const std = @import("std"); const c = @import("c.zig"); const command = @import("command.zig"); const Server = @import("server.zig"); pub const Config = struct { const Self = @This(); /// Width of borders in pixels border_width: u32 = 2, /// Amount of view padding in pixels view_padding: u32 = 10, const Keybind = struct { keysym: c.xkb_keysym_t, modifiers: u32, command: command.Command, arg: command.Arg, }; /// All user-defined keybindings keybinds: std.ArrayList(Keybind), pub fn init(self: *Self, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !void { self.border_width = 2; self.view_padding = 10; self.keybinds = std.ArrayList(Keybind).init(allocator); const mod = c.WLR_MODIFIER_LOGO; try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_e, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.exitCompositor, .arg = .{ .none = {} } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_j, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusNextView, .arg = .{ .none = {} } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_k, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusPrevView, .arg = .{ .none = {} } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_h, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.modifyMasterFactor, .arg = .{ .float = 0.05 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_l, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.modifyMasterFactor, .arg = .{ .float = -0.05 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_Return, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.zoom, .arg = .{ .none = {} } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_1, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 0 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_2, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 1 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_3, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 2 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_4, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 3 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_5, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 4 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_6, .modifiers = mod, .command = command.focusTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 5 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_h, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.modifyMasterCount, .arg = .{ .int = 1 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_l, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.modifyMasterCount, .arg = .{ .int = -1 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_Return, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.spawn, .arg = .{ .none = {} } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_1, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 0 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_2, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 1 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_3, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 2 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_4, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 3 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_5, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 4 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_6, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, .command = command.setFocusedViewTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 5 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_1, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 0 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_2, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 1 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_3, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 2 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_4, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 3 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_5, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 4 } }); try self.keybinds.append(Keybind{ .keysym = c.XKB_KEY_6, .modifiers = mod | c.WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, .command = command.toggleTags, .arg = .{ .uint = 1 << 5 } }); } };