Isaac Freund 7a6ac8eb6e seat: set focus before starting transactions
Focus was made double-buffered in 96a91fd. However, much of the code
still behaved as if focus was separate from the transaction system.
This commit completes the work started in 96a91fd and ensures that
focus is applied consistently in a single transaction.
2020-08-13 11:17:15 +02:00

556 lines
23 KiB

// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 Isaac Freund
// Copyright 2020 Leon Henrik Plickat
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const Self = @This();
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const log = @import("log.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Box = @import("Box.zig");
const Config = @import("Config.zig");
const LayerSurface = @import("LayerSurface.zig");
const Output = @import("Output.zig");
const Seat = @import("Seat.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const Mode = union(enum) {
passthrough: void,
down: *View,
move: *View,
resize: struct {
view: *View,
/// Offset from the lower right corner of the view
offset_x: i32,
offset_y: i32,
/// Enter move or resize mode
fn enter(self: *Self, mode: @TagType(Mode), event: *c.wlr_event_pointer_button, view: *View) void {
log.debug(.cursor, "enter {} mode", .{@tagName(mode)});
switch (mode) {
.passthrough => unreachable,
.down => {
self.mode = .{ .down = view };
.move, .resize => {
const cur_box = &view.current.box;
self.mode = switch (mode) {
.passthrough, .down => unreachable,
.move => .{ .move = view },
.resize => .{
.resize = .{
.view = view,
.offset_x = cur_box.x + @intCast(i32, cur_box.width) - @floatToInt(i32, self.wlr_cursor.x),
.offset_y = cur_box.y + @intCast(i32, cur_box.height) - @floatToInt(i32, self.wlr_cursor.y),
// Automatically float all views being moved by the pointer
if (!view.current.float) {
view.pending.float = true;
view.float_box = view.current.box;
// Clear cursor focus, so that the surface does not receive events
if (mode == .move) "move" else "se-resize",
/// Return from down/move/resize to passthrough
fn leave(self: *Self, event: *c.wlr_event_pointer_button) void {
std.debug.assert(self.mode != .passthrough);
log.debug(.cursor, "leave {} mode", .{@tagName(self.mode)});
// If we were in down mode, we need pass along the release event
if (self.mode == .down)
_ = c.wlr_seat_pointer_notify_button(
self.mode = .passthrough;
passthrough(self, event.time_msec);
fn processMotion(self: *Self, device: *c.wlr_input_device, time: u32, delta_x: f64, delta_y: f64) void {
const border_width = self.seat.input_manager.server.config.border_width;
switch (self.mode) {
.passthrough => {
c.wlr_cursor_move(self.wlr_cursor, device, delta_x, delta_y);
passthrough(self, time);
.down => |view| {
c.wlr_cursor_move(self.wlr_cursor, device, delta_x, delta_y);
self.wlr_cursor.x - @intToFloat(f64, view.current.box.x),
self.wlr_cursor.y - @intToFloat(f64, view.current.box.y),
.move => |view| {
var output_width: c_int = undefined;
var output_height: c_int = undefined;
c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(view.output.wlr_output, &output_width, &output_height);
// Set x/y of cursor and view, clamp to output dimensions
view.pending.box.x = std.math.clamp(
view.pending.box.x + @floatToInt(i32, delta_x),
@intCast(i32, border_width),
output_width - @intCast(i32, view.pending.box.width + border_width),
view.pending.box.y = std.math.clamp(
view.pending.box.y + @floatToInt(i32, delta_y),
@intCast(i32, border_width),
output_height - @intCast(i32, view.pending.box.height + border_width),
@intToFloat(f64, view.pending.box.x - view.current.box.x),
@intToFloat(f64, view.pending.box.y - view.current.box.y),
.resize => |data| {
var output_width: c_int = undefined;
var output_height: c_int = undefined;
c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(data.view.output.wlr_output, &output_width, &output_height);
// Set width/height of view, clamp to view size constraints and output dimensions
const box = &data.view.pending.box;
box.width = @intCast(u32, std.math.max(0, @intCast(i32, box.width) + @floatToInt(i32, delta_x)));
box.height = @intCast(u32, std.math.max(0, @intCast(i32, box.height) + @floatToInt(i32, delta_y)));
box.width = std.math.min(box.width, @intCast(u32, output_width - box.x - @intCast(i32, border_width)));
box.height = std.math.min(box.height, @intCast(u32, output_height - box.y - @intCast(i32, border_width)));
// Keep cursor locked to the original offset from the bottom right corner
@intToFloat(f64, box.x + @intCast(i32, box.width) - data.offset_x),
@intToFloat(f64, box.y + @intCast(i32, box.height) - data.offset_y),
/// Pass an event on to the surface under the cursor, if any.
