Continue working on the project in general
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
(in-package :cl-quantum/circuit)
(defun circuit-matrix-operation (state operator &rest args)
(let ((matrix (case operator
(:* identity-2x2)
(:x pauli-x-gate)
(:y pauli-y-gate)
(:z pauli-z-gate)
(:h hadamard-gate)
(:p phase-gate)
(:t pi/8-gate)
(:cnot pauli-x-gate)
(:cz pauli-z-gate))))
(destructuring-bind (target &optional control) args
(if control
(napply-controlled-operator state matrix target control)
(napply-operator state matrix target)))))
(defparameter *circuit-operators*
;; Operator, # args, has output?, function
;; The output is always the last argument
`((:* 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:x 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:y 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:z 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:h 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:p 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:t 1 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:cnot 2 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:cz 2 nil circuit-matrix-operation)
(:measure 2 t ,(lambda (state operator &rest args)
(declare (ignorable operator))
(nmeasure state (car args))))))
(defun make-circuit ()
"Create a new blank circuit."
(defun add-to-circuit (circuit operator &rest args)
(let ((entry (assoc operator *circuit-operators*))
(largest-arg (apply 'max (remove-if-not 'integerp args))))
(unless entry
(error "Unknown circuit operator: ~s" operator))
(destructuring-bind (name arg-count &rest r) entry
(declare (ignorable name r))
(unless (= arg-count (length args))
(error "Operator ~s expects ~s args, got ~s" operator
arg-count (length args)))
(when (> (1+ largest-arg) (car circuit))
(setf (car circuit) (1+ largest-arg)))
(nconc circuit (list (cons operator args))))
(defmacro with-circuit (&body body)
"Create a circuit using a simple DSL. BODY can be any valid Lisp forms, in
addition to function calls to functions named in `*circuit-operators*'."
(let ((circuit-var (gensym))
(size-var (gensym))
(ao-func (gensym))
(ao-entry-var (gensym))
(ao-i-var (gensym)))
`(let ((,circuit-var)
(,size-var 0))
(flet ((,ao-func (,ao-entry-var)
(dolist (,ao-i-var ,ao-entry-var)
(when (and (integerp ,ao-i-var)
(< ,size-var ,ao-i-var))
(setq ,size-var ,ao-i-var)))
(push ,ao-entry-var ,circuit-var)))
(,@(mapcar (lambda (oper)
(let ((arg (gensym)))
`(,(car oper) (&rest ,arg)
(assert (= (length ,arg) ,(second oper))
"~s expects ~s arguments, got ~s"
,(car oper) ,(second oper) (length ,arg))
`(,',ao-func (list ,',(car oper) ,@,arg)))))
(cons (1+ ,size-var) (nreverse ,circuit-var)))))
(defun apply-circuit-operator-to-state (state operator args)
"Apply the circuit operator OPERATOR to STATE by calling its function with
(destructuring-bind (&optional name arg-count has-output function)
(assoc operator *circuit-operators*)
(declare (ignorable name arg-count))
(assert function ()
"Invalid circuit operator: ~s" operator)
(let ((output (apply function state operator args)))
(when has-output
(cons (car (last args)) output)))))
(defun run-circuit (circuit &key bits coefficients probabilities)
"Run the circuit CIRCUIT and return the final state. The initial state can be
specified in one of three ways:
- BITS: the number of qbits
- COEFFICIENTS: the initial coefficients
- PROBABILITES: the initial probabilities"
(assert (= 1 (count-if 'identity (list bits coefficients probabilities)))
"Exactly one of BITS, COEFFICIENTS, and PROBABILITIES can be present")
(let ((state (cond
(bits (make-uniform-normal-state bits))
(coefficients (coerce coefficients 'vector))
(probabilities (make-normal-state probabilities)))))
(destructuring-bind (circuit-size &rest elements) circuit
(when (> circuit-size (state-bits state))
(error "Circuit needs at least ~s bits, got ~s" circuit-size
(state-bits state)))
(loop for element in elements
for name = (car element)
for args = (cdr element)
for result = (apply-circuit-operator-to-state state name args)
when result
collect result)))))
(let ((circuit
(:h 0)
(:cnot 0 1)
(:measure 0 :v1))))
(run-circuit circuit :bits 2))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(in-package :cl-quantum)
(in-package :cl-quantum/math)
(defmacro domatrix ((var matrix &optional retval) &body body)
"Execute BODY for with VAR bound once for each element in MATRIX, then
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ VALUE, the ROW, and the COLUMN."
