const std = @import("std"); const c = @import("c.zig"); const Log = @import("log.zig").Log; const Seat = @import("seat.zig").Seat; const View = @import("view.zig").View; const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack; pub const Arg = union { int: i32, uint: u32, float: f64, str: []const u8, none: void, }; pub const Command = fn (seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void; /// Exit the compositor, terminating the wayland session. pub fn exitCompositor(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { c.wl_display_terminate(seat.input_manager.server.wl_display); } /// Focus the next visible view in the stack, wrapping if needed. Does /// nothing if there is only one view in the stack. pub fn focusNextView(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME: this need to be rewritten the next commit adding a focus stack //const output = self.focusedOutput(); //if (self.focused_view) |current_focus| { // // If there is a currently focused view, focus the next visible view in the stack. // const current_node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(View).Node, "view", current_focus); // var it = ViewStack(View).iterator(current_node, output.current_focused_tags); // // Skip past the current node // _ =; // // Focus the next visible node if there is one // if ( |node| { // node.view.focus(node.view.wlr_xdg_surface.surface); // return; // } //} //// There is either no currently focused view or the last visible view in the //// stack is focused and we need to wrap. //var it = ViewStack(View).iterator(output.views.first, output.current_focused_tags); //if ( |node| { // node.view.focus(node.view.wlr_xdg_surface.surface); //} else { // // Otherwise clear the focus since there are no visible views // self.clearFocus(); //} } /// Focus the previous view in the stack, wrapping if needed. Does nothing /// if there is only one view in the stack. pub fn focusPrevView(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME: this need to be rewritten the next commit adding a focus stack //const output = self.focusedOutput(); //if (self.focused_view) |current_focus| { // // If there is a currently focused view, focus the previous visible view in the stack. // const current_node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(View).Node, "view", current_focus); // var it = ViewStack(View).reverseIterator(current_node, output.current_focused_tags); // // Skip past the current node // _ =; // // Focus the previous visible node if there is one // if ( |node| { // node.view.focus(node.view.wlr_xdg_surface.surface); // return; // } //} //// There is either no currently focused view or the first visible view in the //// stack is focused and we need to wrap. //var it = ViewStack(View).reverseIterator(output.views.last, output.current_focused_tags); //if ( |node| { // node.view.focus(node.view.wlr_xdg_surface.surface); //} else { // // Otherwise clear the focus since there are no visible views // self.clearFocus(); //} } /// Modify the number of master views pub fn modifyMasterCount(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { const delta =; const root = &seat.input_manager.server.root; const output = root.focusedOutput(); output.master_count = @intCast( u32, std.math.max(0, @intCast(i32, output.master_count) + delta), ); root.arrange(); } /// Modify the percent of the width of the screen that the master views occupy. pub fn modifyMasterFactor(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { const delta = arg.float; const root = &seat.input_manager.server.root; const output = root.focusedOutput(); const new_master_factor = std.math.min( std.math.max(output.master_factor + delta, 0.05), 0.95, ); if (new_master_factor != output.master_factor) { output.master_factor = new_master_factor; root.arrange(); } } /// Bump the focused view to the top of the stack. /// TODO: if the top of the stack is focused, bump the next visible view. pub fn zoom(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME rewrite after next commit adding focus stack //if (server.root.focused_view) |current_focus| { // const output = server.root.focusedOutput(); // const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack(View).Node, "view", current_focus); // if (node != output.views.first) { // output.views.remove(node); // output.views.push(node); // server.root.arrange(); // } //} } /// Switch focus to the passed tags. pub fn focusTags(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { const tags = arg.uint; const root = &seat.input_manager.server.root; const output = root.focusedOutput(); output.pending_focused_tags = tags; root.arrange(); } /// Toggle focus of the passsed tags. pub fn toggleTags(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { const tags = arg.uint; const root = &seat.input_manager.server.root; const output = root.focusedOutput(); const new_focused_tags = output.current_focused_tags ^ tags; if (new_focused_tags != 0) { output.pending_focused_tags = new_focused_tags; root.arrange(); } } /// Set the tags of the focused view. pub fn setFocusedViewTags(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME //const tags = arg.uint; //if (server.root.focused_view) |view| { // if (view.current_tags != tags) { // view.pending_tags = tags; // server.root.arrange(); // } //} } /// Toggle the passed tags of the focused view pub fn toggleFocusedViewTags(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME: rewrite afet next commit adding focus stack //const tags = arg.uint; //if (server.root.focused_view) |view| { // const new_tags = view.current_tags ^ tags; // if (new_tags != 0) { // view.pending_tags = new_tags; // server.root.arrange(); // } //} } /// Spawn a program. /// TODO: make this take a program as a paramter and spawn that pub fn spawn(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { const cmd = arg.str; const argv = [_][]const u8{ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd }; const child = std.ChildProcess.init(&argv, std.heap.c_allocator) catch |err| { Log.Error.log("Failed to execute {}: {}", .{ cmd, err }); return; }; std.ChildProcess.spawn(child) catch |err| { Log.Error.log("Failed to execute {}: {}", .{ cmd, err }); return; }; } /// Close the focused view, if any. pub fn close(seat: *Seat, arg: Arg) void { // FIXME: see above //if (server.root.focused_view) |view| { // view.close(); //} }