Replace the current layout mechanism based on passing args to a child process and parsing it's stdout with a new wayland protocol. This much more robust and allows for more featureful layout generators. Co-authored-by: Isaac Freund <ifreund@ifreund.xyz>
634 lines
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634 lines
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// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2020 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const Self = @This();
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;
const os = std.os;
const wlr = @import("wlroots");
const wl = @import("wayland").server.wl;
const util = @import("util.zig");
const Box = @import("Box.zig");
const Output = @import("Output.zig");
const Root = @import("Root.zig");
const Seat = @import("Seat.zig");
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
const XdgToplevel = @import("XdgToplevel.zig");
const XwaylandView = if (build_options.xwayland) @import("XwaylandView.zig") else @import("VoidView.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.view);
pub const Constraints = struct {
min_width: u32,
max_width: u32,
min_height: u32,
max_height: u32,
// Minimum width/height for surfaces.
// This is needed, because external layouts and large padding and border sizes
// may cause surfaces so small, that bugs in client applications are encountered,
// or even surfaces of zero or negative size,which are a protocol error and would
// likely cause river to crash. The value is totally arbitrary and low enough,
// that it should never be encountered during normal usage.
pub const min_size = 50;
const Impl = union(enum) {
xdg_toplevel: XdgToplevel,
xwayland_view: XwaylandView,
const State = struct {
/// The output-relative effective coordinates and effective dimensions of the view. The
/// surface itself may have other dimensions which are stored in the
/// surface_box member.
box: Box = Box{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 0, .height = 0 },
/// The tags of the view, as a bitmask
tags: u32,
/// Number of seats currently focusing the view
focus: u32 = 0,
float: bool = false,
fullscreen: bool = false,
/// Opacity the view is transitioning to
target_opacity: f32,
const SavedBuffer = struct {
client_buffer: *wlr.ClientBuffer,
box: Box,
transform: wl.Output.Transform,
/// The implementation of this view
impl: Impl = undefined,
/// The output this view is currently associated with
output: *Output,
/// This is non-null from the point where the view is mapped until the
/// surface is destroyed by wlroots.
surface: ?*wlr.Surface = null,
/// This View struct outlasts the wlroots object it wraps. This bool is set to
/// true when the backing wlr.XdgToplevel or equivalent has been destroyed.
destroying: bool = false,
/// The double-buffered state of the view
current: State,
pending: State,
/// The serial sent with the currently pending configure event
pending_serial: ?u32 = null,
/// The currently commited geometry of the surface. The x/y may be negative if
/// for example the client has decided to draw CSD shadows a la GTK.
surface_box: Box = undefined,
/// The geometry the view's surface had when the transaction started and
/// buffers were saved.
saved_surface_box: Box = undefined,
/// These are what we render while a transaction is in progress
saved_buffers: std.ArrayList(SavedBuffer),
/// The floating dimensions the view, saved so that they can be restored if the
/// view returns to floating mode.
float_box: Box = undefined,
/// While a view is in fullscreen, it is still arranged if a layout is active but
/// the resulting dimensions are stored here instead of being applied to the view's
/// state. This allows us to avoid an arrange when the view returns from fullscreen
/// and for more intuitive behavior if there is no active layout for the output.
post_fullscreen_box: Box = undefined,
/// The current opacity of this view
opacity: f32,
/// Opacity change timer event source
opacity_timer: ?*wl.EventSource = null,
draw_borders: bool = true,
/// This is created when the view is mapped and destroyed with the view
foreign_toplevel_handle: ?*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1 = null,
// zig fmt: off
foreign_activate: wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Activated) =
foreign_fullscreen: wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Fullscreen) =
foreign_close: wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1) =
// zig fmt: on
pub fn init(self: *Self, output: *Output, tags: u32, surface: anytype) void {
self.* = .{
.output = output,
.current = .{
.tags = tags,
.target_opacity = output.root.server.config.opacity.initial,
.pending = .{
.tags = tags,
.target_opacity = output.root.server.config.opacity.initial,
.saved_buffers = std.ArrayList(SavedBuffer).init(util.gpa),
.opacity = output.root.server.config.opacity.initial,
if (@TypeOf(surface) == *wlr.XdgSurface) {
self.impl = .{ .xdg_toplevel = undefined };
self.impl.xdg_toplevel.init(self, surface);
} else if (build_options.xwayland and @TypeOf(surface) == *wlr.XwaylandSurface) {
self.impl = .{ .xwayland_view = undefined };
self.impl.xwayland_view.init(self, surface);
} else unreachable;
/// Deinit the view, remove it from the view stack and free the memory.
