A bunch of changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,42 +1,38 @@
;;; khard.el --- Emacs integration with khard
;;; khard.el --- Emacs integration with khard -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'with-editor)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'message)
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist '(" \\*khard output\\*" . (display-buffer-no-window)))
(defcustom khard-executable "khard"
"The executable to use to run khard."
:group 'khard
:type 'string)
(defvar-local khard--contacts-cache ()
"List of contacts used while completing at point.
This exists so that Emacs doesn't slow down while running
`completion-at-point-functions'. This is local to each buffer.")
(defun khard--build-list-entry-detail (&rest items)
"Build a detail in the format \" (ITEMS)\", or an empty string."
(let ((clean-items (remove "" items)))
(if (not (seq-empty-p clean-items))
(format " (%s)"
(string-join clean-items ", "))
(if clean-items
(format " (%s)" (string-join clean-items ", "))
(defun khard--remove-leading-label (field)
"Remove a leading \"name: \" from FIELD."
(if-let (index (string-search ":" field))
(substring field (+ index 2))
(defun khard--build-uid-email-phone-list ()
"Build a list in the format (info . uid)."
(let ((lines (process-lines "khard"
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(let* ((fields (split-string line "\t"))
(uid (car fields))
(name (cadr fields))
(email (khard--remove-leading-label (caddr fields)))
(phone (khard--remove-leading-label (cadddr fields))))
(cons (format "%s%s"
(khard--build-list-entry-detail email phone uid))
(cl-loop for line in
(process-lines "khard" "ls"
"--parsable" "--fields=uid,name,email,phone")
for (uid name email phone) = (split-string line "\t")
(cons (format "%s%s" name
(khard--build-list-entry-detail email phone uid))
(defun khard--prompt-contact (&optional prompt)
"Prompt user for a contact, optionally make the prompt text PROMPT."
@ -48,69 +44,69 @@
"Process sentinel for kahrd commands.
For info on PROC and STATUS, see `set-process-sentinel'."
(when (memq (process-status proc) '(exit signal))
(shell-command-set-point-after-cmd (process-buffer proc))
(message "khard: %s." (substring status 0 -1))))
(cl-defun khard--run-khard (args &key filter)
"Run khard with ARGS.
FILTER is a process filter to install on the child process."
(let ((process-environment process-environment))
(setenv "EDITOR" with-editor-sleeping-editor)
:name (concat "khard" (car args))
:command (apply 'list khard-executable args)
:buffer nil
:filter filter
:sentinel 'khard--process-sentinel)))
(defun khard-delete (contact no-confirm)
"Delete CONTACT, which is of the form (name . uid).
When called interactively, prompt the user.
If NO-CONFIRM is nil, do not ask the user."
(interactive (list (khard--prompt-contact "Delete Contact ") nil))
(when (or no-confirm (yes-or-no-p (format "Really delete \"%s\"? "
(car-safe contact))))
(make-process :name "khard delete"
`("khard" "delete" "--force"
,(format "uid:%s" (cdr-safe contact)))
:buffer " *khard output*"
:sentinel #'khard--process-sentinel)))
(car contact))))
(khard--run-khard (list "delete" "--force"
(format "uid:%s" (cdr contact))))))
(defun khard--prompt-address-book ()
"Prompt for an address book."
(completing-read "Address Book " (process-lines "khard" "abooks")))
(defun khard--new-process-filter (proc str)
"Process filter for `khard-new'.
"Process filter for `khard-new' and `khard-edit'.
PROC and STR are described in `set-process-filter'."
(let ((lines (string-split str "\n"))
(error-msg nil))
(errors nil))
(dolist (line lines)
(if (equal
"Do you want to open the editor again? (y/N) "
(if (y-or-n-p (format "%sReopen the editor? "
(or error-msg
"Unknown error")))
(process-send-string proc "y\n")
(process-send-string proc "n\n"))
(setq error-msg (concat error-msg "\n" line)))))
((string-prefix-p "Do you want to open the editor again? " line)
(if (y-or-n-p (format "%sReopen the editor? "
((null errors)
((length= errors 1)
(concat (cl-first errors) ". "))
(concat (string-join errors "\n") "\n")))))
(process-send-string proc "y\n")
(process-send-string proc "n\n")))
((string-match (rx bos "Error: " (group (+ any)) eol) line)
(push (match-string 1 line) errors)))))
(with-editor-process-filter proc str t))
(defun khard-new (abook)
"Create a new card and open it in an new buffer to edit.
