// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor. // // Copyright 2020 Isaac Freund // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . const Self = @This(); const std = @import("std"); const Seat = @import("Seat.zig"); const command = struct { const close = @import("command/close.zig").close; const exit = @import("command/exit.zig").exit; const focus = @import("command/focus.zig").focus; const focusAllTags = @import("command/focus_all_tags.zig").focusAllTags; const focusOutput = @import("command/focus_output.zig").focusOutput; const focusTag = @import("command/focus_tag.zig").focusTag; const layout = @import("command/layout.zig").layout; const modMasterCount = @import("command/mod_master_count.zig").modMasterCount; const modMasterFactor = @import("command/mod_master_factor.zig").modMasterFactor; const mode = @import("command/mode.zig").mode; const sendToOutput = @import("command/send_to_output.zig").sendToOutput; const spawn = @import("command/spawn.zig").spawn; const tagView = @import("command/tag_view.zig").tagView; const tagViewAllTags = @import("command/tag_view_all_tags.zig").tagViewAllTags; const toggleFloat = @import("command/toggle_float.zig").toggleFloat; const toggleTagFocus = @import("command/toggle_tag_focus.zig").toggleTagFocus; const toggleViewTag = @import("command/toggle_view_tag.zig").toggleViewTag; const zoom = @import("command/zoom.zig").zoom; }; const Direction = enum { Next, Prev, }; pub const Arg = union(enum) { int: i32, uint: u32, float: f64, str: []const u8, direction: Direction, none: void, fn parse( arg_type: @TagType(Arg), args: []const []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, ) !Arg { switch (arg_type) { .int, .uint, .float, .direction => { if (args.len == 0) return error.NotEnoughArguments; if (args.len > 1) return error.TooManyArguments; return switch (arg_type) { .int => .{ .int = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, args[0], 10) }, .uint => .{ .uint = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, args[0], 10) }, .float => .{ .float = try std.fmt.parseFloat(f64, args[0]) }, .direction => if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[0], "next")) Arg{ .direction = .Next } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[0], "previous")) Arg{ .direction = .Prev } else error.InvalidDirection, else => unreachable, }; }, .str => { if (args.len == 0) return error.NotEnoughArguments; return Arg{ .str = try std.mem.join(allocator, " ", args) }; }, .none => return if (args.len == 0) .{ .none = {} } else error.TooManyArguments, } } }; const ImplFn = fn (seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void; const Definition = struct { name: []const u8, arg_type: @TagType(Arg), impl: ImplFn, }; // zig fmt: off const str_to_read_fn = [_]Definition{ .{ .name = "close", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.close }, .{ .name = "exit", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.exit }, .{ .name = "focus", .arg_type = .direction, .impl = command.focus }, .{ .name = "focus_all_tags", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.focusAllTags }, .{ .name = "focus_output", .arg_type = .direction, .impl = command.focusOutput }, .{ .name = "focus_tag", .arg_type = .uint, .impl = command.focusTag }, .{ .name = "layout", .arg_type = .str, .impl = command.layout}, .{ .name = "mod_master_count", .arg_type = .int, .impl = command.modMasterCount }, .{ .name = "mod_master_factor", .arg_type = .float, .impl = command.modMasterFactor }, .{ .name = "mode", .arg_type = .str, .impl = command.mode }, .{ .name = "send_to_output", .arg_type = .direction, .impl = command.sendToOutput }, .{ .name = "spawn", .arg_type = .str, .impl = command.spawn }, .{ .name = "tag_view", .arg_type = .uint, .impl = command.tagView }, .{ .name = "tag_view_all_tags", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.tagViewAllTags }, .{ .name = "toggle_float", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.toggleFloat }, .{ .name = "toggle_tag_focus", .arg_type = .uint, .impl = command.toggleTagFocus }, .{ .name = "toggle_view_tag", .arg_type = .uint, .impl = command.toggleViewTag }, .{ .name = "zoom", .arg_type = .none, .impl = command.zoom }, }; // zig fmt: on pub const Error = error{ NoCommand, UnknownCommand, NotEnoughArguments, TooManyArguments, Overflow, InvalidCharacter, InvalidDirection, OutOfMemory, }; impl: ImplFn, arg: Arg, pub fn init(args: []const []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Error!Self { if (args.len == 0) return error.NoCommand; const name = args[0]; const definition = for (str_to_read_fn) |definition| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, definition.name)) break definition; } else return error.UnknownCommand; return Self{ .impl = definition.impl, .arg = try Arg.parse(definition.arg_type, args[1..], allocator), }; } pub fn deinit(self: Self, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) void { if (self.arg == .str) allocator.free(self.arg.str); } pub fn run(self: Self, seat: *Seat) void { self.impl(seat, self.arg); }