Isaac Freund df2fc30238
session-lock: wait for present before locking
Currently we send the locked event after rendering and commit of blank
or lock surfaces buffers on all outputs. However, this is technically
not enough to ensure that the buffers have been presented.

Instead, listen to the wlr_output present event to ensure that no
normal, "unlocked" content is possibly visible.
2023-01-06 18:51:40 +01:00

579 lines
22 KiB

// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const Self = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const wlr = @import("wlroots");
const wayland = @import("wayland");
const wl = wayland.server.wl;
const zwlr = wayland.server.zwlr;
const render = @import("render.zig");
const server = &@import("main.zig").server;
const util = @import("util.zig");
const LayerSurface = @import("LayerSurface.zig");
const Layout = @import("Layout.zig");
const LayoutDemand = @import("LayoutDemand.zig");
const LockSurface = @import("LockSurface.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const OutputStatus = @import("OutputStatus.zig");
const State = struct {
/// A bit field of focused tags
tags: u32,
/// Active layout, or null if views are un-arranged.
/// If null, views which are manually moved or resized (with the pointer or
/// or command) will not be automatically set to floating. Everything is
/// already floating, so this would be an unexpected change of a views state
/// the user will only notice once a layout affects the views. So instead we
/// "snap back" all manually moved views the next time a layout is active.
/// This is similar to dwms behvaviour. Note that this of course does not
/// affect already floating views.
layout: ?*Layout = null,
wlr_output: *wlr.Output,
damage: ?*wlr.OutputDamage,
/// All layer surfaces on the output, indexed by the layer enum.
layers: [4]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface) = [1]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface){.{}} ** 4,
/// The area left for views and other layer surfaces after applying the
/// exclusive zones of exclusive layer surfaces.
/// TODO: this should be part of the output's State
usable_box: wlr.Box,
/// The top of the stack is the "most important" view.
views: ViewStack(View) = .{},
lock_surface: ?*LockSurface = null,
lock_render_state: enum {
/// Normal, "unlocked" content may be visible.
/// Submitted a blank buffer but the buffer has not yet been presented.
/// Normal, "unlocked" content may be visible.
/// A blank buffer has been presented.
/// Submitted the lock surface buffer but the buffer has not yet been presented.
/// Normal, "unlocked" content may be visible.
/// The lock surface buffer has been presented.
} = .unlocked,
/// The double-buffered state of the output.
current: State = State{ .tags = 1 << 0 },
pending: State = State{ .tags = 1 << 0 },
/// Remembered version of tags (from last run)
previous_tags: u32 = 1 << 0,
/// The currently active LayoutDemand
layout_demand: ?LayoutDemand = null,
/// List of all layouts
layouts: std.TailQueue(Layout) = .{},
/// The current layout namespace of the output. If null,
/// config.default_layout_namespace should be used instead.
/// Call handleLayoutNamespaceChange() after setting this.
layout_namespace: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// The last set layout name.
layout_name: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
/// List of status tracking objects relaying changes to this output to clients.
status_trackers: std.SinglyLinkedList(OutputStatus) = .{},
destroy: wl.Listener(*wlr.Output) = wl.Listener(*wlr.Output).init(handleDestroy),
enable: wl.Listener(*wlr.Output) = wl.Listener(*wlr.Output).init(handleEnable),
mode: wl.Listener(*wlr.Output) = wl.Listener(*wlr.Output).init(handleMode),
present: wl.Listener(*wlr.Output.event.Present) = wl.Listener(*wlr.Output.event.Present).init(handlePresent),
frame: wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage) = wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage).init(handleFrame),
damage_destroy: wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage) = wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage).init(handleDamageDestroy),
pub fn init(self: *Self, wlr_output: *wlr.Output) !void {
if (!wlr_output.initRender(server.allocator, server.renderer)) return;
// Some backends don't have modes. DRM+KMS does, and we need to set a mode
// before we can use the output. The mode is a tuple of (width, height,
// refresh rate), and each monitor supports only a specific set of modes. We
// just pick the monitor's preferred mode, a more sophisticated compositor
// would let the user configure it.
