461 lines
19 KiB
Common Lisp
461 lines
19 KiB
Common Lisp
;; parse.lisp -- Proposition string parsing subroutines
;; Copyright (C) 2024 Alexander Rosenberg
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(in-package :truth-table/base)
(defun whitespace-p (char)
"Return nil unless CHAR is whitespace."
(member char '(#\newline #\space) :test 'eq))
(defun paren-p (char)
"Return nil unless CHAR is a parenthesis."
(member char '(#\( #\))))
(defun delim-p (char)
"Return nil unless CHAR is either whitespace or a parenthesis."
(or (whitespace-p char) (paren-p char)))
(defun symbol-char-p (char)
"Return nil until CHAR is a valid character for use in proposition variable
(or (alpha-char-p char) (eq char #\_) (digit-char-p char)))
(defun replace-in-string (str chars new-char)
"Replace all instances of any of CHARS in STR with NEW-CHAR."
(coerce (loop with lchars = (if (atom chars)
(list chars)
for char across str
when (member char lchars)
collect new-char
collect char)
(define-condition proposition-parse-error (error)
((position :initarg :position
:accessor parse-error-position
:initform nil)
(proposition :initarg :proposition
:accessor parse-error-proposition
:initform nil)
(message :initarg :message
:accessor parse-error-message
:initform nil))
(:report (lambda (con stream)
(with-slots (position proposition message) con
(format stream
"parse error~@[ at column ~d~]~@[: ~a~]~
~@[:~% ~a~@[~% ~a^~]~]"
(when position
(1+ position))
(when proposition
(replace-in-string proposition
'(#\newline #\return)
(when position
(make-string position
:initial-element #\space))))))
(:documentation "Condition representing an error during parsing of a
(defparameter *operator-symbol-table*
'((open-paren "(")
(close-paren ")")
(and "/\\" "and" "&&" "&" "∧" ".")
(nand "nand" "↑" "⊼" "~&" "~&&" "!&" "!&&")
(or "\\/" "or" "||" "|" "∥" "+" "∨")
(nor "nor" "↓" "⊽" "~|" "~||" "!|" "!||")
(xor "xor" "⊕" "⊻" "↮" "≢" "^" "!=")
(not "¬" "~" "!" "not")
(implies "->" ">" "=>" "⇒" "⟹" "→" "⊃" "implies")
(converse "<-" "<" "<=" "←" "⇐" "⟸" "⊂" "converse")
(iff "<->" "<>" "<=>" "⇔" "↔" "≡" "iff" "=" "==" "xnor" "⊙"))
"Alist table of operator symbols and their possible string representations.")
(defun alpha-string-p (str)
"Return t if STR is only alphabetical characters."
(not (find-if-not 'alpha-char-p str)))
(defparameter *longest-non-alpha-operator*
(apply 'max (mapcar
(lambda (entry)
(apply 'max
(mapcar 'length
(remove-if 'alpha-string-p (cdr entry)))))
"The longest operator in `*operator-symbol-table*' such that `alpha-string-p'
returns t.")
(defparameter *operator-descriptions* ;; noindent 30
`((open-paren ("open parenthesis")
,(format nil "Used in combination with a close parenthesis to denote ~
some terms to be evaluated before the surrounding terms.")
(((and (or true true) false) . false)
((or true (and true false)) . true)))
(close-paren ("close parenthesis")
"Used to close a group started with an open parenthesis."
()) ;; no examples for closed paren
(and ("and" "conjunction")
,(format nil "Evaluate to true only if the expressions to the left and ~
right evaluate to true.")
(((and true true) . true)
((and true false) . false)))
(nand ("nand" "non-conjunction")
,(format nil "Evaluate to true unless the expressions to the left and ~
right are both true. This is the negation of the 'and' operator.")
(((nand true true) . false)
((nand true false) . true)
((nand false false) . true)))
(or ("or" "disjunction")
,(format nil "Evaluate to true if the expression to the left is true, the ~
expression to the right is true, or both the left and right expressions are ~
(((or true true) . true)
((or true false) . true)
((or false false) . false)))
(nor ("nor" "non-disjunction")
,(format nil "Evaluate to true if the expressions to the left and right ~
are both false. This is the negation of the 'or' operator.")
(((nor true true) . false)
((nor true false) . false)
((nor false false) . true)))
(xor ("exclusive or" "exclusive disjunction") ;; noindent 30
,(format nil "Evaluate to true if the expression to the left is true or ~
if the expression to the right is true, but not if both of them are true.")
(((xor true true) . false)
((xor true false) . true)))
(not ("not" "negation")
,(format nil "Evaluate to false if the expression to the left evaluates ~
to true, and evaluate to true if the expression to the left evaluates to ~
false. This is a unary operator (it only applies to the expression following ~
(((not true) . false)
((not false) . true)))
(implies ("implies" "conditional")
,(format nil "Evaluate to false if the expression to the left evaluates ~
to true and the expressions to the right evaluates to false. Otherwise, ~
evaluate to true.")
