;; web.lisp -- Website to allow users to make truth tables ;; Copyright (C) 2024 Alexander Rosenberg ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (defpackage #:truth-table/web (:use #:common-lisp #:truth-table/base #:truth-table/args) (:export #:toplevel #:main) (:import-from #:reblocks/app #:defapp) (:import-from #:reblocks/html #:with-html) (:import-from #:reblocks/widget #:defwidget #:update #:render) (:import-from #:reblocks-ui/form #:with-html-form) (:import-from #:reblocks/actions #:make-js-action) (:import-from #:reblocks/dependencies #:get-dependencies)) (in-package :truth-table/web) (defparameter *default-port* 8000) (defparameter *default-address* "") (defwidget truth-table () ((data :initform nil :accessor truth-table-data) (format :initform "html" :accessor truth-table-format) (output-visible :initform t :accessor truth-table-output-visible)) (:documentation "Class to hold the generated table.")) (defmethod truth-table-toggle-output ((table truth-table)) "Toggle the visibility of the output box of TABLE." (with-slots (output-visible) table (setf output-visible (not output-visible)))) (defparameter *blank-hash-table* (make-hash-table) "Blank hash table to pass to make-js-action because of what seems to be a reblocks bug.") (defmethod render ((table truth-table)) "Render TABLE." (with-slots (data format output-visible) table (let* ((html-text (convert-truth-table-to-html data)) (other-text (when output-visible (if (equal format "html") html-text (typeset-table-to-format data format))))) (when data (with-html (:div :class "label" "Output:") (:span :id "output-span" ;; there seems to be a bug in reblocks that means you have to pass ;; the second argument to `make-js-action' (:button :onclick (make-js-action (lambda (&key &allow-other-keys) (truth-table-toggle-output table) (update table)) :args *blank-hash-table*) :id "output-expander-button" (if output-visible "⏷" "⏵")) (if (or (equal format "ascii") (equal format "unicode")) (:pre :id "output-area" :hidden (not output-visible) other-text) (:code :id "output-area" :hidden (not output-visible) other-text))) (:div :class "label" "HTML Preview:")) (princ html-text reblocks/html:*stream*)))) nil) (defmethod get-dependencies ((widget truth-table)) (append (list (reblocks-lass:make-dependency '(.truth-table (.label :font-size "large" :font-weight "bold" :margin-top "5px" :margin-bottom "5px") (|#output-span| :display "flex" (button :margin-right "10px")) (|#output-expander-button| :margin-bottom "auto" :font-size "xx-large" :background "none" :border "none" :cursor "pointer") (|#output-area| :background "lightgrey" :flex-grow "1" :padding "5px" :border-style "solid" :border-color "black" :border-width "1px" :max-height "25vh" :overflow-y "scroll") (table :margin "auto" :border-collapse "collapse" :border-spacing "0px" ((:or th td) :padding "3px" :text-align "center" :border-style "solid" :border-width "1px" :border-color "black"))))) (call-next-method))) (defwidget error-box () ((message :initform nil :accessor error-box-message)) (:documentation "Class to hold various error messages.")) (defmethod render ((box error-box)) "Render BOX." (with-html (with-slots (message) box (when message (:div (:pre message)))))) (defmethod get-dependencies ((box error-box)) (append (list (reblocks-lass:make-dependency `(.error-box (div :border-width "1px" :border-style "solid" :border-color "black" (pre :margin "0px" :padding-top "5px" :font-size "large" :border-left-style "solid" :border-left-color "red" :border-left-width "10px" :padding-left "5px"))))) (call-next-method))) (defwidget page () ((table :initform (make-instance 'truth-table) :accessor page-table) (error-box :initform (make-instance 'error-box) :accessor page-error-box)) (:documentation "The root of the whole page")) (defmethod handle-generate-request ((page page) &key prop-str implicit-and multi-char-names format include-vars subexps) "Handler for requests to generate truth tables." (with-slots (table error-box) page (setf (truth-table-format table) format (error-box-message error-box) nil) (if (not (zerop (length prop-str))) (handler-case (multiple-value-bind (parsed-exp vars) (parse-proposition-string prop-str :implicit-and implicit-and :multi-char-names multi-char-names) (setf (truth-table-data table) (create-truth-table parsed-exp :vars vars :include-vars include-vars :include-intermediate subexps))) ((or proposition-parse-error proposition-eval-error) (e) (setf (error-box-message error-box) (princ-to-string