polykernel a0ea456ab2
river: add position and dimensions rules
This commit adds position and dimensions rules for configuring
the initial position and dimensions of views.

When a view is not matched by any position rules, it is centered
in the avaliable output space matching the current behavior. If
the provided position rule places the view outside of the output,
the view's position is clamped to the output bounds (with respect
to borders).

When a view is not matched by any dimensions rules, no default
dimensions is set by the server. If the provided dimensions rule
exceeds the minimum or maximum width/height constraints of the view,
the view's width/height is clamped to the constraints.

Position and dimensions rules have no effect if a view is started
fullscreen or is not floating. A view must be matched by a float
rule in order for them to take effect.
2023-11-08 00:46:55 -05:00

263 lines
9.5 KiB

// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2023 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const std = @import("std");
const fmt = std.fmt;
const globber = @import("globber");
const flags = @import("flags");
const server = &@import("../main.zig").server;
const util = @import("../util.zig");
const Error = @import("../command.zig").Error;
const Seat = @import("../Seat.zig");
const View = @import("../View.zig");
const Action = enum {
pub fn ruleAdd(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, _: *?[]const u8) Error!void {
const result = flags.parser([:0]const u8, &.{
.{ .name = "app-id", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "title", .kind = .arg },
}).parse(args[1..]) catch {
return error.InvalidValue;
if (result.args.len < 1) return Error.NotEnoughArguments;
const action = std.meta.stringToEnum(Action, result.args[0]) orelse return Error.UnknownOption;
const positional_arguments_count: u8 = switch (action) {
.float, .@"no-float", .ssd, .csd => 1,
.tag, .output => 2,
.position, .dimensions => 3,
if (result.args.len > positional_arguments_count) return Error.TooManyArguments;
if (result.args.len < positional_arguments_count) return Error.NotEnoughArguments;
const app_id_glob = result.flags.@"app-id" orelse "*";
const title_glob = result.flags.title orelse "*";
try globber.validate(app_id_glob);
try globber.validate(title_glob);
switch (action) {
.float, .@"no-float" => {
try server.config.float_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = (action == .float),
.ssd, .csd => {
try server.config.ssd_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = (action == .ssd),
.tag => {
const tag = try fmt.parseInt(u32, result.args[1], 10);
try server.config.tag_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = tag,
.output => {
const output_name = try util.gpa.dupe(u8, result.args[1]);
errdefer util.gpa.free(output_name);
try server.config.output_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = output_name,
.position => {
const x = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[1], 10);
const y = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[2], 10);
try server.config.position_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = .{
.x = x,
.y = y,
.dimensions => {
const width = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[1], 10);
const height = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[2], 10);
try server.config.dimensions_rules.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = .{
.width = width,
.height = height,
pub fn ruleDel(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, _: *?[]const u8) Error!void {
const result = flags.parser([:0]const u8, &.{
.{ .name = "app-id", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "title", .kind = .arg },
}).parse(args[1..]) catch {
return error.InvalidValue;
if (result.args.len > 1) return Error.TooManyArguments;
if (result.args.len < 1) return Error.NotEnoughArguments;
const action = std.meta.stringToEnum(Action, result.args[0]) orelse return Error.UnknownOption;
const rule = .{
.app_id_glob = result.flags.@"app-id" orelse "*",
.title_glob = result.flags.title orelse "*",
switch (action) {
.float, .@"no-float" => {
_ = server.config.float_rules.del(rule);
.ssd, .csd => {
_ = server.config.ssd_rules.del(rule);
.tag => {
_ = server.config.tag_rules.del(rule);
.output => {
if (server.config.output_rules.del(rule)) |output_rule| {
.position => {
_ = server.config.position_rules.del(rule);
.dimensions => {
_ = server.config.dimensions_rules.del(rule);
fn apply_ssd_rules() void {
var it = server.root.views.iterator(.forward);
while (it.next()) |view| {
if (server.config.ssd_rules.match(view)) |ssd| {
view.pending.ssd = ssd;
pub fn listRules(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, out: *?[]const u8) Error!void {
if (args.len < 2) return error.NotEnoughArguments;
if (args.len > 2) return error.TooManyArguments;
const list = std.meta.stringToEnum(enum {
}, args[1]) orelse return Error.UnknownOption;
const max_glob_len = switch (list) {
.float => server.config.float_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.ssd => server.config.ssd_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.tag => server.config.tag_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.output => server.config.output_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.position => server.config.position_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.dimensions => server.config.dimensions_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
const app_id_column_max = 2 + @max("app-id".len, max_glob_len.app_id);
const title_column_max = 2 + @max("title".len, max_glob_len.title);
var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(util.gpa);
const writer = buffer.writer();
try fmt.formatBuf("title", .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf("app-id", .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.writeAll("action\n");
switch (list) {
.float, .ssd => {
const rules = switch (list) {
.float => server.config.float_rules.rules.items,
.ssd => server.config.ssd_rules.rules.items,
else => unreachable,
for (rules) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{s}\n", .{switch (list) {
.float => if (rule.value) "float" else "no-float",
.ssd => if (rule.value) "ssd" else "csd",
else => unreachable,
.tag => {
const rules = server.config.tag_rules.rules.items;
for (rules) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{b}\n", .{rule.value});
.output => {
const rules = server.config.output_rules.rules.items;
for (rules) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{s}\n", .{rule.value});
.position => {
const rules = server.config.position_rules.rules.items;
for (rules) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{d},{d}\n", .{ rule.value.x, rule.value.y });
.dimensions => {
const rules = server.config.dimensions_rules.rules.items;
for (rules) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{d}x{d}\n", .{ rule.value.width, rule.value.height });
out.* = try buffer.toOwnedSlice();