(((implies true true) . true)
((implies true false) . false)
((implies false true) . true)
((implies false false) . true)))
(converse ("converse")
,(format nil "Evaluate to false if the expression to the right evaluates ~
to true and the expression to the left evaluates to false. Otherwise, evaluate ~
to true. This is the 'implies' operator with its arguments flipped.")
(((implies true true) . true)
((implies true false) . true)
((implies false true) . false)
((implies false false) . true)))
(iff ("biconditional" "equivalent")
,(format nil "Evaluate to true if the expressions to the left and rigt ~
evaluate to the same value. That is, they are both true or both false.")
(((iff true true) . true)
((iff true false) . false)
((iff false false) . true))))
"Alist table of operator symbols and their descriptions. The format of this
are useful for use in things like syntax explanation messages.")
(defun operator-symbol (oper-str)
"Return the symbol for OPER-STR, or nil if it is not a know operator."
(loop for (oper-sym . strs) in *operator-symbol-table*
when (member oper-str strs :test 'equalp)
do (return oper-sym)))
(defun operator-precedence (oper)
"Return the precedence for OPER."
(case oper
(not 1)
(and 2)
(implicit-and 2)
(nand 2)
(xor 3)
(or 4)
(nor 4)
(implies 5)
(converse 5)
(iff 6)
(open-paren most-positive-fixnum)
(t nil)))
(defun unary-p (oper)
"Return whether OPER is a unary operator or not."
(eq oper 'not))
(defparameter *operand-symbol-table*
'((true "t" "true" "⊤" "1")
(false "f" "false" "⊥" "0"))
"Alist mapping operand symbols (true and false) to their textual
(defun interpret-operand (oper-str)
"Return a symbol representing OPER-STR, or the string itself if it represents
a variable."
(dolist (entry *operand-symbol-table*)
(when (member oper-str (cdr entry) :test 'equalp)
(return-from interpret-operand (car entry))))
;; check if OPER-STR is a valid variable name
(if (or (zerop (length oper-str))
(find-if-not 'symbol-char-p oper-str))
(defun string-first-char-safe (str)
"Return the first character of STR, or nil if it is empty."
(unless (zerop (length str))
(elt str 0)))
(defun try-find-operator-for-token (token)
"Return the operator symbol for TOKEN, if it is an operator. As a second
value, return the matched portion of TOKEN. If no match is found, return
(values nil nil)."
(loop for len downfrom (min *longest-non-alpha-operator* (length token)) to 1
for cur-test = (subseq token 0 len)
for oper-sym = (operator-symbol cur-test)
when oper-sym do
(return-from try-find-operator-for-token
(values oper-sym cur-test)))
(values nil nil))
(defun next-symbol-token (str &key multi-char-names)
"Return the next token from STR that is not a paren. If MULTI-CHAR-NAMES is
non-nil, allow names to be more than one character long."
(loop with mode = (if (symbol-char-p (elt str 0))
for char across str
for chari from 0
while (or (and (eq mode 'alpha) (symbol-char-p char))
(and (eq mode 'sym) (not (symbol-char-p char))
(not (delim-p char))))
collect char into token
(let ((str (coerce token 'string)))
;; operator
((multiple-value-bind (sym match)
(try-find-operator-for-token str)
(declare (ignorable sym))
;; multi-char variable, constant (true or false)
((or multi-char-names
(symbolp (interpret-operand str)))
;; single letter variable (multi-char-names is off)
(t (first token))))))))
(defun next-token (str &key multi-char-names)
"Return a list of the next token in STR and how much whitespace it had."
(let ((whitespace-chars 0))
(loop for char across str
while (whitespace-p char) do
(setq whitespace-chars (1+ whitespace-chars)))
(setq str (subseq str whitespace-chars))
(let ((next-char (string-first-char-safe str)))
((not next-char)
(list nil whitespace-chars))
((paren-p next-char)
(list (string next-char) whitespace-chars))
(let ((token (next-symbol-token str :multi-char-names multi-char-names)))
(list token whitespace-chars)))))))
(defmacro dotokens ((var pos-var str &optional (retval nil retvalp))
(&key multi-char-names &allow-other-keys)
&body body)
"Execute BODY once with VAR bound to each token in STR. Optionally, return
RETVAL. The position of each token will be stored in POS-VAR. If
MULTI-CHAR-NAMES is enabled, allow multiple characters in variable names."