When called interactively, prompt for ABOOK."
(interactive (list (khard--prompt-address-book)))
(when abook
(let ((error-msg nil))
(make-process :name "khard new"
`("env" ,(concat "EDITOR=" with-editor-sleeping-editor)
"khard" "new" "--edit" "-a" ,abook)
:buffer " *khard output*"
:filter #'khard--new-process-filter
:sentinel #'khard--process-sentinel))))
(khard--run-khard (list "new" "--edit" "-a" abook)
:filter 'khard--new-process-filter))
(defun khard-edit (uid)
"Edit the contact with UID.
When called interactively, prompt the user."
(interactive (list (cdr-safe (khard--prompt-contact "Edit Contact "))))
(make-process :name "khard edit"
`("env" ,(concat "EDITOR=" with-editor-sleeping-editor)
"khard" "edit" "--edit" ,(format "uid:%s" uid))
:buffer " *khard output*"
:filter #'khard--new-process-filter
:sentinel #'khard--process-sentinel))
(khard--run-khard (list "edit" "--edit" (format "uid:%s" uid))
:filter 'khard--new-process-filter))
(defun khard--parse-email-list (list-str)
"Parse LIST-STR, a python dictionary and array string of emails."
@ -133,7 +129,7 @@ When called interactively, prompt the user."
((= char ?\\)
(setq backslash t))
((= char ?')
(add-to-list 'output cur-str)
(push cur-str output)
(setq cur-str ""
in-quote nil))
@ -148,27 +144,65 @@ When called interactively, prompt the user."
(defun khard--make-email-contacts-list ()
"Make a list of email contacts from khard."
(let ((lines (process-lines "khard"
(let ((lines (process-lines "khard" "ls"
"--parsable" "--fields=name,emails"))
(output nil))
(dolist (line lines)
(let* ((fields (split-string line "\t"))
(name (car fields))
(email-list (cadr fields)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (name email-list)
(split-string line "\t")
(dolist (email (khard--parse-email-list email-list))
(add-to-list 'output (format "%s <%s>"
(push (format "%s <%s>"
(seq-uniq output)))
(defun khard--contacts-cache (&optional force)
"Return the contacts cache, building it if nessesary.
With FORCE, rebuild the cache no matter what."
(when (or force (not khard--contacts-cache))
(setq-local khard--contacts-cache (khard--make-email-contacts-list)))
(defun khard-insert-email-contact ()
"Use `completing-read' to prompt for and insert a khard contact."
(if-let (contact (completing-read "Insert Contact "
(khard--contacts-cache t)))
(insert contact)))
(defun khard--message-in-header-p (name &optional testfn)
"If in field NAME, return the start of the header, otherwise, return nil.
The name is compared with the field name using TESTFN (defaults to `equal')."
(when (and (message-point-in-header-p)
(message-beginning-of-header t))
(when (and (looking-at (rx bol (group (+? any)) ":" (? " ")))
(funcall (or testfn 'equal) (match-string 1) name))
(match-end 0)))))
(defun khard-message-mode-capf ()
"Completion at point function for khard contacts in message mode."
(when-let ((field-start (khard--message-in-header-p "To")))
(let ((end (point)))
(re-search-backward (rx (any "\n" "," ":") (* whitespace))
field-start t)
(list (match-end 0) end (khard--contacts-cache))))))
(defun khard-refresh-contact-cache (all-buffers &optional no-refresh)
"Refresh the khard contact cache.
When ALL-BUFFERS is non-nil, as it is with a prefix argument, refresh the cache
of all buffers. With NO-REFRESH, don't refresh the cache, just clear it."