(setf (aref new-mat row col) (funcall function elem row col)))))
;; Matrix subroutines
(defun mat-minor (mat i j)
(defun minor (mat i j)
"Find the minor of MAT for I and J."
(destructuring-bind (height width)
(array-dimensions mat)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ VALUE, the ROW, and the COLUMN."
(defun cofactor (mat i j)
"Find the cofactor for I and J in MAT."
(* (cofactor-sgn i j) (det (mat-minor mat i j))))
(* (cofactor-sgn i j) (det (minor mat i j))))
(defun first-column-cofactors (mat)
"Find the cofactors for the first column of MAT."
@ -375,8 +375,27 @@ not destructive."
(defun round-to-place (num places &key (base 10))
"Round NUM to PLACES places in BASE."
(let ((scale (expt base places)))
(/ (floor (+ (* num scale) 1/2)) scale)))
(if (complexp num)
(let ((real (round-to-place (realpart num) places :base base))
(imag (round-to-place (imagpart num) places :base base)))
(if (zerop imag)
(complex real imag)))
(let ((scale (expt base places)))
(float (/ (floor (+ (* num scale) 1/2)) scale)))))
(defun round-vector (vec places)
"Round each entry in VEC to PLACES."
(map 'vector (lambda (elt)
(round-to-place elt places))
(defun round-matrix (mat places)
"Round each entry in MAT to PLACES."
(mapmatrix (lambda (val row col)
(declare (ignorable row col))
(round-to-place val places))
(defun count-digits (num &key (base 10))
"Count the number of digits in NUM. If NUM is zero, return 1. If NUM is
@ -388,80 +407,53 @@ negative, return the number of digits in its absolute value."
(defun build-float (int dec)
"Create a float with integer part INT and decimal part DEC."
(* (signum int) (+ (abs int) (/ dec (expt 10 (count-digits dec))))))
(* (if (zerop int) 1 (signum int))
(+ (abs int) (/ dec (expt 10 (count-digits dec))))))
(defconstant +parse-real-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-real'.")
(defun mexp (mat &key (times 100))
"Calculate exp(MAT) using a Taylor series. The calculation is performed TIMES
(assert (squarep mat)
"Matrix must be square: ~s" mat)
(loop for i from 0 to times
for numer = (make-identity-matrix (array-dimension mat 0))
then (*mm numer mat)
for denom = 1 then (* denom i)
for res = (/ms numer denom) then (+mm res (/ms numer denom))
finally (return res)))
(defun parse-real (string &key (start 0) end junk-allowed)
"Parse STRING into a real. Parsing starts at START and ends at END. If end is
nil, the end of the string is used. If JUNK-ALLOWED is non-nil, don't signal an
error if an unexpected character is encountered. Two values are returned, the
first being the value parsed and the second being the index at which parsing
stopped. That is, the index of the first un-parsed character."
(ppcre:register-groups-bind (whole main denom decim exp)
(+parse-real-regexp+ string :start start :end end :sharedp t)
(unless (or junk-allowed
(= (length whole) (- (or end (length string)) start)))
(error "Malformed number: ~s" (subseq string start end)))
(let ((num
(/ (parse-integer main)
(parse-integer denom)))
((/= (length decim) 0)
(build-float (parse-integer main)
(parse-integer decim)))
(parse-integer main)))))
(list (if exp
(* num (expt 10 (parse-integer exp)))
(length whole))))
(if junk-allowed
(list 0 0)
(error "Malformed number: ~s" (subseq string start end))))))
(defun wholep (num)
"Return non-nil if NUM is a whole number."
(or (integerp num)
(and (zerop (imagpart num)) ;; a complex number is not whole
(zerop (second (multiple-value-list (floor (realpart num))))))))
(defconstant +parse-complex-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-complex'.")
(defun mexpt (mat power)
"Calculate MAT to the POWERth power. POWER must be an integer."