fn passthrough(self: *Self, time: u32) void {
var sx: f64 = undefined;
var sy: f64 = undefined;
if (self.surfaceAt(self.wlr_cursor.x, self.wlr_cursor.y, &sx, &sy)) |wlr_surface| {
// If input is allowed on the surface, send a pointer enter
// or motion even as needed.
if (self.seat.input_manager.inputAllowed(wlr_surface)) {
const wlr_seat = self.seat.wlr_seat;
const focus_change = wlr_seat.pointer_state.focused_surface != wlr_surface;
if (focus_change) {
log.debug(.cursor, "pointer notify enter at ({},{})", .{ sx, sy });
c.wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(wlr_seat, wlr_surface, sx, sy);
} else {
c.wlr_seat_pointer_notify_motion(wlr_seat, time, sx, sy);
// There is either no surface under the cursor or input is disallowed
// Reset the cursor image to the default and clear focus.
const default_size = 24;
seat: *Seat,
wlr_cursor: *c.wlr_cursor,
wlr_xcursor_manager: *c.wlr_xcursor_manager,
/// Number of distinct buttons currently pressed
pressed_count: u32,
/// Current cursor mode as well as any state needed to implement that mode
mode: Mode,
listen_axis: c.wl_listener,
listen_button: c.wl_listener,
listen_frame: c.wl_listener,
listen_motion_absolute: c.wl_listener,
listen_motion: c.wl_listener,
listen_request_set_cursor: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(self: *Self, seat: *Seat) !void {
self.seat = seat;
// Creates a wlroots utility for tracking the cursor image shown on screen.
self.wlr_cursor = c.wlr_cursor_create() orelse return error.OutOfMemory;
c.wlr_cursor_attach_output_layout(self.wlr_cursor, seat.input_manager.server.root.wlr_output_layout);
// This is here so that self.wlr_xcursor_manager doesn't need to be an
// optional pointer. This isn't optimal as it does a needless allocation,
// but this is not a hot path.
self.wlr_xcursor_manager = c.wlr_xcursor_manager_create(null, default_size) orelse
return error.OutOfMemory;
try self.setTheme(null, null);
self.pressed_count = 0;
self.mode = .passthrough;
// wlr_cursor *only* displays an image on screen. It does not move around
// when the pointer moves. However, we can attach input devices to it, and
// it will generate aggregate events for all of them. In these events, we
// can choose how we want to process them, forwarding them to clients and
// moving the cursor around. See following post for more detail:
// https://drewdevault.com/2018/07/17/Input-handling-in-wlroots.html
self.listen_axis.notify = handleAxis;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_cursor.events.axis, &self.listen_axis);
self.listen_button.notify = handleButton;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_cursor.events.button, &self.listen_button);
self.listen_frame.notify = handleFrame;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_cursor.events.frame, &self.listen_frame);
self.listen_motion_absolute.notify = handleMotionAbsolute;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_cursor.events.motion_absolute, &self.listen_motion_absolute);
self.listen_motion.notify = handleMotion;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.wlr_cursor.events.motion, &self.listen_motion);
self.listen_request_set_cursor.notify = handleRequestSetCursor;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.seat.wlr_seat.events.request_set_cursor, &self.listen_request_set_cursor);
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
/// Set the cursor theme for the given seat, as well as the xwayland theme if
/// this is the default seat. Either argument may be null, in which case a
/// default will be used.
pub fn setTheme(self: *Self, theme: ?[*:0]const u8, _size: ?u32) !void {
const server = self.seat.input_manager.server;
const size = _size orelse default_size;
self.wlr_xcursor_manager = c.wlr_xcursor_manager_create(theme, size) orelse
return error.OutOfMemory;
// For each output, ensure a theme of the proper scale is loaded
var it = server.root.outputs.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const wlr_output = node.data.wlr_output;
if (!c.wlr_xcursor_manager_load(self.wlr_xcursor_manager, wlr_output.scale))
log.err(.cursor, "failed to load xcursor theme '{}' at scale {}", .{ theme, wlr_output.scale });
// If this cursor belongs to the default seat, set the xcursor environment
// variables and the xwayland cursor theme.
