#include "ast.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool next_token(TokenStream *stream, Token *out, AstErrorList **err); static AstNode *process_token(Token *token, TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err); static AstNode *ast_next_toplevel_internal(TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err); static void dump_node_list(AstNode **list, size_t count, char sdelim, char edelim, int padding, FILE *stream); static const char *DECIMAL_NUM_PAT = "^([+-])?([0-9]*)\\.?([0-9]*)(e([+-]?)([0-9]*)\\.?([0-9]*))?$"; static regex_t DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX; static const char *NON_DECIMAL_NUM_PAT = "^(2|8|10|16)#([+-])?([0-9a-f]+)$"; static regex_t NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX; static size_t REGEX_NMATCH; void ast_init_parser() { bool had_error = false; int code; if ((code = regcomp(&DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, DECIMAL_NUM_PAT, REG_EXTENDED))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile decimal number regex:\n%s\n", DECIMAL_NUM_PAT); char msg[1024]; regerror(code, &DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, msg, sizeof(msg)); fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", msg); had_error = true; } if (regcomp(&NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, NON_DECIMAL_NUM_PAT, REG_EXTENDED)) { if (had_error) { fputc('\n', stderr); } fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile non-decimal number regex:\n%s\n", NON_DECIMAL_NUM_PAT); char msg[1024]; regerror(code, &NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, msg, sizeof(msg)); fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", msg); had_error = true; } if (had_error) { exit(1); } REGEX_NMATCH = (DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX.re_nsub > NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX.re_nsub ? DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX.re_nsub : NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX.re_nsub) + 1; } void ast_deinit_parser() { regfree(&DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX); regfree(&NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX); } static void push_error_list_end(AstErrorList **list, AstErrorList *err) { err->next = NULL; if (!*list) { *list = err; } else { AstErrorList *cur = *list; while (cur->next) { cur = cur->next; } cur->next = err; } } __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) static void push_build_error(AstErrorList **list, Token *token, size_t off, const char *fmt, ...) { if (list) { AstErrorList *n = malloc(sizeof(AstErrorList)); n->type = AST_ERROR_BUILD; n->build.off = off; n->build.token = *token; token->text = NULL; token->buf_len = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); n->build.msg = NULL; vasprintf(&n->build.msg, fmt, args); va_end(args); push_error_list_end(list, n); } } static void push_parse_error(AstErrorList **list, ParseError *err) { if (list) { AstErrorList *n = malloc(sizeof(AstErrorList)); n->type = AST_ERROR_PARSE; n->parse = err; push_error_list_end(list, n); } } static void *make_ast_node(size_t size, AstType type, size_t line, size_t col) { AstNode *node = malloc(size); node->type = type; node->line = line; node->col = col; return node; } static int compat_strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) { while (*str1 && *str2) { if (tolower(*str1) != tolower(*str2)) { return tolower(*str1) - tolower(*str2); } ++str1; ++str2; } return tolower(*str1) - tolower(*str2); } // number of chars converted on success, 0 on failure static int convert_numeric_char_escape(const char *escape, wchar_t *out, bool allow_trailing) { size_t len = strlen(escape) - 1; size_t expected_len; int base; if (tolower(escape[0]) == 'x') { expected_len = 4; base = 16; } else if (tolower(escape[0]) == 'o') { expected_len = 6; base = 8; } else if (tolower(escape[0]) == 'd') { expected_len = 5; base = 10; } if (len < expected_len || (!allow_trailing && len > expected_len)) { return 0; } char *endptr; char numbuf[expected_len + 1]; memcpy(numbuf, escape + 1, expected_len); numbuf[expected_len] = '\0'; uintmax_t num = strtoumax(numbuf, &endptr, base); if (*endptr) { return 0; } *out = num; return expected_len + 1; } static const struct { char escape; char value; } C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[] = { {'n', '\n'}, {'t', '\t'}, {'r', '\r'}, {'v', '\v'}, {'f', '\f'}, {'b', '\b'}, {'a', '\a'}, {'0', '\0'}, {'\\', '\\'}, }; const size_t C_STYLE_ESCAPE_COUNT = sizeof(C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP) / sizeof(C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[0]); // true on success, false on failure static bool convert_c_style_char_escape(const char *escape, wchar_t *out) { for (size_t i = 0; i < C_STYLE_ESCAPE_COUNT; ++i) { if (tolower(escape[0]) == C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[i].escape) { *out = C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[i].value; return true; } } return false; } // null byte on failure static char escape_for_char(char to_escape) { for (size_t i = 0; i < C_STYLE_ESCAPE_COUNT; ++i) { if (to_escape == C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[i].value) { return C_STYLE_ESCAPE_MAP[i].escape; } } return '\0'; } char *ast_escape_string(const char *input, size_t input_len, size_t *out_len) { size_t out_size = input_len + 1; char *out = malloc(out_size); size_t backup_len; if (!out_len) { out_len = &backup_len; } *out_len = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < input_len; ++i) { char escape = escape_for_char(input[i]); if (escape) { out = realloc(out, ++out_size); out[(*out_len)++] = '\\'; out[(*out_len)++] = escape; } else if (input[i] == '"') { out = realloc(out, ++out_size); out[(*out_len)++] = '\\'; out[(*out_len)++] = '"'; } else { out[(*out_len)++] = input[i]; } } out[(*out_len)] = '\0'; return out; } static const struct { const char *escape; char value; } NAMED_CHAR_ESCAPE_MAP[] = { {"newline", '\n'}, {"tab", '\t'}, {"return", '\r'}, {"vtab", '\v'}, {"page_break", '\f'}, {"backspace", '\b'}, {"alert", '\a'}, {"null", '\0'}, {"backslash", '\\'}, }; static const size_t NAMED_CHAR_COUNT = sizeof(NAMED_CHAR_ESCAPE_MAP) / sizeof(NAMED_CHAR_ESCAPE_MAP[0]); // true on success, false on failure static bool convert_named_char_escape(const char *escape, wchar_t *out) { for (size_t i = 0; i < NAMED_CHAR_COUNT; ++i) { if (compat_strcasecmp(NAMED_CHAR_ESCAPE_MAP[i].escape, escape) == 0) { *out = NAMED_CHAR_ESCAPE_MAP[i].value; return true; } } return false; } static AstIntNode *process_char_token(Token *token, AstErrorList **err) { AstIntNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstIntNode), AST_TYPE_INT, token->line, token->col); // remove the # sign char *sym = token->text + 1; // special character if (sym[0] == '\\') { // account for '#' in token->len if (token->len < 3) { push_build_error(err, token, 1, "expected escape sequence"); free(node); return NULL; } wchar_t c; if (!convert_named_char_escape(sym + 1, &c) && !convert_c_style_char_escape(sym + 1, &c) && !convert_numeric_char_escape(sym + 1, &c, false)) { free(node); push_build_error(err, token, 0, "invalid escape sequence in character literal"); return NULL; } node->value = c; } else { node->value = sym[0]; } return node; } static char *process_string_escapes(Token *token, size_t *out_len, AstErrorList **err) { const char *text = token->text; size_t out_size = token->len + 1; char *out = malloc(out_size); *out_len = 0; bool backslash = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < token->len - 1; ++i) { if (!backslash && text[i] == '\\') { backslash = true; continue; } else if (backslash && text[i] == '\n') { // backslash can escape a newline } else if (backslash) { size_t count = 1; wchar_t c; if (!convert_c_style_char_escape(&text[i], &c) && !