2020-08-21 21:06:59 +02:00

610 lines
24 KiB

// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 Isaac Freund
// Copyright 2020 Leon Henrik Plickat
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const Self = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const log = @import("log.zig");
const render = @import("render.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Box = @import("Box.zig");
const LayerSurface = @import("LayerSurface.zig");
const Root = @import("Root.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const AttachMode = @import("view_stack.zig").AttachMode;
const OutputStatus = @import("OutputStatus.zig");
const State = struct {
/// A bit field of focused tags
tags: u32,
root: *Root,
wlr_output: *c.wlr_output,
/// All layer surfaces on the output, indexed by the layer enum.
layers: [4]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface) = [1]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface){std.TailQueue(LayerSurface).init()} ** 4,
/// The area left for views and other layer surfaces after applying the
/// exclusive zones of exclusive layer surfaces.
/// TODO: this should be part of the output's State
usable_box: Box,
/// The top of the stack is the "most important" view.
views: ViewStack(View) = ViewStack(View){},
/// The double-buffered state of the output.
current: State = State{ .tags = 1 << 0 },
pending: State = State{ .tags = 1 << 0 },
/// Number of views in "master" section of the screen.
master_count: u32 = 1,
/// Percentage of the total screen that the master section takes up.
master_factor: f64 = 0.6,
/// Current layout of the output. If it is "full", river will use the full
/// layout. Otherwise river assumes it contains a string which, when executed
/// with sh, will result in a layout.
layout: []const u8,
/// Determines where new views will be attached to the view stack.
attach_mode: AttachMode = .top,
/// List of status tracking objects relaying changes to this output to clients.
status_trackers: std.SinglyLinkedList(OutputStatus) = std.SinglyLinkedList(OutputStatus).init(),
// All listeners for this output, in alphabetical order
listen_destroy: c.wl_listener = undefined,
listen_frame: c.wl_listener = undefined,
listen_mode: c.wl_listener = undefined,
pub fn init(self: *Self, root: *Root, wlr_output: *c.wlr_output) !void {
// Some backends don't have modes. DRM+KMS does, and we need to set a mode
// before we can use the output. The mode is a tuple of (width, height,
// refresh rate), and each monitor supports only a specific set of modes. We
// just pick the monitor's preferred mode, a more sophisticated compositor
// would let the user configure it.
if (c.wlr_output_preferred_mode(wlr_output)) |mode| {
c.wlr_output_set_mode(wlr_output, mode);
c.wlr_output_enable(wlr_output, true);
if (!c.wlr_output_commit(wlr_output)) return error.OutputCommitFailed;
const layout = try std.mem.dupe(util.gpa, u8, "full");
errdefer util.gpa.free(layout);
self.* = .{
.root = root,
.wlr_output = wlr_output,
.layout = layout,
.usable_box = undefined,
wlr_output.data = self;
// Set up listeners
self.listen_destroy.notify = handleDestroy;
c.wl_signal_add(&wlr_output.events.destroy, &self.listen_destroy);
self.listen_frame.notify = handleFrame;
c.wl_signal_add(&wlr_output.events.frame, &self.listen_frame);
self.listen_mode.notify = handleMode;
c.wl_signal_add(&wlr_output.events.mode, &self.listen_mode);
if (c.river_wlr_output_is_noop(wlr_output)) {
// A noop output is always 0 x 0
self.usable_box = .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = 0,
.height = 0,
} else {
// Add the new output to the layout. The add_auto function arranges outputs
// from left-to-right in the order they appear. A more sophisticated
// compositor would let the user configure the arrangement of outputs in the
// layout. This automatically creates an output global on the wl_display.
c.wlr_output_layout_add_auto(root.wlr_output_layout, wlr_output);
// Ensure that a cursor image at the output's scale factor is loaded
// for each seat.
var it = root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const seat = &node.data;
if (!c.wlr_xcursor_manager_load(seat.cursor.wlr_xcursor_manager, wlr_output.scale))
log.err(.cursor, "failed to load xcursor theme at scale {}", .{wlr_output.scale});
var width: c_int = undefined;
var height: c_int = undefined;
c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(wlr_output, &width, &height);
self.usable_box = .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = @intCast(u32, width),
.height = @intCast(u32, height),
pub fn getRenderer(self: Self) *c.wlr_renderer {
return c.river_wlr_backend_get_renderer(self.wlr_output.backend);
pub fn sendViewTags(self: Self) void {
var it = self.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendViewTags();
/// The single build in layout, which makes all views use the maximum available
/// space.
