const std = @import("std"); const c = @cImport({ @cDefine("WLR_USE_UNSTABLE", {}); @cInclude("wayland-server-core.h"); @cInclude("wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_cursor.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_compositor.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_data_device.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_input_device.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_keyboard.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_matrix.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_output.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_output_layout.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_pointer.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_seat.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_xcursor_manager.h"); @cInclude("wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell.h"); @cInclude("wlr/util/log.h"); @cInclude("xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h"); }); const CursorMode = enum { Passthrough, Move, Resize, }; fn create_list() c.wl_list { return c.wl_list{ .prev = null, .next = null, }; } fn create_listener() c.wl_listener { return c.wl_listener{ .link = create_list(), .notify = null, }; } const RenderData = struct { output: *c.wlr_output, renderer: *c.wlr_renderer, view: *View, when: *std.os.timespec, }; fn output_frame(listener: *c.wl_listener, data: *c_void) void { // This function is called every time an output is ready to display a frame, // generally at the output's refresh rate (e.g. 60Hz). */ var output = @fieldParentPtr(Output, "frame", listener); var renderer = output.*.server.*.renderer; var now = undefined; std.os.linux.clock_gettime(std.os.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); // wlr_output_attach_render makes the OpenGL context current. if (!c.wlr_output_attach_render(output.*.wlr_output, null)) { return; } // The "effective" resolution can change if you rotate your outputs. var width = undefined; var height = undefined; c.wlr_output_effective_resolution(output.*.wlr_output, &width, &height); // Begin the renderer (calls glViewport and some other GL sanity checks) c.wlr_renderer_begin(renderer, width, height); const color = [_]f32{ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0 }; c.wlr_renderer_clear(renderer, color); // Each subsequent window we render is rendered on top of the last. Because // our view list is ordered front-to-back, we iterate over it backwards. // wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &output.*.server.*.views, link) { var view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "link", &output.*.server.*.views.*.prev); while (&view.*.link != &output.*.server.*.views) { if (!view.*.mapped) { // An unmapped view should not be rendered. continue; } var rdata = RenderData{ .output = output.*.wlr_output, .view = view, .renderer = renderer, .when = &now, }; // This calls our render_surface function for each surface among the // xdg_surface's toplevel and popups. c.wlr_xdg_surface_for_each_surface(view.*.xdg_surface, render_surface, &rdata); // Move to next item in list view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "link", view.*.link.*.prev); } // Hardware cursors are rendered by the GPU on a separate plane, and can be // moved around without re-rendering what's beneath them - which is more // efficient. However, not all hardware supports hardware cursors. For this // reason, wlroots provides a software fallback, which we ask it to render // here. wlr_cursor handles configuring hardware vs software cursors for you, // and this function is a no-op when hardware cursors are in use. c.wlr_output_render_software_cursors(output.*.wlr_output, null); // Conclude rendering and swap the buffers, showing the final frame // on-screen. c.wlr_renderer_end(renderer); c.wlr_output_commit(output.*.wlr_output); } fn server_new_output(listener: *c.wl_listener, data: *c_void) void { var server = @fieldParentPtr(Server, "new_output", listener); var wlr_output = @ptrCast(c.wlr_output, data); // Some backends don't have modes. DRM+KMS does, and we need to set a mode // before we can use the output. The mode is a tuple of (width, height, // refresh rate), and each monitor supports only a specific set of modes. We // just pick the monitor's preferred mode, a more sophisticated compositor // would let the user configure it. if (!c.wl_list_empty(&wlr_output.