Move output specific code out of root
This is in preperation of proper output event handling and eventual multi output support.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,22 +33,24 @@ pub fn focusPrevView(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
/// Modify the number of master views
pub fn modifyMasterCount(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
const delta =;
server.root.master_count = @intCast(u32, std.math.max(
@intCast(i32, server.root.master_count) + delta,
const output = server.root.focusedOutput();
output.master_count = @intCast(
std.math.max(0, @intCast(i32, output.master_count) + delta),
/// Modify the percent of the width of the screen that the master views occupy.
pub fn modifyMasterFactor(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
const delta = arg.float;
const output = server.root.focusedOutput();
const new_master_factor = std.math.min(
std.math.max(server.root.master_factor + delta, 0.05),
std.math.max(output.master_factor + delta, 0.05),
if (new_master_factor != server.root.master_factor) {
server.root.master_factor = new_master_factor;
if (new_master_factor != output.master_factor) {
output.master_factor = new_master_factor;
@ -57,10 +59,11 @@ pub fn modifyMasterFactor(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
/// TODO: if the top of the stack is focused, bump the next visible view.
pub fn zoom(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
if (server.root.focused_view) |current_focus| {
const output = server.root.focusedOutput();
const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack.Node, "view", current_focus);
if (node != server.root.views.first) {
if (node != output.views.first) {
@ -69,16 +72,18 @@ pub fn zoom(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
/// Switch focus to the passed tags.
pub fn focusTags(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
const tags = arg.uint;
server.root.pending_focused_tags = tags;
const output = server.root.focusedOutput();
output.pending_focused_tags = tags;
/// Toggle focus of the passsed tags.
pub fn toggleTags(server: *Server, arg: Arg) void {
const tags = arg.uint;
const new_focused_tags = server.root.current_focused_tags ^ tags;
const output = server.root.focusedOutput();
const new_focused_tags = output.current_focused_tags ^ tags;
if (new_focused_tags != 0) {
server.root.pending_focused_tags = new_focused_tags;
output.pending_focused_tags = new_focused_tags;
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ const render = @import("render.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const LayerSurface = @import("layer_surface.zig").LayerSurface;
const Log = @import("log.zig").Log;
const Root = @import("root.zig").Root;
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
pub const Output = struct {
const Self = @This();
@ -12,8 +14,26 @@ pub const Output = struct {
root: *Root,
wlr_output: *c.wlr_output,
/// All layer surfaces on the output, indexed by the layer enum.
layers: [4]std.TailQueue(LayerSurface),
/// The area left for views and other layer surfaces after applying the
/// exclusive zones of exclusive layer surfaces.
usable_box: Box,
/// The top of the stack is the "most important" view.
views: ViewStack,
/// A bit field of focused tags
current_focused_tags: u32,
pending_focused_tags: ?u32,
/// Number of views in "master" section of the screen.
master_count: u32,
/// Percentage of the total screen that the master section takes up.
master_factor: f64,
listen_frame: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(self: *Self, root: *Root, wlr_output: *c.wlr_output) !void {
@ -41,6 +61,17 @@ pub const Output = struct {
layer.* = std.TailQueue(LayerSurface).init();
self.usable_box = undefined;
self.current_focused_tags = 1 << 0;
self.pending_focused_tags = null;
self.master_count = 1;
self.master_factor = 0.6;
// Sets up a listener for the frame notify event.
self.listen_frame.notify = handleFrame;
c.wl_signal_add(&, &self.listen_frame);
@ -57,6 +88,14 @@ pub const Output = struct {
/// Add a new view to the output. arrangeViews() will be called by the view
/// when it is mapped.
pub fn addView(self: *Self, wlr_xdg_surface: *c.wlr_xdg_surface) void {
const node = self.root.server.allocator.create(ViewStack.Node) catch unreachable;
node.view.init(self, wlr_xdg_surface, self.current_focused_tags);
/// Add a newly created layer surface to the output.
pub fn addLayerSurface(self: *Self, wlr_layer_surface: *c.wlr_layer_surface_v1) !void {
const layer = wlr_layer_surface.client_pending.layer;
@ -66,6 +105,86 @@ pub const Output = struct {
pub fn arrange(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: properly handle output events instead of calling arrangeLayers() here
/// Arrange all views on the output for the current layout. Modifies only
/// pending state, the changes are not appplied until a transaction is started
/// and completed.
