const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const fs = std.fs; const mem = std.mem; const zbs =; const ScanProtocolsStep = @import("deps/zig-wayland/build.zig").ScanProtocolsStep; /// While a river release is in development, this string should contain the version in development /// with the "-dev" suffix. /// When a release is tagged, the "-dev" suffix should be removed for the commit that gets tagged. /// Directly after the tagged commit, the version should be bumped and the "-dev" suffix added. const version = "0.2.0-dev"; pub fn build(b: *zbs.Builder) !void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions(); const man_pages = b.option( bool, "man-pages", "Set to true to build man pages. Requires scdoc. Defaults to true if scdoc is found.", ) orelse scdoc_found: { _ = b.findProgram(&[_][]const u8{"scdoc"}, &[_][]const u8{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => break :scdoc_found false, else => return err, }; break :scdoc_found true; }; const bash_completion = b.option( bool, "bash-completion", "Set to true to install bash completion for riverctl. Defaults to true.", ) orelse true; const zsh_completion = b.option( bool, "zsh-completion", "Set to true to install zsh completion for riverctl. Defaults to true.", ) orelse true; const fish_completion = b.option( bool, "fish-completion", "Set to true to install fish completion for riverctl. Defaults to true.", ) orelse true; const xwayland = b.option( bool, "xwayland", "Set to true to enable xwayland support", ) orelse false; const full_version = blk: { if (mem.endsWith(u8, version, "-dev")) { var ret: u8 = undefined; const git_describe_long = b.execAllowFail( &[_][]const u8{ "git", "-C", b.build_root, "describe", "--long" }, &ret, .Inherit, ) catch break :blk version; var it = mem.split(u8, mem.trim(u8, git_describe_long, &std.ascii.spaces), "-"); _ =; // previous tag const commit_count =; const commit_hash =; assert( == null); assert(commit_hash[0] == 'g'); // Follow semantic versioning, e.g. 0.2.0-dev.42+d1cf95b break :blk try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(b.allocator, version ++ ".{s}+{s}", .{ commit_count, commit_hash[1..], }); } else { break :blk version; } }; const options = b.addOptions(); options.addOption(bool, "xwayland", xwayland); options.addOption([]const u8, "version", full_version); const scanner = ScanProtocolsStep.create(b); scanner.addSystemProtocol("stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml"); scanner.addSystemProtocol("unstable/pointer-gestures/pointer-gestures-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addSystemProtocol("unstable/xdg-output/xdg-output-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addSystemProtocol("unstable/pointer-constraints/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/river-control-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/river-status-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/river-layout-v3.xml"); scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml"); scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/wlr-output-power-management-unstable-v1.xml"); // These must be manually kept in sync with the versions wlroots supports // until wlroots gives us the option request a specific version. scanner.generate("wl_compositor", 4); scanner.generate("wl_subcompositor", 1); scanner.generate("wl_shm", 1); scanner.generate("wl_output", 4); scanner.generate("wl_seat", 7); scanner.generate("wl_data_device_manager", 3); scanner.generate("xdg_wm_base", 2); scanner.generate("zwp_pointer_gestures_v1", 3); scanner.generate("zxdg_output_manager_v1", 3); scanner.generate("zwp_pointer_constraints_v1", 1); scanner.generate("zriver_control_v1", 1); scanner.generate("zriver_status_manager_v1", 2); scanner.generate("river_layout_manager_v3", 1); scanner.generate("zwlr_layer_shell_v1", 4); scanner.generate("zwlr_output_power_manager_v1", 1); { const river = b.addExecutable("river", "river/main.zig"); river.setTarget(target); river.setBuildMode(mode); river.addOptions("build_options", options); addServerDeps(river, scanner); river.install(); } { const riverctl = b.addExecutable("riverctl", "riverctl/main.zig"); riverctl.setTarget(target); riverctl.setBuildMode(mode); riverctl.addOptions("build_options", options); riverctl.step.dependOn(&scanner.step); riverctl.addPackagePath("flags", "common/flags.zig"); riverctl.addPackage(.{ .name = "wayland", .path = .{ .generated = &scanner.result }, }); riverctl.linkLibC(); riverctl.