95 lines
3.6 KiB
95 lines
3.6 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const Cursor = @import("cursor.zig").Cursor;
const Keyboard = @import("keyboard.zig").Keyboard;
const Server = @import("server.zig").Server;
// TODO: InputManager and multi-seat support
pub const Seat = struct {
const Self = @This();
server: *Server,
wlr_seat: *c.wlr_seat,
listen_new_input: c.wl_listener,
// Multiple mice are handled by the same Cursor
cursor: Cursor,
// Mulitple keyboards are handled separately
keyboards: std.TailQueue(Keyboard),
pub fn init(self: *Self, server: *Server) !void {
self.server = server;
// This seems to be the default seat name used by compositors
// This will be automatically destroyed when the display is destroyed
self.wlr_seat = c.wlr_seat_create(server.wl_display, "seat0") orelse
return error.CantCreateWlrSeat;
try self.cursor.init(self);
errdefer self.cursor.destroy();
self.keyboards = std.TailQueue(Keyboard).init();
// Set up handler for all new input devices made available. This
// includes keyboards, pointers, touch, etc.
self.listen_new_input.notify = handleNewInput;
c.wl_signal_add(&self.server.wlr_backend.events.new_input, &self.listen_new_input);
pub fn destroy(self: Self) void {
/// Handle any user-defined keybinding for the passed keysym and modifiers
/// Returns true if the key was handled
pub fn handleKeybinding(self: Self, keysym: c.xkb_keysym_t, modifiers: u32) bool {
for (self.server.config.keybinds.items) |keybind| {
if (modifiers == keybind.modifiers and keysym == keybind.keysym) {
// Execute the bound command
keybind.command(self.server, keybind.arg);
return true;
return false;
fn addKeyboard(self: *Self, device: *c.wlr_input_device) !void {
c.wlr_seat_set_keyboard(self.wlr_seat, device);
const node = try self.keyboards.allocateNode(self.server.allocator);
try node.data.init(self, device);
fn addPointer(self: Self, device: *c.struct_wlr_input_device) void {
// We don't do anything special with pointers. All of our pointer handling
// is proxied through wlr_cursor. On another compositor, you might take this
// opportunity to do libinput configuration on the device to set
// acceleration, etc.
c.wlr_cursor_attach_input_device(self.cursor.wlr_cursor, device);
fn handleNewInput(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
// This event is raised by the backend when a new input device becomes available.
const seat = @fieldParentPtr(Seat, "listen_new_input", listener.?);
const device = @ptrCast(*c.wlr_input_device, @alignCast(@alignOf(*c.wlr_input_device), data));
switch (device.type) {
.WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_KEYBOARD => seat.addKeyboard(device) catch unreachable,
.WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_POINTER => seat.addPointer(device),
else => {},
// We need to let the wlr_seat know what our capabilities are, which is
// communiciated to the client. In TinyWL we always have a cursor, even if
// there are no pointer devices, so we always include that capability.
var caps: u32 = @intCast(u32, c.WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER);
// if list not empty
if (seat.keyboards.len > 0) {
caps |= @intCast(u32, c.WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD);
c.wlr_seat_set_capabilities(seat.wlr_seat, caps);