(assert (wholep power)
"Not a whole number: ~s" power)
(let ((acc (make-identity-matrix (array-dimension mat 0))))
(dotimes (i (floor power) acc)
(setq acc (*mm acc mat)))))
(defun parse-complex (string &key (start 0) end junk-allowed)
"Parse STRING into a complex number. Parsing starts at START and ends at
END. If end is nil, the end of the string is used. If JUNK-ALLOWED is non-nil,
don't signal an error if an unexpected character is encountered. Two values are
returned, the first being the value parsed and the second being the index at
which parsing stopped. That is, the index of the first un-parsed character."
(unless end (setq end (length string)))
(loop for pos = start then (+ pos (length whole))
for (whole matches) = (multiple-value-list
(ppcre:scan-to-strings +parse-complex-regexp+
:start pos
:end end))
for times below 2
while whole
for coef = (cond
((aref matches 2)
(parse-real (concatenate 'string (aref matches 1)
(aref matches 2))))
((aref matches 3)
(if (equal (aref matches 1) "-") -1 1))
(t 0))
for sign = (if (equal (aref matches 0) "-") -1 1)
when (aref matches 3)
summing (complex 0 (* sign coef)) into num
summing (* sign coef) into num
(if (and (not junk-allowed)
(< pos end))
(error "Junk in string: ~s" (subseq string start end))
(return (values num pos)))))
(defun matrix= (m1 m2)
"Return non-nil if each element of M1 and M2 are equal."
(and (= (array-rank m1) (array-rank m2))
(loop for d1 in (array-dimensions m1)
for d2 in (array-dimensions m2)
unless (= d1 d2)
do (return nil)
finally (return t))
(domatrix ((row col) m1 t)
(unless (= (aref m1 row col)
(aref m2 row col))
(return-from matrix=)))))
(defun vector= (v1 v2)
"Return non-nil if each element of V1 and V2 are equal."
(and (= (length v1) (length v2))
(dotimes (i (length v1) t)
(unless (= (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i))
(return-from vector=)))))
@ -1,2 +1,84 @@
(defpackage :cl-quantum
(:use :cl))
(defpackage :cl-quantum/math
(:use :cl)
(:export #:domatrix
(defpackage :cl-quantum/state
(:use :cl :cl-quantum/math)
(:export #:normal-state-p
(defpackage :cl-quantum/circuit
(:use :cl :cl-quantum/math :cl-quantum/state)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
(defpackage :cl-quantum/parse
(:use :cl :cl-quantum)
(:export #:parse-real
(in-package :cl-quantum/parse)
(defconstant +parse-real-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-real'.")
(defun parse-real (string &key (start 0) end junk-allowed)
"Parse STRING into a real. Parsing starts at START and ends at END. If end is
nil, the end of the string is used. If JUNK-ALLOWED is non-nil, don't signal an
error if an unexpected character is encountered. Two values are returned, the
first being the value parsed and the second being the index at which parsing
stopped. That is, the index of the first un-parsed character."
(ppcre:register-groups-bind (whole main denom decim exp)
(+parse-real-regexp+ string :start start :end end :sharedp t)
(unless (or junk-allowed
(= (length whole) (- (or end (length string)) start)))
(error "Malformed number: ~s" (subseq string start end)))
(let ((num
(/ (parse-integer main)
(parse-integer denom)))
((/= (length decim) 0)
(build-float (parse-integer main)
(parse-integer decim)))
(parse-integer main)))))
(list (if exp
(* num (expt 10 (parse-integer exp)))
(length whole))))
(if junk-allowed
(list 0 0)
(error "Malformed number: ~s" (subseq string start end))))))
(defconstant +parse-complex-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-complex'.")
(defun parse-complex (string &key (start 0) end junk-allowed)
"Parse STRING into a complex number. Parsing starts at START and ends at
END. If end is nil, the end of the string is used. If JUNK-ALLOWED is non-nil,
don't signal an error if an unexpected character is encountered. Two values are
returned, the first being the value parsed and the second being the index at
which parsing stopped. That is, the index of the first un-parsed character."
(unless end (setq end (length string)))
(loop for pos = start then (+ pos (length whole))
for (whole matches) = (multiple-value-list
(ppcre:scan-to-strings +parse-complex-regexp+
:start pos
:end end))
for times below 2
while whole
for coef = (cond
((aref matches 2)
(parse-real (concatenate 'string (aref matches 1)
(aref matches 2))))
((aref matches 3)
(if (equal (aref matches 1) "-") -1 1))
(t 0))
for sign = (if (equal (aref matches 0) "-") -1 1)
when (aref matches 3)
summing (complex 0 (* sign coef)) into num
summing (* sign coef) into num
(if (and (not junk-allowed)
(< pos end))
(error "Junk in string: ~s" (subseq string start end))
(return (values num pos)))))
(defconstant +parse-state-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-state'.")