(count = convert_numeric_char_escape(&text[i], &c, true))) { push_build_error(err, token, i, "invalid escape sequence"); return NULL; } if (out_size - *out_len - 1 < MB_CUR_MAX) { out_size = out_size + MB_CUR_MAX - (out_size - *out_len - 1); out = realloc(out, out_size); } *out_len += wctomb(out + *out_len, c); i += count - 1; } else { if (*out_len >= out_size) { out = realloc(out, out_size + token->len - i + 1); } out[(*out_len)++] = text[i]; } backslash = false; } out = realloc(out, *out_len + 1); out[*out_len] = '\0'; return out; } static AstStringNode *process_string_token(Token *token, AstErrorList **err) { AstStringNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstStringNode), AST_TYPE_STRING, token->line, token->col); node->value = process_string_escapes(token, &node->length, err); if (!node->value) { free(node); node = NULL; } return node; } static AstNode *make_null_node(size_t line, size_t col) { return make_ast_node(sizeof(AstNode), AST_TYPE_NULL, line, col); } static AstNode *process_symbol_token(Token *token) { if (strcmp(token->text, "nil") == 0) { return (AstNode *) make_null_node(token->line, token->col); } AstSymbolNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstSymbolNode), AST_TYPE_SYMBOL, token->line, token->col); node->name = token->text; node->name_length = token->len; node->is_property = token->text[0] == ':'; node->skip_free = false; token->text = NULL; token->buf_len = 0; return (AstNode *) node; } static int sign_for_match(Token *token, regmatch_t *match) { if (match->rm_so != match->rm_eo && token->text[match->rm_so] == '-') { return -1; } else { return 1; } } static void break_number_for_matches(Token *token, regmatch_t *matches, int main, int dec, uintmax_t *main_out, uintmax_t *dec_out) { const char *text = token->text; regmatch_t *mm = &matches[main]; regmatch_t *dm = &matches[dec]; *main_out = 0; // main number has at least 1 char if (mm->rm_eo - mm->rm_so) { *main_out = strtoumax(text + mm->rm_so, NULL, 10); } *dec_out = 0; // decimal number has at least 1 char if (dm->rm_eo - dm->rm_so) { *dec_out = strtoumax(text + dm->rm_so, NULL, 10); } } static AstNode *process_decimal_matches(Token *token, regmatch_t *matches) { int main_sign = sign_for_match(token, &matches[1]); int exp_sign = sign_for_match(token, &matches[5]); uintmax_t main_main, main_dec; break_number_for_matches(token, matches, 2, 3, &main_main, &main_dec); uintmax_t exp_main, exp_dec; break_number_for_matches(token, matches, 6, 7, &exp_main, &exp_dec); if (main_dec == 0 && exp_dec == 0 && exp_sign == 1) { // return an integer AstIntNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstIntNode), AST_TYPE_INT, token->line, token->col); node->value = main_sign * main_main * pow(10, exp_main); return (AstNode *) node; } else { // return a float AstFloatNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstFloatNode), AST_TYPE_FLOAT, token->line, token->col); int main_dec_len = floor(log10(main_dec) + 1); int exp_dec_len = floor(log10(exp_dec) + 1); double main_dec_f = main_dec * pow(10, -main_dec_len); double exp_dec_f = exp_dec * pow(10, -exp_dec_len); node->value = main_sign * ((double) main_main + main_dec_f) * pow(10, exp_sign * ((double) exp_main + exp_dec_f)); return (AstNode *) node; } } static AstNode *process_non_decimal_matches(Token *token, regmatch_t *matches, AstErrorList **err) { // get the base int base; if (token->text[0] == '2' || token->text[0] == '8') { base = token->text[0] - '0'; } else { base = 10 + token->text[1] - '0'; } int sign = sign_for_match(token, &matches[2]); char *endptr; uintmax_t num = strtoumax(&token->text[matches[3].rm_so], &endptr, base); // num is the abs of our target, so only check against positive max if (*endptr || num > INT64_MAX) { push_build_error(err, token, 0, "invalid numeric literal"); return NULL; } AstIntNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstIntNode), AST_TYPE_INT, token->line, token->col); node->value = sign * (intmax_t) num; return (AstNode *) node; } static AstNode *parse_number_token(Token *token, AstErrorList **err) { regmatch_t matches[REGEX_NMATCH]; const char *text = token->text; if (regexec(&DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, text, REGEX_NMATCH, matches, 0) == 0) { return process_decimal_matches(token, matches); } else if (regexec(&NON_DECIMAL_NUM_REGEX, text, REGEX_NMATCH, matches, 0) == 0) { return