if (wlr_output.preferredMode()) |preferred_mode| {
wlr_output.commit() catch |err| {
var it = wlr_output.modes.iterator(.forward);
while (it.next()) |mode| {
if (mode == preferred_mode) continue;
wlr_output.commit() catch continue;
// This mode works, use it
} else {
return err;
self.* = .{
.wlr_output = wlr_output,
.damage = try wlr.OutputDamage.create(wlr_output),
.usable_box = undefined,
wlr_output.data = @ptrToInt(self);
// Ensure that a cursor image at the output's scale factor is loaded
// for each seat.
var it = server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const seat = &node.data;
seat.cursor.xcursor_manager.load(wlr_output.scale) catch
std.log.scoped(.cursor).err("failed to load xcursor theme at scale {}", .{wlr_output.scale});
self.usable_box = .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = undefined,
.height = undefined,
self.wlr_output.effectiveResolution(&self.usable_box.width, &self.usable_box.height);
pub fn getLayer(self: *Self, layer: zwlr.LayerShellV1.Layer) *std.TailQueue(LayerSurface) {
return &self.layers[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(layer))];
pub fn sendViewTags(self: Self) void {
var it = self.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendViewTags();
pub fn sendUrgentTags(self: Self) void {
var urgent_tags: u32 = 0;
var view_it = self.views.first;
while (view_it) |node| : (view_it = node.next) {
if (node.view.current.urgent) urgent_tags |= node.view.current.tags;
var it = self.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendUrgentTags(urgent_tags);
pub fn sendLayoutName(self: Self) void {
std.debug.assert(self.layout_name != null);
var it = self.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendLayoutName(self.layout_name.?);
pub fn sendLayoutNameClear(self: Self) void {
std.debug.assert(self.layout_name == null);
var it = self.status_trackers.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) node.data.sendLayoutNameClear();
pub fn arrangeFilter(view: *View, filter_tags: u32) bool {
return view.surface != null and !view.pending.float and !view.pending.fullscreen and
view.pending.tags & filter_tags != 0;
/// Start a layout demand with the currently active (pending) layout.
/// Note that this function does /not/ decide which layout shall be active. That
/// is done in two places: 1) When the user changed the layout namespace option
/// of this output and 2) when a new layout is added.
/// If no layout is active, all views will simply retain their current
/// dimensions. So without any active layouts, river will function like a simple
/// floating WM.
/// The changes of view dimensions are async. Therefore all transactions are
/// blocked until the layout demand has either finished or was aborted. Both
/// cases will start a transaction.
pub fn arrangeViews(self: *Self) void {
if (self == &server.root.noop_output) return;
// If there is already an active layout demand, discard it.
if (self.layout_demand) |demand| {
self.layout_demand = null;
// We only need to do something if there is an active layout.
if (self.pending.layout) |layout| {
// If the usable area has a zero dimension, trying to arrange the layout
// would cause an underflow and is pointless anyway.
if (self.usable_box.width == 0 or self.usable_box.height == 0) return;
// How many views will be part of the layout?
var views: u32 = 0;
var view_it = ViewStack(View).iter(self.views.first, .forward, self.pending.tags, arrangeFilter);
while (view_it.next() != null) views += 1;
// No need to arrange an empty output.
if (views == 0) return;
// Note that this is async. A layout demand will start a transaction
// once its done.
const ArrangeLayersTarget = enum { mapped, unmapped };
/// Arrange all layer surfaces of this output and adjust the usable area.
/// Will arrange views as well if the usable area changes.
/// If target is unmapped, this function is pure aside from the
/// wlr.LayerSurfaceV1.configure() calls made on umapped layer surfaces.
pub fn arrangeLayers(self: *Self, target: ArrangeLayersTarget) void {
var full_box: wlr.Box = .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = undefined,
.height = undefined,
self.wlr_output.effectiveResolution(&full_box.width, &full_box.height);
// This box is modified as exclusive zones are applied
var usable_box = full_box;
const layers = [_]zwlr.LayerShellV1.Layer{ .overlay, .top, .bottom, .background };
// Arrange all layer surfaces with exclusive zones, applying them to the
// usable box along the way.
