115 lines
5.3 KiB
Common Lisp
115 lines
5.3 KiB
Common Lisp
;; cli.lisp -- Command line interface entry point and option parsing
;; Copyright (C) 2024 Alexander Rosenberg
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(defpackage #:truth-table/cli
(:use #:common-lisp #:truth-table/base
(:export #:toplevel #:main))
(in-package :truth-table/cli)
(defun eval-and-typeset-propositions (prop-strs &key (format "unicode")
(implicit-and t)
(include-vars t)
"Evaluate and then typeset PROP-STRS as a table, which is a list of
proposition strings. For a description of the key parameters, see each of the
functions involved in evaluating and typesetting."
(loop with vars = '()
for prop-str in prop-strs
for (parsed-exp parsed-vars)
= (multiple-value-list
(parse-proposition-string prop-str
:implicit-and implicit-and
:multi-char-names multi-char-names))
collect parsed-exp into exps
do (dolist (var parsed-vars)
(unless (member var vars :test 'equal)
(setq vars (nconc vars (list var)))))
(let ((table (create-combined-truth-table
exps vars
:include-intermediate include-intermediate
:include-vars include-vars)))
(return (typeset-table-to-format table format
:pretty-print pretty-print
:latin-truths latin-truths)))))
(defparameter *command-line-spec*
'((#\h "help" help nil "print this message, then exit")
(#\f "format" format t
"specify the output format (*unicode*, ascii, latex, or html)")
(#\s "subexps" subexps nil "include sub-expressions in the output table")
(#\n "no-vars" no-vars nil "do not include variables in the output table")
(#\m "multi-char" multi-char nil "allow multi-character variable names")
(#\i "no-implicit" no-implicit nil "do not use implicit 'and' operations")
(#\p "pretty" pretty nil "pretty print latex, html, etc. output")
(#\l "latin" latin nil "use the Latin T and F characters for truth values"))
"Specification for `parse-command-line'. This is of the format:
(short long symbol has-arg-p desc).")
(defun main (argv)
"The main entry point to the program. ARGV is the list of command line
(let ((cmdline-error nil))
(((or proposition-parse-error proposition-eval-error
(lambda (c)
(format *error-output* "error: ~a~%" c)
(uiop:quit 1)))
(lambda (c) ;; finish parsing command line before exiting
(format *error-output* "error: ~a~%" c)
(setq cmdline-error t)
(destructuring-bind ((&rest prop-strs) &rest opts)
(parse-command-line *command-line-spec* argv)
((option-value 'help opts)
(print-usage t *command-line-spec* "truth-table"
:general-args "<propositions...>")
(uiop:quit (if cmdline-error 1 0)))
((null prop-strs)
(cerror *cli-parse-continue-string* 'no-input-error))
(format *error-output* "Try -h or --help for more information.~%")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((format (option-value 'format opts)))
(when (or (not format) (zerop (length format)))
(setq format "unicode"))
(princ (eval-and-typeset-propositions
prop-strs :format format
:implicit-and (not (option-value 'no-implicit opts))
:multi-char-names (option-value 'multi-char opts)
:include-vars (not (option-value 'no-vars opts))
:include-intermediate (option-value 'subexps opts)
:pretty-print (option-value 'pretty opts)
:latin-truths (option-value 'latin opts)))
(defun toplevel ()
"Top-level function to be passed to `save-lisp-and-die'."
(main (uiop:command-line-arguments)))
(with-user-abort:user-abort ()
(format *error-output* "Keyboard interrupt~%")
(uiop:quit 1))))