pub fn destroy(self: *Self) void {
if (self.foreign_toplevel_handle) |handle| {
switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |*xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.deinit(),
.xwayland_view => |*xwayland_view| xwayland_view.deinit(),
const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(Self).Node, "view", self);
/// Handle changes to pending state and start a transaction to apply them
pub fn applyPending(self: *Self) void {
var arrange_output = false;
if (self.current.tags != self.pending.tags)
arrange_output = true;
// If switching from float -> layout or layout -> float arrange the output
// to get assigned a new size or fill the hole in the layout left behind
if (self.current.float != self.pending.float)
arrange_output = true;
// If switching from float to non-float, save the dimensions
if (self.current.float and !self.pending.float)
self.float_box = self.current.box;
// If switching from non-float to float, apply the saved float dimensions
if (!self.current.float and self.pending.float)
self.pending.box = self.float_box;
// If switching to fullscreen set the dimensions to the full area of the output
// and turn the view fully opaque
if (!self.current.fullscreen and self.pending.fullscreen) {
self.post_fullscreen_box = self.current.box;
self.pending.target_opacity = 1.0;
const layout_box = self.output.root.output_layout.getBox(self.output.wlr_output).?;
self.pending.box = .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = @intCast(u32, layout_box.width),
.height = @intCast(u32, layout_box.height),
if (self.current.fullscreen and !self.pending.fullscreen) {
self.pending.box = self.post_fullscreen_box;
// Restore configured opacity
self.pending.target_opacity = if (self.pending.focus > 0)
if (arrange_output) self.output.arrangeViews();
pub fn needsConfigure(self: Self) bool {
return switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.needsConfigure(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.needsConfigure(),
pub fn configure(self: Self) void {
if (self.foreign_toplevel_handle) |handle| {
handle.setActivated(self.pending.focus != 0);
switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.configure(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.configure(),
pub fn sendFrameDone(self: Self) void {
var now: os.timespec = undefined;
os.clock_gettime(os.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) catch @panic("CLOCK_MONOTONIC not supported");
pub fn dropSavedBuffers(self: *Self) void {
for (self.saved_buffers.items) |buffer| buffer.client_buffer.base.unlock();
self.saved_buffers.items.len = 0;
pub fn saveBuffers(self: *Self) void {
std.debug.assert(self.saved_buffers.items.len == 0);
self.saved_surface_box = self.surface_box;
self.surface.?.forEachSurface(*std.ArrayList(SavedBuffer), saveBuffersIterator, &self.saved_buffers);
/// If this commit is in response to our configure and the
/// transaction code is tracking this configure, notify it.
/// Otherwise, apply the pending state immediately.
pub fn notifyConfiguredOrApplyPending(self: *Self) void {
self.pending_serial = null;
if (self.shouldTrackConfigure())
else {
const self_tags_changed = self.pending.tags != self.current.tags;
self.current = self.pending;
if (self_tags_changed) self.output.sendViewTags();
fn saveBuffersIterator(
surface: *wlr.Surface,
surface_x: c_int,
surface_y: c_int,
saved_buffers: *std.ArrayList(SavedBuffer),
) callconv(.C) void {
if (surface.buffer) |buffer| {
.client_buffer = buffer,
.box = Box{
.x = surface_x,
.y = surface_y,
.width = @intCast(u32, surface.current.width),
.height = @intCast(u32, surface.current.height),
.transform = surface.current.transform,
}) catch return;
_ = buffer.base.lock();
/// Move a view from one output to another, sending the required enter/leave
/// events.
pub fn sendToOutput(self: *Self, destination_output: *Output) void {
const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(Self).Node, "view", self);
destination_output.views.attach(node, destination_output.attach_mode);
if (self.surface) |surface| {
// Must be present if surface is non-null indicating that the view
// is mapped.