for (layers) |layer| arrangeLayer(self.getLayer(layer).*, full_box, &usable_box, true, target);
// If the the usable_box has changed, we need to rearrange the output
if (target == .mapped and !std.meta.eql(self.usable_box, usable_box)) {
self.usable_box = usable_box;
// Arrange the layers without exclusive zones
for (layers) |layer| arrangeLayer(self.getLayer(layer).*, full_box, &usable_box, false, target);
if (target == .unmapped) return;
// Find the topmost layer surface in the top or overlay layers which
// requests keyboard interactivity if any.
const topmost_surface = outer: for (layers[0..2]) |layer| {
// Iterate in reverse order since the last layer is rendered on top
var it = self.getLayer(layer).last;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.prev) {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
if (layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current.keyboard_interactive == .exclusive) {
break :outer layer_surface;
} else null;
var it = server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const seat = &node.data;
// Only grab focus of seats which have the output focused
if (seat.focused_output != self) continue;
if (topmost_surface) |to_focus| {
// If we found a surface that requires focus, grab the focus of all
// seats.
seat.setFocusRaw(.{ .layer = to_focus });
} else if (seat.focused == .layer) {
// If the seat is currently focusing a layer without keyboard
// interactivity, stop focusing that layer.
if (seat.focused.layer.wlr_layer_surface.current.keyboard_interactive != .exclusive) {
seat.setFocusRaw(.{ .none = {} });
/// Arrange the layer surfaces of a given layer
fn arrangeLayer(
layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
full_box: wlr.Box,
usable_box: *wlr.Box,
exclusive: bool,
target: ArrangeLayersTarget,
) void {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
const current_state = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.current;
const desired_width = @intCast(u31, math.min(math.maxInt(u31), current_state.desired_width));
const desired_height = @intCast(u31, math.min(math.maxInt(u31), current_state.desired_height));
// If the value of exclusive_zone is greater than zero, then it exclusivly
// occupies some area of the screen.
if (exclusive != (current_state.exclusive_zone > 0)) continue;
// If the exclusive zone is set to -1, this means the the client would like
// to ignore any exclusive zones and use the full area of the output.
const bounds = if (current_state.exclusive_zone == -1) &full_box else usable_box;
var new_box: wlr.Box = undefined;
// Horizontal alignment
if (desired_width == 0) {
assert(current_state.anchor.right and current_state.anchor.left);
new_box.x = bounds.x + current_state.margin.left;
new_box.width = bounds.width - (current_state.margin.left + current_state.margin.right);
} else if (current_state.anchor.left == current_state.anchor.right) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + @divTrunc(bounds.width, 2) - desired_width / 2;
new_box.width = desired_width;
} else if (current_state.anchor.left) {
new_box.x = bounds.x + current_state.margin.left;
new_box.width = desired_width;
} else {
new_box.x = bounds.x + bounds.width - desired_width - current_state.margin.right;
new_box.width = desired_width;
// Vertical alignment
if (desired_height == 0) {
assert(current_state.anchor.top and current_state.anchor.bottom);
new_box.y = bounds.y + current_state.margin.top;
new_box.height = bounds.height - (current_state.margin.top + current_state.margin.bottom);
} else if (current_state.anchor.top == current_state.anchor.bottom) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + @divTrunc(bounds.height, 2) - desired_height / 2;
new_box.height = desired_height;
} else if (current_state.anchor.top) {
new_box.y = bounds.y + current_state.margin.top;
new_box.height = desired_height;
} else {
new_box.y = bounds.y + bounds.height - desired_height - current_state.margin.bottom;
new_box.height = desired_height;
// Apply the exclusive zone to the current bounds
const edges = [4]struct {
single: zwlr.LayerSurfaceV1.Anchor,
triple: zwlr.LayerSurfaceV1.Anchor,
to_increase: ?*i32,
to_decrease: *i32,
margin: i32,
.single = .{ .top = true },
.triple = .{ .top = true, .left = true, .right = true },
.to_increase = &usable_box.y,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.height,
.margin = current_state.margin.top,
.single = .{ .bottom = true },
.triple = .{ .bottom = true, .left = true, .right = true },
.to_increase = null,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.height,
.margin = current_state.margin.bottom,
.single = .{ .left = true },
