2020-06-16 20:54:05 +02:00

256 lines
9.2 KiB

// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 Isaac Freund
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const Self = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Log = @import("log.zig").Log;
const Output = @import("Output.zig");
const Server = @import("Server.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const XwaylandUnmanaged = @import("XwaylandUnmanaged.zig");
/// Responsible for all windowing operations
server: *Server,
wlr_output_layout: *c.wlr_output_layout,
outputs: std.TailQueue(Output),
/// This output is used internally when no real outputs are available.
/// It is not advertised to clients.
noop_output: Output,
/// This list stores all unmanaged Xwayland windows. This needs to be in root
/// since X is like the wild west and who knows where these things will go.
xwayland_unmanaged_views: if (build_options.xwayland) std.TailQueue(XwaylandUnmanaged) else void,
/// Number of pending configures sent in the current transaction.
/// A value of 0 means there is no current transaction.
pending_configures: u32,
/// Handles timeout of transactions
transaction_timer: *c.wl_event_source,
pub fn init(self: *Self, server: *Server) !void {
self.server = server;
// Create an output layout, which a wlroots utility for working with an
// arrangement of screens in a physical layout.
self.wlr_output_layout = c.wlr_output_layout_create() orelse
return error.CantCreateWlrOutputLayout;
errdefer c.wlr_output_layout_destroy(self.wlr_output_layout);
self.outputs = std.TailQueue(Output).init();
const noop_wlr_output = c.river_wlr_noop_add_output(server.noop_backend) orelse
return error.CantAddNoopOutput;
try self.noop_output.init(self, noop_wlr_output);
if (build_options.xwayland) {
self.xwayland_unmanaged_views = std.TailQueue(XwaylandUnmanaged).init();
self.pending_configures = 0;
self.transaction_timer = c.wl_event_loop_add_timer(
) orelse return error.CantCreateTimer;
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
// Need to remove these listeners as the noop output will be destroyed with
// the noop backend triggering the destroy event. However,
// Output.handleDestroy is not intended to handle the noop output being
// destroyed.
if (c.wl_event_source_remove(self.transaction_timer) < 0) unreachable;
pub fn addOutput(self: *Self, wlr_output: *c.wlr_output) void {
// TODO: Handle failure
const node = self.outputs.allocateNode(self.server.allocator) catch unreachable;
node.data.init(self, wlr_output) catch unreachable;
// if we previously had no real outputs, move focus from the noop output
// to the new one.
if (self.outputs.len == 1) {
// TODO: move views from the noop output to the new one and focus(null)
var it = self.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |seat_node| : (it = seat_node.next) {
/// Arrange all views on all outputs and then start a transaction.
pub fn arrange(self: *Self) void {
var it = self.outputs.first;
while (it) |output_node| : (it = output_node.next) {
/// Initiate an atomic change to the layout. This change will not be
/// applied until all affected clients ack a configure and commit a buffer.
fn startTransaction(self: *Self) void {
// If a new transaction is started while another is in progress, we need
// to reset the pending count to 0 and clear serials from the views
self.pending_configures = 0;
// Iterate over all views of all outputs
var output_it = self.outputs.first;
while (output_it) |node| : (output_it = node.next) {
const output = &node.data;
var view_it = ViewStack(View).iterator(output.views.first, std.math.maxInt(u32));
while (view_it.next()) |view_node| {
const view = &view_node.view;
// Clear the serial in case this transaction is interrupting a prior one.
view.pending_serial = null;
if (view.needsConfigure()) {
self.pending_configures += 1;
// Send a frame done that the client will commit a new frame
// with the dimensions we sent in the configure. Normally this
// event would be sent in the render function.
// If there are saved buffers present, then this transaction is interrupting
// a previous transaction and we should keep the old buffers.
if (view.saved_buffers.items.len == 0) {
if (self.pending_configures > 0) {
"Started transaction with {} pending configures.",
// Set timeout to 200ms
if (c.wl_event_source_timer_update(self.transaction_timer, 200) < 0) {
Log.Error.log("failed to update timer.", .{});
} else {
// No views need configures, clear the current timer in case we are
// interrupting another transaction and commit.
if (c.wl_event_source_timer_update(self.transaction_timer, 0) < 0)
Log.Error.log("error disarming timer", .{});
fn handleTimeout(data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) c_int {
const self = util.voidCast(Self, data.?);
Log.Error.log("Transaction timed out. Some imperfect frames may be shown.", .{});
return 0;
pub fn notifyConfigured(self: *Self) void {
self.pending_configures -= 1;
if (self.pending_configures == 0) {
// Disarm the timer, as we didn't timeout
if (c.wl_event_source_timer_update(self.transaction_timer, 0) == -1)
Log.Error.log("Error disarming timer", .{});
/// Apply the pending state and drop stashed buffers. This means that
/// the next frame drawn will be the post-transaction state of the
/// layout. Should only be called after all clients have configured for
/// the new layout. If called early imperfect frames may be drawn.
fn commitTransaction(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: apply damage properly
// Ensure this is set to 0 to avoid entering invalid state (e.g. if called due to timeout)
self.pending_configures = 0;
// Iterate over all views of all outputs
var output_it = self.outputs.first;
while (output_it) |output_node| : (output_it = output_node.next) {
const output = &output_node.data;
// If there were pending focused tags, make them the current focus
if (output.pending_focused_tags) |tags| {
"changing current focus: {b:0>10} to {b:0>10}",
.{ output.current_focused_tags, tags },
output.current_focused_tags = tags;
output.pending_focused_tags = null;
var it = output.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendFocusedTags();
var view_tags_changed = false;
var view_it = ViewStack(View).iterator(output.views.first, std.math.maxInt(u32));
while (view_it.next()) |view_node| {
const view = &view_node.view;
// Ensure that all pending state is cleared
view.pending_serial = null;
if (view.pending_box) |state| {
view.current_box = state;
view.pending_box = null;
// Apply possible pending tags
if (view.pending_tags) |tags| {
view.current_tags = tags;
view.pending_tags = null;
view_tags_changed = true;
if (view_tags_changed) output.sendViewTags();
// Iterate over all seats and update focus
var it = self.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |seat_node| : (it = seat_node.next) {