self.output = destination_output;
pub fn close(self: Self) void {
switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.close(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.close(),
pub inline fn forEachPopupSurface(
self: Self,
comptime T: type,
iterator: fn (surface: *wlr.Surface, sx: c_int, sy: c_int, data: T) callconv(.C) void,
user_data: T,
) void {
switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.forEachPopupSurface(T, iterator, user_data),
.xwayland_view => {},
/// Return the surface at output coordinates ox, oy and set sx, sy to the
/// corresponding surface-relative coordinates, if there is a surface.
pub fn surfaceAt(self: Self, ox: f64, oy: f64, sx: *f64, sy: *f64) ?*wlr.Surface {
return switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.surfaceAt(ox, oy, sx, sy),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.surfaceAt(ox, oy, sx, sy),
/// Return the current title of the view if any.
pub fn getTitle(self: Self) ?[*:0]const u8 {
return switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.getTitle(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.getTitle(),
/// Return the current app_id of the view if any.
pub fn getAppId(self: Self) ?[*:0]const u8 {
return switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.getAppId(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.getAppId(),
/// Clamp the width/height of the pending state to the constraints of the view
pub fn applyConstraints(self: *Self) void {
const constraints = self.getConstraints();
const box = &self.pending.box;
box.width = math.clamp(box.width, constraints.min_width, constraints.max_width);
box.height = math.clamp(box.height, constraints.min_height, constraints.max_height);
/// Return bounds on the dimensions of the view
pub fn getConstraints(self: Self) Constraints {
return switch (self.impl) {
.xdg_toplevel => |xdg_toplevel| xdg_toplevel.getConstraints(),
.xwayland_view => |xwayland_view| xwayland_view.getConstraints(),
/// Modify the pending x/y of the view by the given deltas, clamping to the
/// bounds of the output.
pub fn move(self: *Self, delta_x: i32, delta_y: i32) void {
const config = &self.output.root.server.config;
const border_width = if (self.draw_borders) @intCast(i32, config.border_width) else 0;
const output_resolution = self.output.getEffectiveResolution();
const max_x = @intCast(i32, output_resolution.width) - @intCast(i32, self.pending.box.width) - border_width;
self.pending.box.x += delta_x;
self.pending.box.x = math.max(self.pending.box.x, border_width);
self.pending.box.x = math.min(self.pending.box.x, max_x);
self.pending.box.x = math.max(self.pending.box.x, 0);
const max_y = @intCast(i32, output_resolution.height) - @intCast(i32, self.pending.box.height) - border_width;
self.pending.box.y += delta_y;
self.pending.box.y = math.max(self.pending.box.y, border_width);
self.pending.box.y = math.min(self.pending.box.y, max_y);
self.pending.box.y = math.max(self.pending.box.y, 0);
/// Find and return the view corresponding to a given surface, if any
pub fn fromWlrSurface(surface: *wlr.Surface) ?*Self {
if (surface.isXdgSurface()) {
const xdg_surface = wlr.XdgSurface.fromWlrSurface(surface);
if (xdg_surface.role == .toplevel) {
return @intToPtr(*Self, xdg_surface.data);
if (build_options.xwayland) {
if (surface.isXWaylandSurface()) {
const xwayland_surface = wlr.XwaylandSurface.fromWlrSurface(surface);
return @intToPtr(*Self, xwayland_surface.data);
return null;
pub fn shouldTrackConfigure(self: Self) bool {
// We don't give a damn about frame perfection for xwayland views
if (build_options.xwayland and self.impl == .xwayland_view) return false;
// There are exactly three cases in which we do not track configures
// 1. the view was and remains floating
// 2. the view is changing from float/layout to fullscreen
// 3. the view is changing from fullscreen to float
return !((self.pending.float and self.current.float) or
(self.pending.fullscreen and !self.current.fullscreen) or
(self.pending.float and !self.pending.fullscreen and self.current.fullscreen));
/// Called by the impl when the surface is ready to be displayed
pub fn map(self: *Self) void {
const root = self.output.root;
self.pending.target_opacity = self.output.root.server.config.opacity.unfocused;
log.debug("view '{}' mapped", .{self.getTitle()});
if (self.foreign_toplevel_handle == null) {
self.foreign_toplevel_handle = wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.create(
) catch {
log.crit("out of memory", .{});
if (self.getTitle()) |s| self.foreign_toplevel_handle.?.setTitle(s);
if (self.getAppId()) |s| self.foreign_toplevel_handle.?.setAppId(s);
// Add the view to the stack of its output
const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(Self).Node, "view", self);
self.output.views.attach(node, self.output.attach_mode);
// Focus the new view, assuming the seat is focusing the proper output
// and there isn't something else like a fullscreen view grabbing focus.