(defun parse-bits-state (state)
"A `parse-state' parser that parses its state as a binary string."
(parse-integer state :radix 2))
(defun parse-state (str &key (parser 'parse-integer))
"Try to parse STR into a quantum state. PARSER should be a function of one
argument that will take the string inside each ket and return the index of the
(loop for start = 0 then (+ start (length whole))
for (whole matches) = (multiple-value-list
(ppcre:scan-to-strings +parse-state-regexp+
:sharedp t
:start start))
while whole
for coef = (if (zerop (length (aref matches 2)))
(parse-complex (aref matches 2)))
for index = (funcall parser (aref matches 4))
unless (eq (not (aref matches 1))
(not (aref matches 3)))
do (error "Mismatches parenthesis: ~s" whole)
when (and (complexp coef)
(not (aref matches 1)))
do (error "Coefficient without matching state: ~s" whole)
collect (if (equal (aref matches 0) "-")
(* -1 coef)
into coefs
collect index into indecies
maximizing (1+ index) into state-size
(let ((state (make-array state-size :initial-element 0)))
(loop for index in indecies
for coef in coefs
do (incf (aref state index) coef))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
(in-package :cl-quantum)
(defun pprint-complex (n &key parens (places 5))
"Pretty-print the complex (or real, rational, etc.) number N. If PARENS is
non-nil, surround the output with parenthesis if it is multiple terms. PLACES is
the number of places to round each part before printing."
(let* ((real (realpart n))
(imag (imagpart n))
;; Also put parenthesis on fractions to make them easier to read
(has-frac (and parens
(or (and (not (integerp real))
(rationalp real))
(and (not (integerp imag))
(rationalp imag))))))
(when (and (not (rationalp real))
(realp real))
(setq real (round-to-place real places)))
(when (and (not (rationalp imag))
(realp imag))
(setq imag (round-to-place imag places)))
((and (zerop real)
(zerop imag))
((not (or (zerop real)
(zerop imag)))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a ~:[-~;+~] ~ai~@[~*)~]"
parens real (>= imag 0) (abs imag) parens))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a~@[~*i~]~@[~*)~]"
has-frac (if (zerop real) imag real)
(zerop real) has-frac)))))
(defun pprint-format-bits (index size)
"A state formatter that converts the index to binary and pads it with zeros."
(format nil "~v,,,'0<~b~>" (ceiling (log size 2)) index))
(defun pprint-format-linear (index size)
"A state formatter that just returns the index +1 as a string."
(declare (ignorable size))
(format nil "~d" (1+ index)))
(defun pprint-state (state &key (formatter 'pprint-format-linear)
(places 5))
"Pretty-print STATE, a quantum state represented as an array. FORMATTER is a
function which takes the index of the quantum state and the total size of the
state. It should convert these to a printable representation. This
representation will be put inside of a ket after each coefficient. PLACES is the
number of places to which to print the coefficients."
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with need-sign = nil
for i below (length state)
for coef = (aref state i)
when (and need-sign (not (zerop coef)))
if (>= (realpart coef) 0)
do (format out " + ")
do (format out " - ")
and do (setq coef (* -1 coef))
unless (zerop coef)
do (format out "~a|~a>" (pprint-complex coef :parens t
:places places)
(funcall formatter i (length state)))
and do (setq need-sign t))))
@ -1,102 +1,4 @@
(in-package :cl-quantum)
(defun pprint-complex (n &key parens)
"Pretty-print the complex (or real, rational, etc.) number N. If PARENS is
non-nil, surround the output with parenthesis if it is multiple terms."
(let* ((real (realpart n))
(imag (imagpart n))
;; Also put parenthesis on fractions to make them easier to read
(has-frac (and parens
(or (and (not (integerp real))
(rationalp real))
(and (not (integerp imag))
(rationalp imag))))))
((zerop n) "0")
((not (or (zerop real)
(zerop imag)))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a ~:[-~;+~] ~ai~@[~*)~]"
parens real (>= imag 0) (abs imag) parens))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a~@[~*i~]~@[~*)~]"
has-frac (if (zerop real) imag real)
(zerop real) has-frac)))))
(defun pprint-format-bits (index size)
"A state formatter that converts the index to binary and pads it with zeros."
