Options are now all global but may be overridden per-output. If an output local value is requested but none has been set, the global value is provided instead. This makes for much better ergonomics when configuring layout related options in particular.
321 lines
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321 lines
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// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2021 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const std = @import("std");
const os = std.os;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const wayland = @import("wayland");
const wl = wayland.client.wl;
const river = wayland.client.river;
const zriver = wayland.client.zriver;
const zxdg = wayland.client.zxdg;
const root = @import("root");
const Args = @import("args.zig").Args;
const FlagDef = @import("args.zig").FlagDef;
const Globals = @import("main.zig").Globals;
const Output = @import("main.zig").Output;
const ValueType = enum {
const Context = struct {
display: *wl.Display,
key: [*:0]const u8,
raw_value: [*:0]const u8,
output: ?*Output,
pub fn declareOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(3, &[_]FlagDef{}).parse(argv[2..]);
const key = args.positionals[0];
const value_type = std.meta.stringToEnum(ValueType, mem.span(args.positionals[1])) orelse {
"'{}' is not a valid type, must be int, uint, fixed, or string",
const raw_value = args.positionals[2];
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
switch (value_type) {
.int => options_manager.declareIntOption(key, parseInt(raw_value)),
.uint => options_manager.declareUintOption(key, parseUint(raw_value)),
.fixed => options_manager.declareFixedOption(key, parseFixed(raw_value)),
.string => options_manager.declareStringOption(key, raw_value),
_ = try display.flush();
fn parseInt(raw_value: [*:0]const u8) i32 {
return fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid int", .{raw_value});
fn parseUint(raw_value: [*:0]const u8) u32 {
return fmt.parseInt(u32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid uint", .{raw_value});
fn parseFixed(raw_value: [*:0]const u8) wl.Fixed {
return wl.Fixed.fromDouble(fmt.parseFloat(f64, mem.span(raw_value)) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid fixed", .{raw_value}));
pub fn getOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(1, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = undefined,
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, getOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
pub fn setOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(2, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = args.positionals[1],
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, setOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
pub fn unsetOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(1, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
root.printErrorExit("unset requires either -output or -focused-output", .{});
const key = args.positionals[0];
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
options_manager.unsetOption(key, output.wl_output);
_ = try display.flush();
pub fn modOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(2, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = args.positionals[1],
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, modOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
fn parseOutputName(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals, output_name: [*:0]const u8) !*Output {
const output_manager = globals.output_manager orelse return error.XdgOutputNotAdvertised;
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
const xdg_output = try output_manager.getXdgOutput(output.wl_output);
xdg_output.setListener(*Output, xdgOutputListener, output) catch unreachable;
_ = try display.roundtrip();
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
if (mem.eql(u8, output.name, mem.span(output_name))) return output;
root.printErrorExit("unknown output '{}'", .{output_name});
fn xdgOutputListener(xdg_output: *zxdg.OutputV1, event: zxdg.OutputV1.Event, output: *Output) void {
switch (event) {
.name => |ev| output.name = std.heap.c_allocator.dupe(u8, mem.span(ev.name)) catch @panic("out of memory"),
else => {},
fn getFocusedOutput(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !*Output {
const status_manager = globals.status_manager orelse return error.RiverStatusManagerNotAdvertised;
const seat = globals.seat orelse return error.SeatNotAdverstised;
const seat_status = try status_manager.getRiverSeatStatus(seat);
var result: ?*wl.Output = null;
seat_status.setListener(*?*wl.Output, seatStatusListener, &result) catch unreachable;
_ = try display.roundtrip();
const wl_output = if (result) |output| output else return error.NoOutputFocused;
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
if (output.wl_output == wl_output) return output;
} else unreachable;
fn seatStatusListener(seat_status: *zriver.SeatStatusV1, event: zriver.SeatStatusV1.Event, result: *?*wl.Output) void {
switch (event) {
.focused_output => |ev| result.* = ev.output,
.unfocused_output, .focused_view => {},
fn getOptionListener(
handle: *river.OptionHandleV2,
event: river.OptionHandleV2.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.undeclared => root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared", .{ctx.key}),
.int_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{}", .{ev.value}),
.uint_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{}", .{ev.value}),
.fixed_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{d}", .{ev.value.toDouble()}),
.string_value => |ev| if (ev.value) |s| printOutputExit("{}", .{s}) else os.exit(0),
fn printOutputExit(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
stdout.print(format ++ "\n", args) catch os.exit(1);
fn setOptionListener(
handle: *river.OptionHandleV2,
event: river.OptionHandleV2.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.undeclared => root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared", .{ctx.key}),
.int_value => |ev| handle.setIntValue(parseInt(ctx.raw_value)),
.uint_value => |ev| handle.setUintValue(parseUint(ctx.raw_value)),
.fixed_value => |ev| handle.setFixedValue(parseFixed(ctx.raw_value)),
.string_value => |ev| handle.setStringValue(if (ctx.raw_value[0] == 0) null else ctx.raw_value),
_ = ctx.display.flush() catch os.exit(1);
fn modOptionListener(
handle: *river.OptionHandleV2,
event: river.OptionHandleV2.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.undeclared => root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared", .{ctx.key}),
.int_value => |ev| modIntValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.uint_value => |ev| modUintValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.fixed_value => |ev| modFixedValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.string_value => root.printErrorExit("can not modify string options, use set-option to overwrite them", .{}),
_ = ctx.display.flush() catch os.exit(1);
fn modIntValueRaw(handle: *river.OptionHandleV2, current: i32, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
const mod = fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid int modifier", .{raw_value});
const new_value = math.add(i32, current, mod) catch
root.printErrorExit("provided value of {d} would overflow option if added", .{mod});
fn modUintValueRaw(handle: *river.OptionHandleV2, current: u32, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
// We need to allow negative mod values, but the value of the option may
// never be below zero.
const mod = fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid uint modifier", .{raw_value});
const new = @intCast(i32, current) + mod;
handle.setUintValue(if (new < 0) 0 else @intCast(u32, new));
fn modFixedValueRaw(handle: *river.OptionHandleV2, current: wl.Fixed, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
const mod = fmt.parseFloat(f64, mem.span(raw_value)) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid fixed modifier", .{raw_value});
handle.setFixedValue(wl.Fixed.fromDouble(current.toDouble() + mod));