fn layoutFull(self: *Self, visible_count: u32) void {
const border_width = self.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = self.root.server.config.view_padding;
const outer_padding = self.root.server.config.outer_padding;
const xy_offset = outer_padding + border_width + view_padding;
var full_box: Box = .{
.x = self.usable_box.x + @intCast(i32, xy_offset),
.y = self.usable_box.y + @intCast(i32, xy_offset),
.width = self.usable_box.width - (2 * xy_offset),
.height = self.usable_box.height - (2 * xy_offset),
var it = ViewStack(View).iter(self.views.first, .forward, self.pending.tags, arrangeFilter);
while (it.next()) |view| {
view.pending.box = full_box;
const LayoutError = error{
/// Parse 4 integers separated by spaces into a Box
fn parseBox(buffer: []const u8) !Box {
var it = std.mem.split(buffer, " ");
const box = Box{
.x = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, it.next() orelse return error.NotEnoughArguments, 10),
.y = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, it.next() orelse return error.NotEnoughArguments, 10),
.width = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, it.next() orelse return error.NotEnoughArguments, 10),
.height = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, it.next() orelse return error.NotEnoughArguments, 10),
if (it.next() != null) return error.TooManyArguments;
return box;
test "parse window configuration" {
const testing = @import("std").testing;
const box = try parseBox("5 10 100 200");
testing.expect(box.x == 5);
testing.expect(box.y == 10);
testing.expect(box.width == 100);
testing.expect(box.height == 200);
/// Execute an external layout function, parse its output and apply the layout
/// to the output.
fn layoutExternal(self: *Self, visible_count: u32) !void {
const config = self.root.server.config;
const xy_offset = @intCast(i32, config.border_width + config.outer_padding + config.view_padding);
const delta_size = (config.border_width + config.view_padding) * 2;
const layout_width = @intCast(u32, self.usable_box.width) - config.outer_padding * 2;
const layout_height = @intCast(u32, self.usable_box.height) - config.outer_padding * 2;
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(util.gpa);
defer arena.deinit();
// Assemble command
const layout_command = try std.fmt.allocPrint0(&arena.allocator, "{} {} {} {d} {} {}", .{
const cmd = [_:null]?[*:0]const u8{ "/bin/sh", "-c", layout_command, null };
const stdout_pipe = try std.os.pipe();
const pid = try std.os.fork();
if (pid == 0) {
std.os.dup2(stdout_pipe[1], std.os.STDOUT_FILENO) catch c._exit(1);
std.os.execveZ("/bin/sh", &cmd, std.c.environ) catch c._exit(1);
const stdout = std.fs.File{ .handle = stdout_pipe[0], .io_mode = std.io.mode };
defer stdout.close();
// TODO abort after a timeout
const status = std.os.waitpid(pid, 0);
if (!std.os.WIFEXITED(status) or std.os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
return LayoutError.BadExitCode;
const buffer = try stdout.inStream().readAllAlloc(&arena.allocator, 1024);
// Parse layout command output
var view_boxen = std.ArrayList(Box).init(&arena.allocator);
var parse_it = std.mem.split(buffer, "\n");
while (parse_it.next()) |token| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, token, "")) break;
var box = try parseBox(token);
box.x += self.usable_box.x + xy_offset;
box.y += self.usable_box.y + xy_offset;
if (box.width > delta_size) box.width -= delta_size;
if (box.height > delta_size) box.height -= delta_size;
try view_boxen.append(box);
if (view_boxen.items.len != visible_count) return LayoutError.WrongViewCount;
// Apply window configuration to views
var i: u32 = 0;
var view_it = ViewStack(View).iter(self.views.first, .forward, self.pending.tags, arrangeFilter);
while (view_it.next()) |view| : (i += 1) {
view.pending.box = view_boxen.items[i];
fn arrangeFilter(view: *View, filter_tags: u32) bool {
return !view.destroying and !view.pending.float and
!view.pending.fullscreen and view.pending.tags & filter_tags != 0;
/// Arrange all views on the output for the current layout. Modifies only
/// pending state, the changes are not appplied until a transaction is started
/// and completed.
