Change back to eshell for remote connections

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Rosenberg 2025-02-17 21:46:40 -08:00
parent b1d77b0f5d
commit dabf480e7d
Signed by: Zander671
GPG Key ID: 5FD0394ADBD72730

@ -1526,6 +1526,7 @@ With PROJECT, give diagnostics for all buffers in the current project."
;; project.el
(use-package project
:bind (([remap project-compile] . my/project-compile-or-default)
("C-c v" . my/project-eshell-or-default)
:map project-prefix-map
("s" . my/project-eshell)
("u" . my/project-run))
@ -2668,16 +2669,15 @@ If no name is given, list all bookmarks instead."
(set-face-attribute 'eshell-starship-icon-face nil
:family "FiraCode Nerd Font"))
(defun my/open-shell-dwim (&optional arg)
(defun my/open-eshell-unless-remote (&optional arg)
"Open either an Eshell or eat terminal based on `default-directory'.
If `default-directory' is remote, call `my/project-eat-or-default'. Otherwise,
call `my/project-eshell-or-default'. ARG is the same as for either of the above
functions (only eshell uses it at the time of writing)."
(interactive "P")
(if (my/-eshell-really-remote-p)
(my/project-eat-or-default arg)
(my/project-eshell-or-default arg)))
(keymap-global-set "C-c v" #'my/open-shell-dwim)
;; proced
(use-package proced