var it = root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |seat_node| : (it = seat_node.next) seat_node.data.focus(self);
if (!self.current.float) self.output.arrangeViews();
/// Called by the impl when the surface will no longer be displayed
pub fn unmap(self: *Self) void {
const root = self.output.root;
log.debug("view '{}' unmapped", .{self.getTitle()});
self.destroying = true;
if (self.saved_buffers.items.len == 0) self.saveBuffers();
if (self.opacity_timer != null) {
// Inform all seats that the view has been unmapped so they can handle focus
var it = root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
const seat = &node.data;
// Still need to arrange if fullscreened from the layout
if (!self.current.float) self.output.arrangeViews();
pub fn notifyTitle(self: Self) void {
if (self.foreign_toplevel_handle) |handle| {
if (self.getTitle()) |s| handle.setTitle(s);
// Send title to all status listeners attached to a seat which focuses this view
var seat_it = self.output.root.server.input_manager.seats.first;
while (seat_it) |seat_node| : (seat_it = seat_node.next) {
if (seat_node.data.focused == .view and seat_node.data.focused.view == &self) {
var client_it = seat_node.data.status_trackers.first;
while (client_it) |client_node| : (client_it = client_node.next) {
pub fn notifyAppId(self: Self) void {
if (self.foreign_toplevel_handle) |handle| {
if (self.getAppId()) |s| handle.setAppId(s);
/// Change the opacity of a view by config.opacity.delta.
/// If the target opacity was reached, return true.
fn incrementOpacity(self: *Self) bool {
// TODO damage view when implementing damage based rendering
const config = &self.output.root.server.config;
if (self.opacity < self.current.target_opacity) {
self.opacity += config.opacity.delta;
if (self.opacity < self.current.target_opacity) return false;
} else {
self.opacity -= config.opacity.delta;
if (self.opacity > self.current.target_opacity) return false;
self.opacity = self.current.target_opacity;
return true;
/// Destroy a views opacity timer
fn killOpacityTimer(self: *Self) void {
self.opacity_timer = null;
/// Set the timeout on a views opacity timer
fn armOpacityTimer(self: *Self) void {
const delta_t = self.output.root.server.config.opacity.delta_t;
self.opacity_timer.?.timerUpdate(delta_t) catch |err| {
log.err("failed to update opacity timer: {}", .{err});
/// Called by the opacity timer
fn handleOpacityTimer(self: *Self) callconv(.C) c_int {
if (self.incrementOpacity()) {
} else {
return 0;
/// Create an opacity timer for a view and arm it
fn attachOpacityTimer(self: *Self) void {
const event_loop = self.output.root.server.wl_server.getEventLoop();
self.opacity_timer = event_loop.addTimer(*Self, handleOpacityTimer, self) catch {
log.err("failed to create opacity timer for view '{}'", .{self.getTitle()});
/// Commit an opacity transition
pub fn commitOpacityTransition(self: *Self) void {
if (self.opacity == self.current.target_opacity) return;
// A running timer can handle a target_opacity change
if (self.opacity_timer != null) return;
// Do the first step now, if that step was not enough, attach timer
if (!self.incrementOpacity()) {
/// Only honors the request if the view is already visible on the seat's
/// currently focused output. TODO: consider allowing this request to switch
/// output/tag focus.
fn handleForeignActivate(
listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Activated),
event: *wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Activated,
) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "foreign_activate", listener);
const seat = @intToPtr(*Seat, event.seat.data);
fn handleForeignFullscreen(
listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Fullscreen),
event: *wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1.event.Fullscreen,
) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "foreign_fullscreen", listener);
self.pending.fullscreen = event.fullscreen;
fn handleForeignClose(
listener: *wl.Listener(*wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1),
event: *wlr.ForeignToplevelHandleV1,
) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "foreign_close", listener);