(interactive "P")
(let ((new-cache (and (not no-refresh) (khard--make-email-contacts-list))))
(if all-buffers
(cl-loop for buf being the buffers do
(setf (buffer-local-value 'khard--contacts-cache buf)
(setq-local khard--contacts-cache new-cache))))
(provide 'khard)
;;; khard.el ends here
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
;; use-package
(require 'use-package)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t
package-user-dir "~/.emacs.d/var/elpa")
(require 'use-package))
package-user-dir "~/.emacs.d/var/elpa"))
;; no-littering
(use-package no-littering
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
(use-package emacs
:hook (;;(emacs-lisp-mode . my/-emacs-lisp-mode-setup-evil-lookup)
;;(prog-mode . electric-pair-local-mode)
((text-mode message-mode tex-mode prog-mode) . auto-fill-mode)
((text-mode message-mode tex-mode prog-mode) . my/-enable-show-trailing-whitespace))
((text-mode tex-mode prog-mode) . auto-fill-mode)
((text-mode tex-mode prog-mode) . my/-enable-show-trailing-whitespace))
(defun my/-enable-show-trailing-whitespace ()
(setq-local show-trailing-whitespace t))
@ -435,14 +435,14 @@ directory. Otherwise, run `find-file' on that file."
:map evil-cleverparens-mode-map
("C-c o" . evil-cp-open-below-form))
(evil-cleverparens-use-s-and-S nil)
(eldoc-add-command 'paredit-RET
(evil-cleverparens-use-s-and-S nil)
(define-key evil-cleverparens-mode-map (kbd "<normal-state> M-o") nil t)
(defun my/-enable-evil-cleverparens ()
(if (member major-mode '(lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode
@ -712,7 +712,8 @@ visual states."
;; Only run this if we are not in `TeX-mode'
(unless (bound-and-true-p TeX-mode-p)
(setq-local completion-at-point-functions
'(cape-dict cape-dabbrev)
(nconc completion-at-point-functions '(cape-dict
corfu-auto nil))))
;; xref
@ -1734,13 +1735,27 @@ If no name is given, list all bookmarks instead."
;; khard contacts
(require 'khard)
;; This is also in khard (see above), it's just also here so that if I remove
;; that file ever, other things will not break.
(defun my/message-in-header-p (name &optional testfn)
"If in field NAME, return the start of the header, otherwise, return nil.
The name is compared with the field name using TESTFN (defaults to `equal')."
(when (and (message-point-in-header-p)
(message-beginning-of-header t))
(when (and (looking-at (rx bol (group (+? any)) ":" (? " ")))
(funcall (or testfn 'equal) (match-string 1) name))
(match-end 0)))))
;; mu4e
(use-package mu4e
:ensure nil
:defer nil
:hook ((mu4e-index-updated . my/-mu4e-enable-index-messages)
(mu4e-main-mode . my/-mu4e-setup-main-mode)
(mu4e-view-mode . my/-mu4e-setup-view-mode))
(mu4e-view-mode . my/-mu4e-setup-view-mode)
(mu4e-compose-mode . my/-mu4e-setup-compose-mode))
:bind (("C-x C-m" . mu4e)
("C-x m" . mu4e-compose-new)
:map message-mode-map
@ -1779,6 +1794,22 @@ If no name is given, list all bookmarks instead."
(defun my/-mu4e-enable-autocomplete-in-header ()
;; corfu auto must be t (not the integer returned by
;; `my/message-in-header-p'
(setq-local corfu-auto (and (not (window-minibuffer-p))
(my/message-in-header-p "To")
(defun my/-mu4e-setup-compose-mode ()
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'my/-mu4e-enable-autocomplete-in-header
nil t)
(make-local-variable 'completion-at-point-functions)
(cape-capf-super #'mu4e-complete-contact #'khard-message-mode-capf)))
(defun my/-mu4e-fix-cycle-threshold ()
(setq-local completion-cycle-threshold nil))
(advice-add 'mu4e--compose-setup-completion :after
(setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t
message-send-mail-function 'sendmail-send-it
mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user