.triple = .{ .left = true, .top = true, .bottom = true },
.to_increase = &usable_box.x,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.width,
.margin = current_state.margin.left,
.single = .{ .right = true },
.triple = .{ .right = true, .top = true, .bottom = true },
.to_increase = null,
.to_decrease = &usable_box.width,
.margin = current_state.margin.right,
for (edges) |edge| {
if ((std.meta.eql(current_state.anchor, edge.single) or std.meta.eql(current_state.anchor, edge.triple)) and
current_state.exclusive_zone + edge.margin > 0)
const delta = current_state.exclusive_zone + edge.margin;
if (edge.to_increase) |value| value.* += delta;
edge.to_decrease.* -= delta;
switch (target) {
.mapped => {
layer_surface.box = new_box;
_ = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.configure(
@intCast(u32, new_box.width),
@intCast(u32, new_box.height),
.unmapped => if (!layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.mapped) {
_ = layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.configure(
@intCast(u32, new_box.width),
@intCast(u32, new_box.height),
fn handleDamageDestroy(listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage), _: *wlr.OutputDamage) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "damage_destroy", listener);
// The wlr.OutputDamage is only destroyed by wlroots when the output is
// destroyed and is never destroyed manually by river.
// Ensure that it is safe to call remove() again in handleDestroy()
self.frame.link = .{ .prev = &self.frame.link, .next = &self.frame.link };
self.damage = null;
fn handleDestroy(listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.Output), _: *wlr.Output) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "destroy", listener);
std.log.scoped(.server).debug("output '{s}' destroyed", .{self.wlr_output.name});
// Remove the destroyed output from root if it wasn't already removed
assert(self.views.first == null and self.views.last == null);
for (self.layers) |layer| assert(layer.len == 0);
assert(self.layouts.len == 0);
var it = server.root.all_outputs.first;
while (it) |all_node| : (it = all_node.next) {
if (all_node.data == self) {
if (self.lock_surface) |surface| surface.destroy();
// Remove all listeners
// Free all memory and clean up the wlr.Output
if (self.layout_demand) |demand| demand.deinit();
if (self.layout_namespace) |namespace| util.gpa.free(namespace);
self.wlr_output.data = undefined;
const node = @fieldParentPtr(std.TailQueue(Self).Node, "data", self);
fn handleEnable(listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.Output), wlr_output: *wlr.Output) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "enable", listener);
// Add the output to root.outputs and the output layout if it has not
// already been added.
if (wlr_output.enabled) server.root.addOutput(self);
fn handleFrame(listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.OutputDamage), _: *wlr.OutputDamage) void {
// This function is called every time an output is ready to display a frame,
// generally at the output's refresh rate (e.g. 60Hz).
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "frame", listener);
fn handleMode(listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.Output), _: *wlr.Output) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "mode", listener);
fn handlePresent(
listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.Output.event.Present),
event: *wlr.Output.event.Present,
) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "present", listener);
switch (self.lock_render_state) {
.unlocked => return,
.pending_blank, .pending_lock_surface => {
if (!event.presented) {
self.lock_render_state = .unlocked;
self.lock_render_state = switch (self.lock_render_state) {
.pending_blank => .blanked,
.pending_lock_surface => .lock_surface,
.unlocked, .blanked, .lock_surface => unreachable,
if (server.lock_manager.state != .locked) {
.blanked, .lock_surface => unreachable,
fn setTitle(self: Self) void {
const title = fmt.allocPrintZ(util.gpa, "river - {s}", .{self.wlr_output.name}) catch return;
defer util.gpa.free(title);
if (self.wlr_output.isWl()) {
} else if (wlr.config.has_x11_backend and self.wlr_output.isX11()) {
pub fn handleLayoutNamespaceChange(self: *Self) void {
// The user changed the layout namespace of this output. Try to find a
// matching layout.
var it = self.layouts.first;
self.pending.layout = while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
if (mem.eql(u8, self.layoutNamespace(), node.data.namespace)) break &node.data;
} else null;
pub fn layoutNamespace(self: Self) []const u8 {
return self.layout_namespace orelse server.config.default_layout_namespace;