// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor. // // Copyright 2020 The River Developers // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . const std = @import("std"); const wayland = @import("wayland"); const wl = wayland.client.wl; const zriver = wayland.client.zriver; const SetupContext = struct { status_manager: ?*zriver.StatusManagerV1 = null, outputs: std.ArrayList(*wl.Output) = std.ArrayList(*wl.Output).init(std.heap.c_allocator), seats: std.ArrayList(*wl.Seat) = std.ArrayList(*wl.Seat).init(std.heap.c_allocator), }; pub fn main() !void { const display = try wl.Display.connect(null); const registry = try display.getRegistry(); var context = SetupContext{}; registry.setListener(*SetupContext, registryListener, &context); _ = try display.roundtrip(); const status_manager = context.status_manager orelse return error.RiverStatusManagerNotAdvertised; for (context.outputs.items) |output| { const output_status = try status_manager.getRiverOutputStatus(output); output_status.setListener(?*c_void, outputStatusListener, null); } for (context.seats.items) |seat| { const seat_status = try status_manager.getRiverSeatStatus(seat); seat_status.setListener(?*c_void, seatStatusListener, null); } context.outputs.deinit(); context.seats.deinit(); // Loop forever, listening for new events. while (true) _ = try display.dispatch(); } fn registryListener(registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.Event, context: *SetupContext) void { switch (event) { .global => |global| { if (std.cstr.cmp(global.interface, zriver.StatusManagerV1.getInterface().name) == 0) { context.status_manager = registry.bind(global.name, zriver.StatusManagerV1, 1) catch return; } else if (std.cstr.cmp(global.interface, wl.Seat.getInterface().name) == 0) { const seat = registry.bind(global.name, wl.Seat, 1) catch return; context.seats.append(seat) catch @panic("out of memory"); } else if (std.cstr.cmp(global.interface, wl.Output.getInterface().name) == 0) { const output = registry.bind(global.name, wl.Output, 1) catch return; context.outputs.append(output) catch @panic("out of memory"); } }, .global_remove => {}, } } fn outputStatusListener(output_status: *zriver.OutputStatusV1, event: zriver.OutputStatusV1.Event, data: ?*c_void) void { switch (event) { .focused_tags => |focused_tags| std.debug.warn("Focused tags: {b:0>10}\n", .{focused_tags.tags}), .view_tags => |view_tags| { std.debug.warn("View tags:\n", .{}); for (view_tags.tags.slice(u32)) |t| std.debug.warn("{b:0>10}\n", .{t}); }, } } fn seatStatusListener(seat_status: *zriver.SeatStatusV1, event: zriver.SeatStatusV1.Event, data: ?*c_void) void { switch (event) { .focused_output => |focused_output| std.debug.warn("Output id {} focused\n", .{ @ptrCast(*wl.Proxy, focused_output.output orelse return).getId(), }), .unfocused_output => |unfocused_output| std.debug.warn("Output id {} focused\n", .{ @ptrCast(*wl.Proxy, unfocused_output.output orelse return).getId(), }), .focused_view => |focused_view| std.debug.warn("Focused view title: {}\n", .{focused_view.title}), } }