(let ((stream-var (gensym))
(token-start-var (gensym))
(token-var (gensym))
(read-chars-var (gensym))
(whitespace-var (gensym)))
`(loop for ,stream-var = ,str then (subseq ,str ,read-chars-var)
for (,token-var ,whitespace-var)
= (next-token ,stream-var :multi-char-names ,multi-char-names)
for ,token-start-var = ,whitespace-var
then (+ ,read-chars-var ,whitespace-var)
for ,read-chars-var = (+ ,whitespace-var (length ,token-var))
then (+ ,read-chars-var ,whitespace-var (length ,token-var))
while ,token-var do
(let ((,var ,token-var)
(,pos-var ,token-start-var))
(declare (ignorable ,pos-var))
(return ,(when retvalp
(defun interpret-token (token)
"Return a list of the form (type value), where type is one of: `operator' or
`operand', and value is the tokens value, as returned by `operator-symbol' or
`interpret-operand'. If the token is of an unknown type, return a list of (nil
(let ((operator-value (operator-symbol token)))
(if operator-value
(list 'operator operator-value)
(let ((operand-value (interpret-operand token)))
(if operand-value
(list 'operand operand-value)
(list nil nil))))))
(defun parse-proposition-string (prop-str &key (implicit-and t) multi-char-names)
"Parse PROP-STR, which is a proposition string.
The return value is the values set of the parsed string, and the list of all
found variables."
(let ((found-vars '())
(operators '())
(operands '())
(paren-operands (list 0)))
(labels ((peek-operator ()
(destructuring-bind (&optional value . pos) (car operators)
(values value pos)))
(pop-operator ()
(destructuring-bind (&optional value . pos) (pop operators)
(values value pos)))
(convert-implicit-and (this-name pos)
(multiple-value-bind (value top-pos) (peek-operator)
(when (eq value 'implicit-and)
(unless implicit-and
(cerror "Insert implicit AND operator"
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "expected binary operator, found ~a"
(push (cons 'and top-pos) operators))))
(apply-one-operator ()
(multiple-value-bind (oper pos) (pop-operator)
(when (not oper)
(error 'proposition-parse-error :message "no more operators"
:position pos
:proposition prop-str))
(let ((oper-args (if (unary-p oper) 1 2))
(cur-operands (list (pop operands))))
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "~A expects ~D arguments, found none"
oper oper-args)))
(when (= oper-args 2)
(push (pop operands) cur-operands)
(when (not (car cur-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position pos
:proposition prop-str
(format nil "~A expects ~D arguments, found 1"
oper oper-args))))
(push (cons oper cur-operands) operands))))
(apply-lower-precedent (prec)
(loop for top-oper = (peek-operator)
while (and top-oper
(<= (or (operator-precedence top-oper)
(not (unary-p top-oper)))
do (apply-one-operator)))
(apply-all-unary ()
(loop while (unary-p (peek-operator))
(push-operator (oper token-pos)
(apply-lower-precedent (operator-precedence oper))
(push (cons oper token-pos) operators)))
(dotokens (token-str token-pos prop-str)
(:multi-char-names multi-char-names)
(destructuring-bind (type value) (interpret-token token-str)
;; unknown token
((not type)
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition prop-str
:message "unknown token"))
;; operand
((eq type 'operand)
(convert-implicit-and "operand" token-pos)
(unless (member value '(true false))
(pushnew value found-vars :test 'equal))
(push value operands)
(incf (car paren-operands))
(convert-implicit-and "operand" token-pos)
(push-operator 'implicit-and token-pos))
;; open parenthesis
((eq value 'open-paren)
(convert-implicit-and "open parenthesis" token-pos)
(push (cons value token-pos) operators)
(push 0 paren-operands))
;; close parenthesis
((eq value 'close-paren)
(when (eq (peek-operator) 'implicit-and)
(loop while (not (eq (peek-operator) 'open-paren))
when (null operators) do
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition prop-str
:message "no matching open parenthesis")
do (apply-one-operator))
(when (zerop (pop paren-operands))
(error 'proposition-parse-error
;; open paren position
:position (cdr (pop operators))
:proposition prop-str
:message "empty parenthesis"))
;; remove open paren
(convert-implicit-and "close parenthesis" token-pos)
(push-operator 'implicit-and token-pos))
;; operator
(if (eq (peek-operator) 'implicit-and)
(if (unary-p value)
(convert-implicit-and "unary operator" token-pos)
(unless (unary-p value)
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:position token-pos
:proposition prop-str
:message "expected operand, found operator")))
(push-operator value token-pos)))))
;; remove implicit-and
(when (eq 'implicit-and (peek-operator))
(loop for (top-oper . top-pos) = (car operators)
while top-oper
when (eq top-oper 'open-paren) do
(error 'proposition-parse-error
:message "no matching closing parenthesis"
:proposition prop-str
:position top-pos)
;; return variables in the order we found them
(values (car operands) (nreverse found-vars)))))