e)))) (setf (truth-table-data table) nil)) (update table) (update error-box))) (defmethod render ((page page)) "Render PAGE." (with-html (with-slots (table error-box) page (:h1 "Truth Table Generator") (with-html-form (:POST (lambda (&key prop-str implicit-and multi-char-names format include-vars subexps &allow-other-keys) (handle-generate-request page :prop-str prop-str :implicit-and implicit-and :multi-char-names multi-char-names :format format :include-vars include-vars :subexps subexps))) (:div :id "main-controls-wrapper" (:input :id "prop-input-field" :type "text" :name "prop-str" :placeholder "Proposition string...") (:input :id "submit-button" :type "submit" :value "Generate")) (:div :id "extra-controls-wrapper" (:input :type "checkbox" :name "implicit-and" :checked t) (:label :for "implicit-and" "Implicit And") (:input :type "checkbox" :name "multi-char-names" :style "margin-left: 10px;") (:label :for "multi-char-names" "Multi-character Variables") (:input :type "checkbox" :name "include-vars" :checked t :style "margin-left: 10px;") (:label :for "include-vars" "Include Variables") (:input :type "checkbox" :name "subexps" :checked t :style "margin-left: 10px;") (:label :for "subexps" "Include Sub-expressions") (:select :name "format" :style "margin-left: 10px;" (:option :value "html" "HTML") (:option :value "latex" "LaTeX") (:option :value "ascii" "ASCII") (:option :value "unicode" "Unicode")))) (render error-box) (render table) (:div :id "info-text" (:span "This website is free software under the terms of the AGPL" "license version 3. You can find a copy of the license ") (:a :href "https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html" "here") (:span ". You can find the source of this website ") (:a :href "https://git.zander.im/Zander671/truth-table" "here") (:span "."))))) (defmethod get-dependencies ((page page)) (append (list (reblocks-lass:make-dependency '(.page :width "70%" :margin "auto" (h1 :text-align "center") (form :margin-bottom "5px" (|#main-controls-wrapper| :display flex :margin-bottom "5px" (|#prop-input-field| :flex-grow "1" :margin-right "5px" :font-size "large") (|#submit-button| :font-size "large")) (|#extra-controls-wrapper| :display "flex" :justify-content "center" :align-items "center")) (|#info-text| :text-align "center" :margin-top "10px" :font-size "small")))) (call-next-method))) (defapp truth-table-app :prefix "/") (defmethod reblocks/page:init-page ((app truth-table-app) (url-path string) expire-at) "Main entry point for webpage." (declare (ignorable app url-path expire-at)) (make-instance 'page)) (defparameter *command-line-spec* `((#\h "help" help nil "print this message, then exit") (#\d "debug" debug nil "enable debug output") (#\p "port" port t ,(format nil "specify port to use (default: ~d)" *default-port*)) (#\a "address" address t ,(format nil "specify address to bind to (default: ~a)" *default-address*))) "Spec for use in `parse-command-line.") (defun determine-port (opts) "Get port from the command line option array OPTS, or use a default if port was not specified." (let ((raw-value (option-value 'port opts))) (if raw-value (handler-case (let ((value (parse-integer raw-value :junk-allowed nil))) (if (< value 1) (error 'parse-error) value)) (parse-error () (cerror "Use *default-port*" 'command-line-error :message (format nil "invalid port: ~a" raw-value)) *default-port*)) *default-port*))) (defun main (argv) "The main entry point to the program. ARGV is the list of command line arguments." (let ((cmdline-error nil)) (handler-bind ((command-line-error (lambda (c) (format *error-output* "~a~%" c) (setq cmdline-error t) (continue)))) (destructuring-bind ((&rest norm-args) &rest opts) (parse-command-line *command-line-spec* argv) ;; parse the options here so that continue still exits properly (let ((port (determine-port opts)) (address (or (option-value 'address opts) *default-address*))) (when norm-args (cerror "Ignore the extra arguments." 'command-line-error :message "extra non-option arguments")) (when (option-value 'help opts) (print-usage t *command-line-spec* "truth-table-webserver" :print-astrisk nil) (if cmdline-error (uiop:quit 1) (uiop:quit 0))) (when cmdline-error (uiop:quit 1)) (reblocks/server:start :apps '(truth-table-app) :port port :interface address :debug (option-value 'debug opts))))))) (defun toplevel () "Top-level function to be passed to `save-lisp-and-die'." #+sbcl (sb-ext:disable-debugger) (main (uiop:command-line-arguments)))