if (self.seat == self.seat.input_manager.default_seat) {
const size_str = try std.fmt.allocPrint0(util.gpa, "{}", .{size});
defer util.gpa.free(size_str);
if (c.setenv("XCURSOR_SIZE", size_str, 1) < 0) return error.OutOfMemory;
if (theme) |t| if (c.setenv("XCURSOR_THEME", t, 1) < 0) return error.OutOfMemory;
if (build_options.xwayland) {
if (c.wlr_xcursor_manager_load(self.wlr_xcursor_manager, 1)) {
const wlr_xcursor = c.wlr_xcursor_manager_get_xcursor(self.wlr_xcursor_manager, "left_ptr", 1).?;
const image: *c.wlr_xcursor_image = wlr_xcursor.*.images[0];
image.width * 4,
@intCast(i32, image.hotspot_x),
@intCast(i32, image.hotspot_y),
} else log.err(.cursor, "failed to load xcursor theme '{}' at scale 1", .{theme});
fn handleAxis(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is forwarded by the cursor when a pointer emits an axis event,
// for example when you move the scroll wheel.
const cursor = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_axis", listener.?);
const event = util.voidCast(c.wlr_event_pointer_axis, data.?);
// Notify the client with pointer focus of the axis event.
fn handleButton(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is forwarded by the cursor when a pointer emits a button
// event.
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_button", listener.?);
const event = util.voidCast(c.wlr_event_pointer_button, data.?);
if (event.state == .WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) {
self.pressed_count += 1;
} else {
std.debug.assert(self.pressed_count > 0);
self.pressed_count -= 1;
if (self.pressed_count == 0 and self.mode != .passthrough) {
Mode.leave(self, event);
var sx: f64 = undefined;
var sy: f64 = undefined;
if (self.surfaceAt(self.wlr_cursor.x, self.wlr_cursor.y, &sx, &sy)) |wlr_surface| {
// If the found surface is a keyboard inteactive layer surface,
// give it keyboard focus.
if (c.wlr_surface_is_layer_surface(wlr_surface)) {
const wlr_layer_surface = c.wlr_layer_surface_v1_from_wlr_surface(wlr_surface);
if (wlr_layer_surface.*.current.keyboard_interactive) {
const layer_surface = util.voidCast(LayerSurface, wlr_layer_surface.*.data.?);
self.seat.setFocusRaw(.{ .layer = layer_surface });
// If the target surface has a view, give that view keyboard focus and
// perhaps enter move/resize mode.
if (View.fromWlrSurface(wlr_surface)) |view| {
if (event.state == .WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED and self.pressed_count == 1) {
// If the button is pressed and the pointer modifier is
// active, enter cursor mode or close view and return.
const fullscreen = view.current.fullscreen or view.pending.fullscreen;
if (self.seat.pointer_modifier) {
switch (event.button) {
c.BTN_LEFT => if (!fullscreen) Mode.enter(self, .move, event, view),
c.BTN_MIDDLE => view.close(),
c.BTN_RIGHT => if (!fullscreen) Mode.enter(self, .resize, event, view),
// TODO Some mice have additional buttons. These
// could also be bound to some useful action.
else => {},
} else {
Mode.enter(self, .down, event, view);
_ = c.wlr_seat_pointer_notify_button(
fn handleFrame(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is forwarded by the cursor when a pointer emits an frame
// event. Frame events are sent after regular pointer events to group
// multiple events together. For instance, two axis events may happen at the
// same time, in which case a frame event won't be sent in between.
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_frame", listener.?);
// Notify the client with pointer focus of the frame event.
fn handleMotionAbsolute(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is forwarded by the cursor when a pointer emits an _absolute_
// motion event, from 0..1 on each axis. This happens, for example, when
// wlroots is running under a Wayland window rather than KMS+DRM, and you
// move the mouse over the window. You could enter the window from any edge,
// so we have to warp the mouse there. There is also some hardware which
// emits these events.