(format nil "~v,,,'0<~b~>" (ceiling (log size 2)) index))
(defun pprint-format-linear (index size)
"A state formatter that just returns the index +1 as a string."
(declare (ignorable size))
(format nil "~d" (1+ index)))
(defun pprint-state (state &key (formatter 'pprint-format-linear))
"Pretty-print STATE, a quantum state represented as an array. FORMATTER is a
function which takes the index of the quantum state and the total size of the
state. It should convert these to a printable representation. This
representation will be put inside of a ket after each coefficient."
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with need-sign = nil
for i below (length state)
for coef = (aref state i)
when (and need-sign (not (zerop coef)))
if (>= (realpart coef) 0)
do (format out " + ")
do (format out " - ")
and do (setq coef (* -1 coef))
unless (zerop coef)
do (format out "~a|~a>" (pprint-complex coef :parens t)
(funcall formatter i (length state)))
and do (setq need-sign t))))
(defconstant +parse-state-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-state'.")
(defun parse-bits-state (state)
"A `parse-state' parser that parses its state as a binary string."
(parse-integer state :radix 2))
(defun parse-state (str &key (parser 'parse-integer))
"Try to parse STR into a quantum state. PARSER should be a function of one
argument that will take the string inside each ket and return the index of the
(loop for start = 0 then (+ start (length whole))
for (whole matches) = (multiple-value-list
(ppcre:scan-to-strings +parse-state-regexp+
:sharedp t
:start start))
while whole
for coef = (if (zerop (length (aref matches 2)))
(parse-complex (aref matches 2)))
for index = (funcall parser (aref matches 4))
unless (eq (not (aref matches 1))
(not (aref matches 3)))
do (error "Mismatches parenthesis: ~s" whole)
when (and (complexp coef)
(not (aref matches 1)))
do (error "Coefficient without matching state: ~s" whole)
collect (if (equal (aref matches 0) "-")
(* -1 coef)
into coefs
collect index into indecies
maximizing (1+ index) into state-size
(let ((state (make-array state-size)))
(loop for index in indecies
for coef in coefs
do (incf (aref state index) coef))
(in-package :cl-quantum/state)
(defun normal-state-p (state &key (places 5))
"Return non-nil if state is normalized. PLACES is the number of places to
@ -107,6 +9,21 @@ round the norm of STATE before checking."
"Return a copy of STATE that is normalized."
(/vs state (norm state)))
(defun nnormalize-state (state)
"Normalize STATE by mutating it."
(let ((norm (norm state)))
(dotimes (i (length state) state)
(setf (aref state i) (/ (aref state i) norm)))))
(defun state-bits (state)
"Return the number of bits in STATE."
(values (ceiling (log (length state) 2))))
(defun make-normal-state (probabilities)
"Create a new normalized state with the probability of each state
corresponding to an element in PROBABILITIES."
(map 'vector 'sqrt probabilities))
(defun make-uniform-normal-state (bits)
"Make a uniform normalized quantum state of BITS qbits."
(let ((size (ash 1 bits)))
@ -120,7 +37,7 @@ round the norm of STATE before checking."
(defun bit-set-index (bit n &key (period (ash 1 bit)))
"Return the Nth index in a state in which BIT is 1."
(+ (bit-unset-index bit n :period period)))
(+ period (bit-unset-index bit n :period period)))
(defun bit-probability (state bit)
"Return the probability that BIT is set in STATE."
@ -131,29 +48,41 @@ round the norm of STATE before checking."
for coef = (aref state index)
summing (* coef coef)))
(defun nmeasure (state bit)
"Collapse BIT in STATE by measuring it. This will return t or nil depending
on the state the bit collapsed to. Note that this will also modify STATE."
(loop with prob = (round-to-place (bit-probability state bit) 5)
(defun nmeasure (state bit &key (places 5))
"Collapse BIT in STATE by measuring it. This will return t or nil depending on
the state the bit collapsed to. Note that this will also modify STATE. The
probability will be rounded to PLACES before calculations are carried out."