process_non_decimal_matches(token, matches, err); } push_build_error(err, token, 0, "invalid numeric literal"); return NULL; } static bool is_node_symbol_t(AstNode *node) { return node->type == AST_TYPE_SYMBOL && strcmp("t", ((AstSymbolNode *) node)->name) == 0; } static AstNode *simplify_quote_node(AstQuoteNode *node) { AstNode *cur = (AstNode *) node; while (cur->type == AST_TYPE_QUOTE) { cur = ((AstQuoteNode *) cur)->form; } if (cur->type == AST_TYPE_NULL || cur->type == AST_TYPE_VECTOR || is_node_symbol_t(cur)) { AstNode *inner = node->form; node->form = NULL; destroy_ast_node(node); return inner; } return (AstNode *) node; } static AstNode *quote_ast_form(AstQuoteType type, AstNode *form, size_t line, size_t col, AstQuoteType in_quote) { AstQuoteNode *node = make_ast_node(sizeof(AstQuoteNode), AST_TYPE_QUOTE, line, col); node->type = type; node->form = form; if (!in_quote) { return simplify_quote_node(node); } return (AstNode *) node; } static AstNode *quote_next_toplevel(Token *token, TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err) { AstQuoteType my_type; switch (token->type) { case TOKEN_TYPE_QUOTE: my_type = AST_QUOTE_NORM; break; case TOKEN_TYPE_BACKQUOTE: my_type = AST_QUOTE_BACK; break; case TOKEN_TYPE_COMMA: my_type = AST_QUOTE_COMMA; break; case TOKEN_TYPE_SPLICE: my_type = AST_QUOTE_SPLICE; break; default: // shouldn't happen abort(); break; } if (in_quote != AST_QUOTE_BACK && (my_type == AST_QUOTE_COMMA || my_type == AST_QUOTE_SPLICE)) { push_build_error(err, token, 0, "comma or splice not inside a backquote"); return NULL; } if (my_type > in_quote) { in_quote = my_type; } AstNode *internal = ast_next_toplevel_internal(stream, in_quote, err); if (!internal) { // error already reported return NULL; } return quote_ast_form(my_type, internal, token->line, token->col, in_quote); } static bool is_close_delim(Token *token) { return (token->type == TOKEN_TYPE_PAREN || token->type == TOKEN_TYPE_BRACKET) && (token->text[0] == ')' || token->text[0] == ']'); } static bool is_close_delim_for(Token *token, Token *child) { if (token->type == child->type) { switch (token->type) { case TOKEN_TYPE_PAREN: return child->text[0] == ')'; case TOKEN_TYPE_BRACKET: return child->text[0] == ']'; default: // fall-through break; } } return false; } static AstNode *process_next_list_or_vector(Token *token, TokenStream *stream, size_t size, AstType type, off_t child_arr_off, off_t child_count_off, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err) { if (is_close_delim(token)) { push_build_error(err, token, 0, "unmatched closing delimiter"); return NULL; } AstNode *node = make_ast_node(size, type, token->line, token->col); AstNode ***child_arr_ptr = (void *) node + child_arr_off; size_t *child_count_ptr = (void *) node + child_count_off; *child_arr_ptr = NULL; *child_count_ptr = 0; bool error = false; Token ctok; ctok.text = NULL; ctok.buf_len = 0; while (true) { if (!next_token(stream, &ctok, err)) { // node MUST be valid for this to work destroy_ast_node(node); node = NULL; break; } if (is_close_delim_for(token, &ctok)) { break; } AstNode *cnode = process_token(&ctok, stream, in_quote, err); if (!cnode) { error = true; if (token_stream_is_eof(stream)) { push_build_error(err, token, 0, "unmatched opening delimiter"); break; } } *child_arr_ptr = realloc(*child_arr_ptr, sizeof(AstNode *) * ++(*child_count_ptr)); (*child_arr_ptr)[(*child_count_ptr) - 1] = cnode; } free(ctok.text); if (error) { destroy_ast_node(node); return NULL; } return node; } static bool is_quote_symbol_node(AstNode *node) { return node->type == AST_TYPE_SYMBOL && strcmp(((AstSymbolNode *) node)->name, "quote") == 0; } static AstNode *process_next_list(Token *token, TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err) { AstListNode *node = (AstListNode *) process_next_list_or_vector(token, stream, sizeof(AstListNode), AST_TYPE_LIST, offsetof(AstListNode, children), offsetof(AstListNode, nchildren), in_quote, err); if (!node) { return NULL; } else if (node->nchildren == 0) { destroy_ast_node(node); return (AstNode *) make_null_node(token->line, token->col); } bool is_quote = is_quote_symbol_node(node->children[0]); if (is_quote && node->nchildren != 2) { push_build_error(err, token, 0, "quote expects one argument, got %zu", node->nchildren); destroy_ast_node(node); return NULL; } else if (is_quote) { AstNode *internal = node->children[1]; node->nchildren = 1; destroy_ast_node(node); return (AstNode *)quote_ast_form(AST_QUOTE_NORM, internal, token->line, token->col, in_quote); } return (AstNode *) node; } // true on success, false on error static bool next_token(TokenStream *stream, Token *out, AstErrorList **err) { out->text = NULL; out->buf_len = 0; do { token_stream_next(stream, out); ParseError *parse_err; bool had_error = false; while ((parse_err = token_stream_error(stream))) { push_parse_error(err, parse_err); had_error = true; } if (had_error) { free(out->text); out->text = NULL; out->buf_len = 0; return false; } } while (out->type == TOKEN_TYPE_COMMENT); return true; } static AstNode *process_token(Token *token, TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err) { AstNode *retval = NULL; switch (token->type) { case TOKEN_TYPE_CHAR: retval = (AstNode *) process_char_token(token, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER: retval = parse_number_token(token, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_STRING: retval = (AstNode *) process_string_token(token, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_SYMBOL: case TOKEN_TYPE_PROPERTY: retval = (AstNode *) process_symbol_token(token); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_BACKQUOTE: case TOKEN_TYPE_COMMA: case TOKEN_TYPE_SPLICE: case TOKEN_TYPE_QUOTE: retval = (AstNode *) quote_next_toplevel(token, stream, in_quote, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_PAREN: retval = process_next_list(token, stream, in_quote, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_BRACKET: retval = process_next_list_or_vector(token, stream, sizeof(AstVectorNode), AST_TYPE_VECTOR, offsetof(AstVectorNode, children), offsetof(AstVectorNode, nchildren), AST_QUOTE_NORM, err); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN: push_build_error(err, token, 0, "unknown token"); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_EOF: // do nothing break; case TOKEN_TYPE_COMMENT: // shouldn't happen abort(); break; } free(token->text); return retval; } static AstNode *ast_next_toplevel_internal(TokenStream *stream, AstQuoteType in_quote, AstErrorList **err) { Token token; token.text = NULL; token.buf_len = 0; if (!next_token(stream, &token, err)) { return NULL; } return process_token(&token, stream, in_quote, err); } AstNode *ast_next_toplevel(TokenStream *stream, AstErrorList **err) { return ast_next_toplevel_internal(stream, AST_QUOTE_NONE, err); } void destroy_ast_node(void *node) { if (!node) { return; } switch (((AstNode *)node)->type) { case AST_TYPE_LIST: for (size_t i = 0; i < ((AstListNode *) node)->nchildren; ++i) { destroy_ast_node(((AstListNode *) node)->children[i]); } free(((AstListNode *) node)->children); break; case AST_TYPE_VECTOR: for (size_t i = 0; i < ((AstVectorNode *) node)->nchildren; ++i) { destroy_ast_node(((AstVectorNode *) node)->children[i]); } free(((AstVectorNode *) node)->children); break; case AST_TYPE_STRING: free(((AstStringNode *) node)->value); break; case AST_TYPE_SYMBOL: if (!((AstSymbolNode *)node)->skip_free) { free(((AstSymbolNode *) node)->name); } break; case AST_TYPE_QUOTE: destroy_ast_node(((AstQuoteNode *) node)->form); break; case AST_TYPE_INT: case AST_TYPE_FLOAT: case AST_TYPE_NULL: break; } free(node); } static const char *str_for_ast_quote_type(AstQuoteType type) { switch (type) { case AST_QUOTE_NONE: return ""; case AST_QUOTE_NORM: return "'"; case AST_QUOTE_BACK: return "`"; case AST_QUOTE_COMMA: return ","; case AST_QUOTE_SPLICE: return ",@"; } } static void ast_prin1_node_internal(AstNode *node, FILE *stream, int padding, bool skip_print_pad) { if (!skip_print_pad) { for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) { fputc(' ', stream); } } switch (node->type) { case AST_TYPE_INT: { int64_t value = ((AstIntNode *) node)->value; fprintf(stream, "%" PRId64 " (", value); char escape; if ((escape = escape_for_char((char) value))) { fprintf(stream, "#\\%c, ", escape); } else if (isprint(value)) { fprintf(stream, "#%c, ", (char) value); } if (value < 0) { fputc('-', stream); value *= -1; } fprintf(stream, "0x%" PRIx64 ")", value); } break; case AST_TYPE_STRING: { size_t escaped_len; char *escaped_string = ast_escape_string(((AstStringNode *)node)->value, ((AstStringNode *)node)->length, &escaped_len); fputc('"', stream); fwrite(escaped_string, 1, escaped_len, stream); fputc('"', stream); } break; case AST_TYPE_SYMBOL: fwrite(((AstSymbolNode *) node)->name, 1, ((AstSymbolNode *) node)->name_length, stream); break; case AST_TYPE_FLOAT: fprintf(stream, "%g", ((AstFloatNode *) node)->value); break; case AST_TYPE_LIST: { dump_node_list(((AstListNode *) node)->children, ((AstListNode *) node)->nchildren, '(', ')', padding, stream); } break; case AST_TYPE_VECTOR: dump_node_list(((AstVectorNode *) node)->children, ((AstVectorNode *) node)->nchildren, '[', ']', padding, stream); break; case AST_TYPE_QUOTE: { const char *quote_str = str_for_ast_quote_type(((AstQuoteNode *) node)->type); fprintf(stream, "%s", quote_str); padding += strlen(quote_str); ast_prin1_node_internal(((AstQuoteNode *) node)->form, stream, padding, true); } break; case AST_TYPE_NULL: fwrite("nil", 1, 3, stream); break; } } static void dump_node_list(AstNode **list, size_t count, char sdelim, char edelim, int padding, FILE *stream) { fputc(sdelim, stream); if (count) { ast_prin1_node_internal(list[0], stream, padding + 1, true); } for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) { fputc('\n', stream); ast_prin1_node_internal(list[i], stream, padding + 1, false); } fputc(edelim, stream); } void ast_prin1_node(AstNode *node, FILE *stream) { ast_prin1_node_internal(node, stream, 0, false); fputc('\n', stream); } char *ast_prin1_node_to_string(AstNode *node, size_t *out_len) { size_t backup_outlen = 0; if (!out_len) { out_len = &backup_outlen; } char *outbuf = NULL; FILE *stream = open_memstream(&outbuf, out_len); ast_prin1_node(node, stream); fclose(stream); return outbuf; } AstErrorList *ast_error_list_pop(AstErrorList **list) { AstErrorList *top = *list; if (*list) { *list = (*list)->next; } return top; } void ast_error_list_free_one(AstErrorList *list) { if (list) { switch (list->type) { case AST_ERROR_PARSE: parse_error_free(list->parse); break; case AST_ERROR_BUILD: free(list->build.msg); token_free(&list->build.token); break; } free(list); } } void ast_error_list_free_all(AstErrorList *list) { while (list) { AstErrorList *next = list->next; ast_error_list_free_one(list); list = next; } } static const char *start_of_last_line(const char *str, size_t len, size_t *line_len, size_t *num_passed) { *num_passed = 0; *line_len = 0; const char *retval = str; size_t i; for (i = len; i > 0; --i) { if (str[i - 1] == '\n' && *line_len) { retval = &str[i]; break; } else if (str[i - 1] != '\n') { ++(*line_len); } } for (; i > 0; --i) { if (str[i - 1] == '\n') { ++*num_passed; } } return retval; } void ast_format_error(AstErrorList *err, const char *file_name, FILE *stream) { if (!err) { return; } fprintf(stream, "error: "); if (file_name) { fprintf(stream, "%s: ", file_name); } switch (err->type) { case AST_ERROR_PARSE: { size_t line_len; size_t num_passed; const char *last_line = start_of_last_line(err->parse->context, strlen(err->parse->context), &line_len, &num_passed); fprintf(stream, "%zu:%zu: %s\n ", err->parse->line + num_passed, err->parse->at_end ? err->parse->col + line_len - 1 : err->parse->col, err->parse->desc); fwrite(last_line, 1, line_len, stream); fwrite("\n ", 1, 3, stream); if (err->parse->at_end) { for (size_t i = 1; i < line_len; ++i) { fputc(' ', stream); } } fwrite("^\n", 1, 2, stream); } break; case AST_ERROR_BUILD: fprintf(stream, "%zu:%zu: %s\n %s\n ", err->build.token.line, err->build.token.col + err->build.off, err->build.msg, err->build.token.text); for (size_t i = 1; i <= err->build.off; ++i) { fputc(' ', stream); } fwrite("^\n", 1, 2, stream); break; } }