pub fn arrangeViews(self: *Self) void {
if (self == &self.root.noop_output) return;
// Count up views that will be arranged by the layout
var layout_count: u32 = 0;
var it = ViewStack(View).iter(self.views.first, .forward, self.pending.tags, arrangeFilter);
while (it.next() != null) layout_count += 1;
// If the usable area has a zero dimension, trying to arrange the layout
// would cause an underflow and is pointless anyway.
if (layout_count == 0 or self.usable_box.width == 0 or self.usable_box.height == 0) return;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.layout, "full")) return layoutFull(self, layout_count);
self.layoutExternal(layout_count) catch |err| {
switch (err) {
LayoutError.BadExitCode => log.err(.layout, "layout command exited with non-zero return code", .{}),
LayoutError.WrongViewCount => log.err(.layout, "mismatch between window configuration and visible window counts", .{}),
else => log.err(.layout, "failed to use external layout: {}", .{err}),
log.err(.layout, "falling back to internal layout", .{});
/// Arrange all layer surfaces of this output and adjust the usable area
pub fn arrangeLayers(self: *Self) void {
const full_box = blk: {
var width: c_int = undefined;
var height: c_int = undefined;
c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(self.wlr_output, &width, &height);
break :blk Box{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = @intCast(u32, width),
.height = @intCast(u32, height),
// This box is modified as exclusive zones are applied
var usable_box = full_box;
const layer_idxs = [_]usize{
// Arrange all layer surfaces with exclusive zones, applying them to the
// usable box along the way.
for (layer_idxs) |layer| self.arrangeLayer(self.layers[layer], full_box, &usable_box, true);
// If the the usable_box has changed, we need to rearrange the output
if (!std.meta.eql(self.usable_box, usable_box)) {
self.usable_box = usable_box;
// Arrange the layers without exclusive zones
for (layer_idxs) |layer| self.arrangeLayer(self.layers[layer], full_box, &usable_box, false);
// Find the topmost layer surface in the top or overlay layers which
// requests keyboard interactivity if any.
const topmost_surface = outer: for (layer_idxs[0..2]) |layer| {
// Iterate in reverse order since the last layer is rendered on top
var it = self.layers[layer].last;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.prev) {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
if (layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current.keyboard_interactive) {
break :outer layer_surface;
} else null;
var it = self.root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const seat = &node.data;
// Only grab focus of seats which have the output focused
if (seat.focused_output != self) continue;
if (topmost_surface) |to_focus| {
// If we found a surface that requires focus, grab the focus of all
// seats.
seat.setFocusRaw(.{ .layer = to_focus });
} else if (seat.focused == .layer) {
// If the seat is currently focusing a layer without keyboard
// interactivity, stop focusing that layer.
if (!seat.focused.layer.wlr_layer_surface.current.keyboard_interactive) {
seat.setFocusRaw(.{ .none = {} });
/// Arrange the layer surfaces of a given layer
fn arrangeLayer(
self: *Self,
layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
full_box: Box,
usable_box: *Box,
exclusive: bool,
) void {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
const current_state = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current;
// If the value of exclusive_zone is greater than zero, then it exclusivly
// occupies some area of the screen.
if (exclusive != (current_state.exclusive_zone > 0)) continue;
// If the exclusive zone is set to -1, this means the the client would like
// to ignore any exclusive zones and use the full area of the output.