(loop with prob = (round-to-place (bit-probability state bit) places)
;; Theocratically there are multiple numbers that could be equivalent
;; to 100% here, but the chance of those failing is so low anyway that
;; it doesn't matter.
with limit = (* most-positive-fixnum prob)
with rnum = (random most-positive-fixnum)
with result = (>= rnum limit)
with result = (< rnum limit)
with period = (ash 1 bit)
with 1-prob = (- 1 prob)
for i below (/ (length state) 2)
for unset-index = (bit-unset-index bit i :period period)
for set-index = (+ period unset-index)
for unset-coef = (aref state unset-index)
for set-coef = (aref state set-index)
for new-coef = (sqrt (+ (* set-coef set-coef)
(* unset-coef unset-coef)))
if result
do (setf (aref state unset-index) 0
(aref state set-index) new-coef)
(aref state set-index)
(sqrt (/ (* set-coef set-coef) prob)))
do (setf (aref state unset-index) new-coef
do (setf (aref state unset-index)
(sqrt (/ (* unset-coef unset-coef) 1-prob))
(aref state set-index) 0)
finally (return (values result state))))
(defun measure (state bit &key (places 5))
"Like `nmeasure', but don't modify STATE. Note that the new state is returned
as the second value, with the first value being the result of the
measurement. You will probably want to save the second value as the first value
too as the second value alone means pretty much nothing."
(nmeasure (copy-seq state) bit :places places))
(defun make-operator (bits operator target)
"Create an operator matrix that can act on a state with BITS bits and will
@ -166,13 +95,13 @@ apply OPERATOR to TARGET."
finally (return out)))
(defun make-controlled-operator (bits operator target controls)
(defun make-controlled-operator (bits operator target control)
"Create an operator matrix that can act on a state with BITS bits and will
apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROLS are all set."
apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROL is set."
(labels ((matrix-for (bit target-operator control-operator)
((= bit target) target-operator)
((member bit controls :test '=) control-operator)
((= bit control) control-operator)
(t identity-2x2)))
(tensor-chain (target-operator control-operator)
(loop with out = (matrix-for (1- bits) target-operator
@ -184,6 +113,32 @@ apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROLS are all set."
(+mm (tensor-chain identity-2x2 unset-projector)
(tensor-chain operator set-projector))))
(defun replace-state (target template)
"Replace each element of TARGET with the corresponding element in TEMPLATE."
(assert (= (length target) (length template))
(target template)
"Vectors must be of the same length: ~s and ~s" target template)
(dotimes (i (length target) target)
(setf (aref target i) (aref template i))))
(defun apply-operator (state operator target)
"Apply OPERATOR to the bit numbered TARGET in STATE."
(*mv (make-operator (state-bits state) operator target) state))
(defun napply-operator (state operator target)
"Apply OPERATOR to the bit numbered TARGET in STATE. This modifies state."
(replace-state state (apply-operator state operator target)))
(defun apply-controlled-operator (state operator target control)
"Apply OPERATOR to the bit numbered TARGET in STATE if CONTROL is set."
(*mv (make-controlled-operator (state-bits state) operator target control)
(defun napply-controlled-operator (state operator target control)
"Apply OPERATOR to the bit numbered TARGET in STATE if CONTROL is set. This
modified STATE."
(replace-state state (apply-controlled-operator state operator target control)))
;;; Gates and Operators:
(defconstant unset-projector
#2A((1 0)
@ -218,17 +173,16 @@ apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROLS are all set."
#2A((1 0)
(0 #C(0 1))))
(defconstant pi/8-gate
(make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents
`((1 0)
(0 ,(exp (complex 0 (/ pi 4)))))))
(defconstant cnot-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 0 0 1)
(0 0 1 0)))
(make-controlled-operator 2 pauli-x-gate 0 1))
(defconstant cz-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 0 1 0)
(0 0 0 -1)))
(make-controlled-operator 2 pauli-z-gate 0 1))
(defconstant swap-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
@ -237,4 +191,4 @@ apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROLS are all set."
(0 0 0 1)))
(defconstant ccnot-gate
(nswap-rows (make-identity-matrix 9) 7 8))
(nswap-rows (make-identity-matrix 8) 6 7))
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