Menus, tooltips, etc. can extend beyond a view's borders. Render views after their borders so floating content appears on top. Unfocused floating content can still be obscured by views higher in the stack and the focused view.
372 lines
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372 lines
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// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const os = std.os;
const wlr = @import("wlroots");
const wl = @import("wayland").server.wl;
const pixman = @import("pixman");
const server = &@import("main.zig").server;
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Box = @import("Box.zig");
const LayerSurface = @import("LayerSurface.zig");
const Output = @import("Output.zig");
const Server = @import("Server.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const log = std.log.scoped(.render);
const SurfaceRenderData = struct {
output: *const Output,
/// In output layout coordinates relative to the output
output_x: i32,
output_y: i32,
when: *os.timespec,
/// The rendering order in this function must be kept in sync with Cursor.surfaceAt()
pub fn renderOutput(output: *Output) void {
const renderer = output.wlr_output.backend.getRenderer().?;
var now: os.timespec = undefined;
os.clock_gettime(os.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) catch @panic("CLOCK_MONOTONIC not supported");
var needs_frame: bool = undefined;
var damage_region: pixman.Region32 = undefined;
defer damage_region.deinit();
output.damage.attachRender(&needs_frame, &damage_region) catch {
log.err("failed to attach renderer", .{});
if (!needs_frame) {
renderer.begin(@intCast(u32, output.wlr_output.width), @intCast(u32, output.wlr_output.height));
// Find the first visible fullscreen view in the stack if there is one
var it = ViewStack(View).iter(output.views.first, .forward, output.current.tags, renderFilter);
const fullscreen_view = while ( |view| {
if (view.current.fullscreen) break view;
} else null;
// If we have a fullscreen view to render, render it.
if (fullscreen_view) |view| {
// Always clear with solid black for fullscreen
renderer.clear(&[_]f32{ 0, 0, 0, 1 });
renderView(output, view, &now);
if (build_options.xwayland) renderXwaylandUnmanaged(output, &now);
} else {
// No fullscreen view, so render normal layers/views
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.background).*, &now, .toplevels);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.bottom).*, &now, .toplevels);
// The first view in the list is "on top" so always iterate in reverse.
// non-focused, non-floating views
it = ViewStack(View).iter(output.views.last, .reverse, output.current.tags, renderFilter);
while ( |view| {
if (view.current.focus != 0 or view.current.float) continue;
if (view.draw_borders) renderBorders(output, view, &now);
renderView(output, view, &now);
// focused, non-floating views
it = ViewStack(View).iter(output.views.last, .reverse, output.current.tags, renderFilter);
while ( |view| {
if (view.current.focus == 0 or view.current.float) continue;
if (view.draw_borders) renderBorders(output, view, &now);
renderView(output, view, &now);
// non-focused, floating views
it = ViewStack(View).iter(output.views.last, .reverse, output.current.tags, renderFilter);
while ( |view| {
if (view.current.focus != 0 or !view.current.float) continue;
if (view.draw_borders) renderBorders(output, view, &now);
renderView(output, view, &now);
// focused, floating views
it = ViewStack(View).iter(output.views.last, .reverse, output.current.tags, renderFilter);
while ( |view| {
if (view.current.focus == 0 or !view.current.float) continue;
if (view.draw_borders) renderBorders(output, view, &now);
renderView(output, view, &now);
if (build_options.xwayland) renderXwaylandUnmanaged(output, &now);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.top).*, &now, .toplevels);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.background).*, &now, .popups);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.bottom).*, &now, .popups);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.top).*, &now, .popups);
// The overlay layer is rendered in both fullscreen and normal cases
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.overlay).*, &now, .toplevels);
renderLayer(output, output.getLayer(.overlay).*, &now, .popups);
renderDragIcons(output, &now);
// Hardware cursors are rendered by the GPU on a separate plane, and can be
// moved around without re-rendering what's beneath them - which is more
// efficient. However, not all hardware supports hardware cursors. For this
// reason, wlroots provides a software fallback, which we ask it to render
// here. wlr_cursor handles configuring hardware vs software cursors for you,
// and this function is a no-op when hardware cursors are in use.
// Conclude rendering and swap the buffers, showing the final frame
// on-screen.
// TODO: handle failure
output.wlr_output.commit() catch
log.err("output commit failed for {s}", .{mem.sliceTo(&, 0)});
fn renderFilter(view: *View, filter_tags: u32) bool {
// This check prevents a race condition when a frame is requested
// between mapping of a view and the first configure being handled.
if ( == 0 or == 0)
return false;
return view.current.tags & filter_tags != 0;
/// Render all surfaces on the passed layer
fn renderLayer(
output: *const Output,
layer: std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
now: *os.timespec,
role: enum { toplevels, popups },
) void {
var it = layer.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
const layer_surface = &;
var rdata = SurfaceRenderData{
.output = output,
.output_x =,
.output_y =,
.when = now,
switch (role) {
.toplevels => layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.surface.forEachSurface(
.popups => layer_surface.wlr_layer_surface.forEachPopupSurface(
/// Render all surfaces in the view's surface tree, including subsurfaces and popups
fn renderView(output: *const Output, view: *View, now: *os.timespec) void {
// If we have saved buffers, we are in the middle of a transaction
// and need to render those buffers until the transaction is complete.