*.modes)) { var mode = wlr_output_preferred_mode(wlr_output); c.wlr_output_set_mode(wlr_output, mode); c.wlr_output_enable(wlr_output, true); if (!c.wlr_output_commit(wlr_output)) { return; } } // Allocates and configures our state for this output var output = std.heap.c_allocator.create(Output) catch unreachable; output.*.wlr_output = wlr_output; output.*.server = server; // Sets up a listener for the frame notify event. output.*.frame.notify = output_frame; c.wl_signal_add(&wlr_output.*.events.frame, &output.*.frame); c.wl_list_insert(&server.*.outputs, &output.*.link); // Adds this to the output layout. The add_auto function arranges outputs // from left-to-right in the order they appear. A more sophisticated // compositor would let the user configure the arrangement of outputs in the // layout. c.wlr_output_layout_add_auto(server.*.output_layout, wlr_output); // Creating the global adds a wl_output global to the display, which Wayland // clients can see to find out information about the output (such as // DPI, scale factor, manufacturer, etc). c.wlr_output_create_global(wlr_output); } const Server = struct { wl_display: *c.wl_display, backend: *c.wlr_backend, renderer: *c.wlr_renderer, xdg_shell: ?*c.wlr_xdg_shell, new_xdg_surface: c.wl_listener, views: c.wl_list, cursor: ?*c.wlr_cursor, cursor_mgr: ?*c.wlr_xcursor_manager, cursor_motion: c.wl_listener, cursor_motion_absolute: c.wl_listener, cursor_button: c.wl_listener, cursor_axis: c.wl_listener, cursor_frame: c.wl_listener, seat: ?*c.wlr_seat, new_input: c.wl_listener, request_cursor: c.wl_listener, keyboards: c.wl_list, cursor_mode: CursorMode, grabbed_view: ?*View, grab_x: f64, grab_y: f64, grab_width: c_int, grab_height: c_int, resize_edges: u32, output_layout: ?*c.wlr_output_layout, outputs: c.wl_list, new_output: c.wl_listener, fn create() Server { const wl_display = c.wl_display_create(); const backend = c.wlr_backend_autocreate(wl_display, null); const renderer = c.wlr_backend_get_renderer(server.backend); wlr_renderer_init_wl_display(renderer, wl_display); wlr_compositor_create(wl_display, renderer); wlr_data_device_manager_create(wl_display); const output_layout = wlr_output_layout_create(); var outputs = create_list(); wl_list_init(&outputs); new_output = create_listener(); server.new_output.notify = server_new_output; wl_signal_add(&server.backend.*.events.new_output, &server.new_output); return Server{ .wl_display = wl_display, .backend = backend, .renderer = null, .xdg_shell = null, .new_xdg_surface = create_listener(), .views = create_list(), .cursor = null, .cursor_mgr = null, .cursor_motion = create_listener(), .cursor_motion_absolute = create_listener(), .cursor_button = create_listener(), .cursor_axis = create_listener(), .cursor_frame = create_listener(), .seat = null, .new_input = create_listener(), .request_cursor = create_listener(), .keyboards = create_list(), .cursor_mode = CursorMode.Passthrough, .grabbed_view = null, .grab_x = 0.0, .grab_y = 0.0, .grab_width = 0, .grab_height = 0, .resize_edges = 0, .output_layout = null, .outputs = c.wl_list{ .prev = null, .next = null }, .new_output = create_listener(), }; } }; const Output = struct { link: c.wl_list, server: *c.tinywl_server, xdg_surface: ?*c.wlr_xdg_surface, map: c.wl_listener, unmap: c.wl_listener, destroy: c.wl_listener, request_move: c.wl_listener, request_resize: c.wl_listener, mapped: bool, x: c_int, y: c_int, }; const View = struct { link: c.wl_list, server: *Server, xdg_surface: ?*c.wlr_xdg_surface, map: c.wl_listener, unmap: c.wl_listener, destroy: c.wl_listener, request_move: c.wl_listener, request_resize: c.wl_listener, mapped: bool, x: c_int, y: c_int, }; const Keyboard = struct { link: c.wl_list, server: *Server, device: ?*c.wlr_input_device, modifiers: c.wl_listener, key: c.wl_listener, }; pub fn main() !void { std.debug.warn("Starting up.\n", .{}); c.wlr_log_init(c.enum_wlr_log_importance.WLR_DEBUG, null); var server = Server.create(); }