Remove ros2 stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
;;; arch-ros2.el --- Activate and deactivate ROS2 dev environment on ArchLinux -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defcustom arch-ros2-root "/opt/ros/humble/"
"Root directory of the ROS2 install."
:type 'directory
:group 'arch-ros2)
(defcustom arch-ros2-distro "humble"
"Version name of ROS2."
:type 'string
:group 'arch-ros2)
(defcustom arch-ros2-version 2
"Version number of ROS2 (probably 2)."
:type 'integer
:group 'arch-ros2)
(defcustom arch-ros2-python-version "3.13"
"Python version of ROS2."
:type 'string
:group 'arch-ros2)
(defvar arch-ros2-active nil
"Weather of not the ROS2 development environment is active.")
(defconst arch-ros2-mode-line-format `(arch-ros2-active
,(propertize "[ROS2]"
'face 'mode-line-emphasis))
"Mode line element for ROS2.")
(defvar arch-ros2--saved-env-vars (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hash table of saved environment variables.
The key of each entry is the variable name. The value is a cons. The car is
either the symbol \\='value or \\='files. If it is \\='value, the cons is a
list of the old value and the value we installed. If the cdr is \\='files, the
value is a list of files to be removed from the variable.")
(defun arch-ros2--set-env-var (var value)
"Set the environment variable VAR to VALUE, saving its old value."
(puthash var (list 'value (getenv var) value) arch-ros2--saved-env-vars)
(setenv var value))
(defun arch-ros2--add-file-to-var (var &rest values)
"Add each of VALUES to the file list environment variable VAR.
This will prepend the values to VAR."
(let* ((cur-val (split-string (or (getenv var) "") ":" t))
(dolist (value values)
(unless (cl-find value cur-val :test 'equal)
(push value to-set)))
(let ((cache (gethash var arch-ros2--saved-env-vars)))
(puthash var (cons 'files (seq-uniq (append to-set (cdr cache))))
(setenv var (string-join (append to-set cur-val) ":"))))
(defun arch-ros2--add-to-path (&rest values)
"Add each of VALUES to the variable `exec-path'."
(let ((to-check (butlast exec-path))
(did-add nil))
(dolist (value values)
(unless (cl-find value to-check :test 'equal)
(push value exec-path)
(push value did-add)))
(puthash 'exec-path (append did-add
(gethash 'exec-path arch-ros2--saved-env-vars))
(defun arch-ros2--restore-env-var (var)
"Restore the value of VAR set with `arch-ros2--set-env-var'."
(let ((entry (gethash var arch-ros2--saved-env-vars)))
(cl-case (car entry)
(cl-destructuring-bind (&optional old-val our-val) (cdr entry)
;; don't restore values that have been changed
(when (equal our-val (getenv var))
(setenv var old-val))))
(when-let ((cur-val (getenv var))
(parts (split-string cur-val ":" t)))
(setenv var (string-join (seq-difference parts (cdr entry)) ":")))))
(remhash var arch-ros2--saved-env-vars)))
(defmacro arch-ros2-with-modify-global-env (&rest body)
"Execute BODY, modifying the default toplevel `process-environment'."
`(let ((process-environment (default-toplevel-value 'process-environment)))
(progn ,@body)
(set-default-toplevel-value 'process-environment process-environment))))
(defun arch-ros2-activate ()
"Activate a ROS2 development environment."
(setq arch-ros2-active t)
(add-to-list 'mode-line-misc-info arch-ros2-mode-line-format)
(arch-ros2--add-to-path "/opt/ros/humble/bin/")
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "AMENT_PREFIX_PATH" arch-ros2-root)
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH" arch-ros2-root)
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "COLCON_PREFIX_PATH" arch-ros2-root)
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "ROS_DISTRO" arch-ros2-distro)
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY" "0")
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "ROS_PYTHON_VERSION"
(car (split-string arch-ros2-python-version "\\.")))
(arch-ros2--set-env-var "ROS_VERSION"
(number-to-string arch-ros2-version))
(expand-file-name "opt/rviz_ogre_vendor/lib"
(expand-file-name "lib"
"PKG_CONFIG_PATH" (expand-file-name "lib/pkgconfig" arch-ros2-root))
(let ((python-dir (expand-file-name
(concat "lib/python" arch-ros2-python-version)
(arch-ros2--add-file-to-var "PYTHONPATH"
(expand-file-name "dist-packages" python-dir)
(expand-file-name "site-packages" python-dir)))))
(defun arch-ros2-deactivate ()
"Deactivate the ROS2 development environment."
(setq arch-ros2-active nil
mode-line-misc-info (cl-remove arch-ros2-mode-line-format
:test 'equal))
(maphash (lambda (k v)
((stringp k)
(arch-ros2--restore-env-var k))
((eq k 'exec-path)
(setq exec-path (seq-difference exec-path v))
(remhash 'exec-path arch-ros2--saved-env-vars))))
(provide 'arch-ros2)
;;; arch-ros2.el ends here
Reference in New Issue
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