_seat_status_v1_interface }
impl ZriverSeatStatusV1 {
#[doc = "destroy the river_seat_status object\n\nThis request indicates that the client will not use the\nriver_seat_status object any more.\n\nThis is a destructor, you cannot send requests to this object any longer once this method is called."]
pub fn destroy(&self) -> () {
let msg = Request::Destroy;
self.0.send::<AnonymousObject>(msg, None);
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this request"]
pub const REQ_DESTROY_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_FOCUSED_OUTPUT_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_UNFOCUSED_OUTPUT_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" The minimal object version supporting this event"]
pub const EVT_FOCUSED_VIEW_SINCE: u32 = 1u32;
#[doc = r" C-representation of the messages of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_seat_status_v1_requests: [wl_message; 1] = [wl_message {
name: b"destroy\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
static mut zriver_seat_status_v1_events_focused_output_types: [*const wl_interface; 1] =
[unsafe { &super::wl_output::wl_output_interface as *const wl_interface }];
static mut zriver_seat_status_v1_events_unfocused_output_types: [*const wl_interface; 1] =
[unsafe { &super::wl_output::wl_output_interface as *const wl_interface }];
#[doc = r" C-representation of the messages of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_seat_status_v1_events: [wl_message; 3] = [
wl_message {
name: b"focused_output\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"o\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &zriver_seat_status_v1_events_focused_output_types as *const _ },
wl_message {
name: b"unfocused_output\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"o\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &zriver_seat_status_v1_events_unfocused_output_types as *const _ },
wl_message {
name: b"focused_view\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
signature: b"s\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
types: unsafe { &types_null as *const _ },
#[doc = r" C representation of this interface, for interop"]
pub static mut zriver_seat_status_v1_interface: wl_interface = wl_interface {
name: b"zriver_seat_status_v1\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char,
version: 1,
request_count: 1,
requests: unsafe { &zriver_seat_status_v1_requests as *const _ },
event_count: 3,
events: unsafe { &zriver_seat_status_v1_events as *const _ },
Reference in New Issue
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