if (view.saved_buffers.items.len != 0) {
for (view.saved_buffers.items) |saved_buffer|
saved_buffer.client_buffer.texture orelse continue,
.x = + - view.saved_surface_box.x,
.y = + - view.saved_surface_box.y,
.width = @intCast(c_int,,
.height = @intCast(c_int,,
} else {
// Since there are no stashed buffers, we are not in the middle of
// a transaction and may simply render the most recent buffers provided
// by the client.
var rdata = SurfaceRenderData{
.output = output,
.output_x = - view.surface_box.x,
.output_y = - view.surface_box.y,
.when = now,
view.forEachSurface(*SurfaceRenderData, renderSurfaceIterator, &rdata);
fn renderDragIcons(output: *const Output, now: *os.timespec) void {
const output_box = server.root.output_layout.getBox(output.wlr_output).?;
var it = server.root.drag_icons.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
const drag_icon = &;
var rdata = SurfaceRenderData{
.output = output,
.output_x = @floatToInt(i32, +
| - output_box.x,
.output_y = @floatToInt(i32, +
| - output_box.y,
.when = now,
drag_icon.wlr_drag_icon.surface.forEachSurface(*SurfaceRenderData, renderSurfaceIterator, &rdata);
/// Render all xwayland unmanaged windows that appear on the output
fn renderXwaylandUnmanaged(output: *const Output, now: *os.timespec) void {
const output_box = server.root.output_layout.getBox(output.wlr_output).?;
var it = server.root.xwayland_unmanaged_views.last;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.prev) {
const xwayland_surface =;
var rdata = SurfaceRenderData{
.output = output,
.output_x = xwayland_surface.x - output_box.x,
.output_y = xwayland_surface.y - output_box.y,
.when = now,
xwayland_surface.surface.?.forEachSurface(*SurfaceRenderData, renderSurfaceIterator, &rdata);
/// This function is passed to wlroots to render each surface during iteration
fn renderSurfaceIterator(
surface: *wlr.Surface,
surface_x: c_int,
surface_y: c_int,
rdata: *SurfaceRenderData,
) callconv(.C) void {
surface.getTexture() orelse return,
.x = rdata.output_x + surface_x,
.y = rdata.output_y + surface_y,
.width = surface.current.width,
.height = surface.current.height,
/// Render the given texture at the given box, taking the scale and transform
/// of the output into account.
fn renderTexture(
output: *const Output,
texture: *wlr.Texture,
wlr_box: wlr.Box,
transform: wl.Output.Transform,
) void {
var box = wlr_box;
// Scale the box to the output's current scaling factor
scaleBox(&box, output.wlr_output.scale);
// wlr_matrix_project_box is a helper which takes a box with a desired
// x, y coordinates, width and height, and an output geometry, then
// prepares an orthographic projection and multiplies the necessary
// transforms to produce a model-view-projection matrix.
var matrix: [9]f32 = undefined;
const inverted = wlr.Output.transformInvert(transform);
wlr.matrix.projectBox(&matrix, &box, inverted, 0.0, &output.wlr_output.transform_matrix);
// This takes our matrix, the texture, and an alpha, and performs the actual
// rendering on the GPU.
const renderer = output.wlr_output.backend.getRenderer().?;
renderer.renderTextureWithMatrix(texture, &matrix, 1.0) catch return;
fn renderBorders(output: *const Output, view: *View, now: *os.timespec) void {
const config = &server.config;
const color = if (view.current.focus != 0) &config.border_color_focused else &config.border_color_unfocused;
const border_width = config.border_width;
const actual_box = if (view.saved_buffers.items.len != 0) view.saved_surface_box else view.surface_box;
var border: Box = undefined;
// left and right, covering the corners as well
border.y = - @intCast(i32, border_width);
border.width = border_width;
border.height = actual_box.height + border_width * 2;
// left
border.x = - @intCast(i32, border_width);
renderRect(output, border, color);
// right
border.x = + @intCast(i32, actual_box.width);
renderRect(output, border, color);
// top and bottom
border.x =;
border.width = actual_box.width;
border.height = border_width;
// top
border.y = - @intCast(i32, border_width);
renderRect(output, border, color);
// bottom border
border.y = + @intCast(i32, actual_box.height);
renderRect(output, border, color);
fn renderRect(output: *const Output, box: Box, color: *const [4]f32) void {
var wlr_box = box.toWlrBox();
scaleBox(&wlr_box, output.wlr_output.scale);
/// Scale a wlr_box, taking the possibility of fractional scaling into account.
fn scaleBox(box: *wlr.Box, scale: f64) void {
box.x = @floatToInt(c_int, @round(@intToFloat(f64, box.x) * scale));
box.y = @floatToInt(c_int, @round(@intToFloat(f64, box.y) * scale));
box.width = scaleLength(box.width, box.x, scale);
box.height = scaleLength(box.height, box.x, scale);
/// Scales a width/height.
/// This might seem overly complex, but it needs to work for fractional scaling.
fn scaleLength(length: c_int, offset: c_int, scale: f64) c_int {
return @floatToInt(c_int, @round(@intToFloat(f64, offset + length) * scale) -
@round(@intToFloat(f64, offset) * scale));