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_motion_absolute", listener.?);
const event = util.voidCast(c.wlr_event_pointer_motion_absolute, data.?);
var lx: f64 = undefined;
var ly: f64 = undefined;
c.wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(self.wlr_cursor, event.device, event.x, event.y, &lx, &ly);
Mode.processMotion(self, event.device, event.time_msec, lx - self.wlr_cursor.x, ly - self.wlr_cursor.y);
fn handleMotion(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is forwarded by the cursor when a pointer emits a _relative_
// pointer motion event (i.e. a delta)
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_motion", listener.?);
const event = util.voidCast(c.wlr_event_pointer_motion, data.?);
Mode.processMotion(self, event.device, event.time_msec, event.delta_x, event.delta_y);
fn handleRequestSetCursor(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is rasied by the seat when a client provides a cursor image
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "listen_request_set_cursor", listener.?);
const event = util.voidCast(c.wlr_seat_pointer_request_set_cursor_event, data.?);
const focused_client = self.seat.wlr_seat.pointer_state.focused_client;
// This can be sent by any client, so we check to make sure this one is
// actually has pointer focus first.
if (focused_client == event.seat_client) {
// Once we've vetted the client, we can tell the cursor to use the
// provided surface as the cursor image. It will set the hardware cursor
// on the output that it's currently on and continue to do so as the
// cursor moves between outputs.
log.debug(.cursor, "focused client set cursor", .{});
/// Find the topmost surface under the output layout coordinates lx/ly
/// returns the surface if found and sets the sx/sy parametes to the
/// surface coordinates.
fn surfaceAt(self: Self, lx: f64, ly: f64, sx: *f64, sy: *f64) ?*c.wlr_surface {
// Find the output to check
const root = self.seat.input_manager.server.root;
const wlr_output = c.wlr_output_layout_output_at(root.wlr_output_layout, lx, ly) orelse return null;
const output = util.voidCast(Output, wlr_output.*.data orelse return null);
// Get output-local coords from the layout coords
var ox = lx;
var oy = ly;
c.wlr_output_layout_output_coords(root.wlr_output_layout, wlr_output, &ox, &oy);
// Check layers and views from top to bottom
const layer_idxs = [_]usize{
// Check overlay layer incl. popups
if (layerSurfaceAt(output.*, output.layers[layer_idxs[0]], ox, oy, sx, sy, false)) |s| return s;
// Check top-background popups only
for (layer_idxs[1..4]) |idx|
if (layerSurfaceAt(output.*, output.layers[idx], ox, oy, sx, sy, true)) |s| return s;
// Check top layer
if (layerSurfaceAt(output.*, output.layers[layer_idxs[1]], ox, oy, sx, sy, false)) |s| return s;
// Check views
if (viewSurfaceAt(output.*, ox, oy, sx, sy)) |s| return s;
// Check the bottom-background layers
for (layer_idxs[2..4]) |idx|
if (layerSurfaceAt(output.*, output.layers[idx], ox, oy, sx, sy, false)) |s| return s;
return null;
/// Find the topmost surface on the given layer at ox,oy. Will only check
/// popups if popups_only is true.
fn layerSurfaceAt(
output: Output,
layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
ox: f64,
oy: f64,
sx: *f64,
sy: *f64,
popups_only: bool,
) ?*c.wlr_surface {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const layer_surface = &node.data;
const surface = c.wlr_layer_surface_v1_surface_at(
ox - @intToFloat(f64, layer_surface.box.x),
oy - @intToFloat(f64, layer_surface.box.y),
if (surface) |found| {
if (!popups_only) {
return found;
} else if (c.wlr_surface_is_xdg_surface(found)) {
const wlr_xdg_surface = c.wlr_xdg_surface_from_wlr_surface(found);
if (wlr_xdg_surface.*.role == .WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_POPUP) {
return found;
return null;
/// Find the topmost visible view surface (incl. popups) at ox,oy.
fn viewSurfaceAt(output: Output, ox: f64, oy: f64, sx: *f64, sy: *f64) ?*c.wlr_surface {
// Focused views are rendered on top, so look for them first.
var it = ViewStack(View).iterator(output.views.first, output.current.tags);
while (it.next()) |node| {
if (node.view.current.focus == 0) continue;
if (node.view.surfaceAt(ox, oy, sx, sy)) |found| return found;
it = ViewStack(View).iterator(output.views.first, output.current.tags);
while (it.next()) |node| {
if (node.view.surfaceAt(ox, oy, sx, sy)) |found| return found;
return null;