RIVERCTL(1) "github.com/ifreund/river" "General Commands Manual" # NAME riverctl - command-line interface for controlling river # SYNOPSIS *riverctl* *close*|*declare-mode*|*enter-mode*|*exit*|*focus-output*| *focus-view*|*layout*|*map*|*mod-master-count*|*mod-master-factor*| *send-to-output*|*set-focused-tags*|*set-view-tags*|*spawn*|*toggle-float*| *toggle-focused-tags*|*toggle-view-tags*|*zoom* [_command specific arguments_] # DESCRIPTION *riverctl* is a command-line interface inspired by bspc from bspwm used to control and configure river. # COMMANDS ## ACTIONS *close* Close the focused view. *exit* Exit the compositor, terminating the Wayland session. *focus-output* *next*|*previous* Focus next or previous output. *focus-view* *next*|*previous* Focus next or previous view in the stack. *layout* *full*|_command_ Provide a command which river will use for generating the layout of non-floating windows on the currently focused output. See *river-layouts*(1) for details on the expected formatting of the output of layout commands. Alternatively, "full"can be given instead of a command to cause river to use its single internal layout, in which windows span the entire width and height of the output. *mod-master-count* _integer_ Increase or decrease the number of master views. _integer_ can be positive or negative. *mod-master-factor* _float_ Make the master area bigger or smaller. _float_ is a positive or negative floating point number (such as 0.05) where 1 corresponds to the whole screen. *send-to-output* *next*|*previous* Send the focused view to the next or the previous output. *spawn* _shell_command_ Run _shell_command_ using _/bin/sh -c_. Put single quotes around _shell_command_ if you do not want special characters to get interpreted by your shell before the command gets passed to _/bin/sh_. *toggle-float* If the focused view is floating, make it tiled. If it is tiled, make it floating. *zoom* Bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack to make it the new master. ## ACTIONS ON TAGS Tags are like workspaces but more flexible: You can assign views to multiple tags and look at multiple tags at once. A _tagmask_ is used to represent which tags are visible. The following commands take a _tagmask_ in base 10 as argument but _tagmasks_ are best understood in binary: 000000001 means that the first tag is visible; 111111111 means that tag 1 through 9 are visible. *set-focused-tags* _tagmask_ Show the tags specified with _tagmask_. *set-view-tags* _tagmask_ Assign focused view to tags specified with _tagmask_. *toggle-focused-tags* _tagmask_ Toggle visibility of tags specified with _tagmask_. *toggle-view-tags* _tagmask_ Toggle tags of focused view as specified with _tagmask_. ## CONFIGURATION COMMANDS *declare-mode* _name_ Create a new mode called _name_ for use in mappings. *enter-mode* _name_ Switch to given mode if it exits. *map* _mode_ _modifiers_ _key_ _command_ _mode_ is either *normal* (the default mode) or a mode created with *declare-mode*. _modifiers_ is a list of one or more of the following modifiers separated with a plus sign: - Shift - Lock (Caps lock) - Control (Ctrl) - Mod (Alt) - Mod2 - Mod3 - Mod4 (Super, Logo, Windows) - Mod5 _key_ is an XKB key name. See _/usr/include/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h_ for a list of special key names. _command_ can be any of the above commands. A mapping without modifiers can be created by passing an empty string as the modifiers argument. *set-option* _option_ _value_ Set _option_ to a specified _value_. List of valid options: - *border_width* _non-negative_integer_ - *border_color_focused* _RGB/RGBA_hex_code_ - *border_color_unfocused* _RGB/RGBA_hex_code_ - *outer_padding* _non-negative_integer_ - *view_padding* _non-negative_integer_ # EXAMPLES Bind bemenu-run to Super+P: riverctl map normal Mod4 P spawn bemenu-run See _contrib/config.sh_ for some basic keybindings. # SEE ALSO *river*(1), *bspc*(1)