const bounds = if (current_state.exclusive_zone == -1) &full_box else usable_box;
var new_box: Box = undefined;
// Horizontal alignment
const anchor_left = @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT);
const anchor_right = @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_RIGHT);
if (current_state.desired_width == 0) {
const anchor_left_right = anchor_left | anchor_right;
if (current_state.anchor & anchor_left_right == anchor_left_right) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.left);
new_box.width = bounds.width -
(current_state.margin.left + current_state.margin.right);
} else {
"protocol error: layer surface '{}' requested width 0 without anchoring to opposite edges",
} else if (current_state.anchor & anchor_left != 0) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.left);
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
} else if (current_state.anchor & anchor_right != 0) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, bounds.width - current_state.desired_width -
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
} else {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @intCast(i32, bounds.width / 2 - current_state.desired_width / 2);
new_box.width = current_state.desired_width;
// Vertical alignment
const anchor_top = @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP);
const anchor_bottom = @intCast(u32, c.ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_BOTTOM);
if (current_state.desired_height == 0) {
const anchor_top_bottom = anchor_top | anchor_bottom;
if (current_state.anchor & anchor_top_bottom == anchor_top_bottom) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.top);
new_box.height = bounds.height -
(current_state.margin.top + current_state.margin.bottom);
} else {
"protocol error: layer surface '{}' requested height 0 without anchoring to opposite edges",
} else if (current_state.anchor & anchor_top != 0) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, current_state.margin.top);
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
} else if (current_state.anchor & anchor_bottom != 0) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, bounds.height - current_state.desired_height -
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
} else {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @intCast(i32, bounds.height / 2 - current_state.desired_height / 2);
new_box.height = current_state.desired_height;
layer_surface.box = new_box;
// Apply the exclusive zone to the current bounds
const edges = [4]struct {
single: u32,
triple: u32,
to_increase: ?*i32,
to_decrease: *u32,
margin: u32,
.single = anchor_top,
.triple = anchor_top | anchor_left | anchor_right,
.to_increase = &usable_box.y,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.height,
.margin = current_state.margin.top,
.single = anchor_bottom,
.triple = anchor_bottom | anchor_left | anchor_right,
.to_increase = null,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.height,
.margin = current_state.margin.bottom,
.single = anchor_left,
.triple = anchor_left | anchor_top | anchor_bottom,
.to_increase = &usable_box.x,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.width,
.margin = current_state.margin.left,
.single = anchor_right,
.triple = anchor_right | anchor_top | anchor_bottom,
.to_increase = null,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.width,
.margin = current_state.margin.right,
for (edges) |edge| {
if ((current_state.anchor == edge.single or current_state.anchor == edge.triple) and
current_state.exclusive_zone + @intCast(i32, edge.margin) > 0)
const delta = current_state.exclusive_zone + @intCast(i32, edge.margin);
if (edge.to_increase) |value| value.* += delta;
edge.to_decrease.* -= @intCast(u32, delta);
// Tell the client to assume the new size
log.debug(.layer_shell, "send configure, {} x {}", .{ layer_surface.box.width, layer_surface.box.height });
/// Called when the output is destroyed. Evacuate all views from the output
/// and then remove it from the list of outputs.
fn handleDestroy(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_destroy", listener.?);
const root = self.root;
log.debug(.server, "output '{}' destroyed", .{self.wlr_output.name});
// Use the first output in the list that is not the one being destroyed.
// If there is no other real output, use the noop output.
var output_it = root.outputs.first;
const fallback_output = while (output_it) |output_node| : (output_it = output_node.next) {
if (&output_node.data != self) {
break &output_node.data;
} else &root.noop_output;
// Move all views from the destroyed output to the fallback one
while (self.views.last) |node| {
const view = &node.view;
// Close all layer surfaces on the destroyed output
for (self.layers) |*layer, layer_idx| {
while (layer.pop()) |node| {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
// We need to move the closing layer surface to the noop output
// since it may not be immediately destoryed. This just a request
// to close which will trigger unmap and destroy events in
// response, and the LayerSurface needs a valid output to
// handle them.
layer_surface.output = &root.noop_output;
// If any seat has the destroyed output focused, focus the fallback one
var seat_it = root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (seat_it) |seat_node| : (seat_it = seat_node.next) {
const seat = &seat_node.data;
if (seat.focused_output == self) {
// Remove all listeners
// Clean up the wlr_output
self.wlr_output.data = null;
// Free the layout command
// Remove the destroyed output from the list
const node = @fieldParentPtr(std.TailQueue(Self).Node, "data", self);
// Arrange the root in case evacuated views affect the layout
fn handleFrame(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This function is called every time an output is ready to display a frame,
// generally at the output's refresh rate (e.g. 60Hz).
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_frame", listener.?);
fn handleMode(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_mode", listener.?);