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-client"); scanner.addCSource(riverctl); riverctl.install(); } { const rivertile = b.addExecutable("rivertile", "rivertile/main.zig"); rivertile.setTarget(target); rivertile.setBuildMode(mode); rivertile.addOptions("build_options", options); rivertile.step.dependOn(&scanner.step); rivertile.addPackagePath("flags", "common/flags.zig"); rivertile.addPackage(.{ .name = "wayland", .path = .{ .generated = &scanner.result }, }); rivertile.linkLibC(); rivertile.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-client"); scanner.addCSource(rivertile); rivertile.install(); } { const file = try fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ b.cache_root, "river-protocols.pc" }); const pkgconfig_file = try fs.cwd().createFile(file, .{}); const writer = pkgconfig_file.writer(); try writer.print( \\prefix={s} \\datadir=${{prefix}}/share \\pkgdatadir=${{datadir}}/river-protocols \\ \\Name: river-protocols \\URL: \\Description: protocol files for the river wayland compositor \\Version: {s} , .{ b.install_prefix, full_version }); defer pkgconfig_file.close(); b.installFile("protocol/river-layout-v3.xml", "share/river-protocols/river-layout-v3.xml"); b.installFile(file, "share/pkgconfig/river-protocols.pc"); } if (man_pages) { const scdoc_step = ScdocStep.create(b); try scdoc_step.install(); } if (bash_completion) { b.installFile("completions/bash/riverctl", "share/bash-completion/completions/riverctl"); } if (zsh_completion) { b.installFile("completions/zsh/_riverctl", "share/zsh/site-functions/_riverctl"); } if (fish_completion) { b.installFile("completions/fish/", "share/fish/vendor_completions.d/"); } { const river_test = b.addTest("river/test_main.zig"); river_test.setTarget(target); river_test.setBuildMode(mode); river_test.addOptions("build_options", options); addServerDeps(river_test, scanner); const test_step = b.step("test", "Run the tests"); test_step.dependOn(&river_test.step); } } fn addServerDeps(exe: *zbs.LibExeObjStep, scanner: *ScanProtocolsStep) void { const wayland = zbs.Pkg{ .name = "wayland", .path = .{ .generated = &scanner.result }, }; const xkbcommon = zbs.Pkg{ .name = "xkbcommon", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zig-xkbcommon/src/xkbcommon.zig" }, }; const pixman = zbs.Pkg{ .name = "pixman", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zig-pixman/pixman.zig" }, }; const wlroots = zbs.Pkg{ .name = "wlroots", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zig-wlroots/src/wlroots.zig" }, .dependencies = &[_]zbs.Pkg{ wayland, xkbcommon, pixman }, }; exe.step.dependOn(&scanner.step); exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkSystemLibrary("libevdev"); exe.linkSystemLibrary("libinput"); exe.addPackage(wayland); exe.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-server"); exe.addPackage(xkbcommon); exe.linkSystemLibrary("xkbcommon"); exe.addPackage(pixman); exe.linkSystemLibrary("pixman-1"); exe.addPackage(wlroots); exe.linkSystemLibrary("wlroots"); exe.addPackagePath("flags", "common/flags.zig"); exe.addCSourceFile("river/wlroots_log_wrapper.c", &[_][]const u8{ "-std=c99", "-O2" }); // TODO: remove when zig issue #131 is implemented scanner.addCSource(exe); } const ScdocStep = struct { const scd_paths = [_][]const u8{ "doc/river.1.scd", "doc/riverctl.1.scd", "doc/rivertile.1.scd", }; builder: *zbs.Builder, step: zbs.Step, fn create(builder: *zbs.Builder) *ScdocStep { const self = builder.allocator.create(ScdocStep) catch @panic("out of memory"); self.* = init(builder); return self; } fn init(builder: *zbs.Builder) ScdocStep { return ScdocStep{ .builder = builder, .step = zbs.Step.init(.custom, "Generate man pages", builder.allocator, make), }; } fn make(step: *zbs.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(ScdocStep, "step", step); for (scd_paths) |path| { const command = try std.fmt.allocPrint( self.builder.allocator, "scdoc < {s} > {s}", .{ path, path[0..(path.len - 4)] }, ); _ = try self.builder.exec(&[_][]const u8{ "sh", "-c", command }); } } fn install(self: *ScdocStep) !void { self.builder.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.step); for (scd_paths) |path| { const path_no_ext = path[0..(path.len - 4)]; const basename_no_ext = fs.path.basename(path_no_ext); const section = path_no_ext[(path_no_ext.len - 1)..]; const output = try std.fmt.allocPrint( self.builder.allocator, "share/man/man{s}/{s}", .{ section, basename_no_ext }, ); self.builder.installFile(path_no_ext, output); } } };