fn arrangeViews(self: *Self) void {
const output_tags = if (self.pending_focused_tags) |tags|
const visible_count = blk: {
var count: u32 = 0;
var it = ViewStack.pendingIterator(self.views.first, output_tags);
while ( != null) count += 1;
break :blk count;
const master_count = std.math.min(self.master_count, visible_count);
const slave_count = if (master_count >= visible_count) 0 else visible_count - master_count;
const outer_padding = self.root.server.config.outer_padding;
const layout_width = @intCast(u32, self.usable_box.width) - outer_padding * 2;
const layout_height = @intCast(u32, self.usable_box.height) - outer_padding * 2;
var master_column_width: u32 = undefined;
var slave_column_width: u32 = undefined;
if (master_count > 0 and slave_count > 0) {
// If both master and slave views are present
master_column_width = @floatToInt(u32, @round(@intToFloat(f64, layout_width) * self.master_factor));
slave_column_width = layout_width - master_column_width;
} else if (master_count > 0) {
master_column_width = layout_width;
slave_column_width = 0;
} else {
slave_column_width = layout_width;
master_column_width = 0;
var i: u32 = 0;
var it = ViewStack.pendingIterator(self.views.first, output_tags);
while ( |view| {
if (i < master_count) {
// Add the remainder to the first master to ensure every pixel of height is used
const master_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, master_count);
const master_height_rem = layout_height % master_count;
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + i * master_height +
if (i > 0) master_height_rem else 0),
.width = master_column_width,
.height = master_height + if (i == 0) master_height_rem else 0,
} else {
// Add the remainder to the first slave to ensure every pixel of height is used
const slave_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, slave_count);
const slave_height_rem = layout_height % slave_count;
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + master_column_width),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + (i - master_count) * slave_height +
if (i > master_count) slave_height_rem else 0),
.width = slave_column_width,
.height = slave_height +
if (i == master_count) slave_height_rem else 0,
i += 1;
/// Arrange all layer surfaces of this output and addjust the usable aread
pub fn arrangeLayers(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: handle exclusive zones
@ -85,6 +204,8 @@ pub const Output = struct {
self.arrangeLayer(layer, bounds);
self.usable_box = bounds;
// TODO: handle seat focus
@ -44,10 +44,7 @@ pub fn renderOutput(output: *Output) void {
renderLayer(output.*, output.layers[c.ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM], &now, ox, oy);
// The first view in the list is "on top" so iterate in reverse.
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(output.views.last, output.current_focused_tags);
while ( |view| {
// This check prevents a race condition when a frame is requested
// between mapping of a view and the first configure being handled.
@ -166,8 +163,8 @@ fn renderView(output: Output, view: *View, now: *c.struct_timespec, ox: f64, oy:
// If we have a stashed buffer, we are in the middle of a transaction
// and need to render that buffer until the transaction is complete.
if (view.stashed_buffer) |buffer| {
const border_width = view.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = view.root.server.config.view_padding;
const border_width = view.output.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = view.output.root.server.config.view_padding;
var box = c.wlr_box{
.x = view.current_box.x + @intCast(i32, border_width + view_padding),
.y = view.current_box.y + @intCast(i32, border_width + view_padding),
@ -231,8 +228,8 @@ fn renderSurface(_surface: ?*c.wlr_surface, sx: c_int, sy: c_int, data: ?*c_void
const border_width = view.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = view.root.server.config.view_padding;
const border_width = view.output.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = view.output.root.server.config.view_padding;
var box = c.wlr_box{
.x = @floatToInt(c_int, rdata.ox) + view.current_box.x + sx +
@intCast(c_int, border_width + view_padding),
@ -19,22 +19,10 @@ pub const Root = struct {
wlr_output_layout: *c.wlr_output_layout,
outputs: std.TailQueue(Output),
/// The top of the stack is the "most important" view.
views: ViewStack,
/// The view that has seat focus, if any.
/// TODO: move this to Seat
focused_view: ?*View,
/// A bit field of focused tags
current_focused_tags: u32,
pending_focused_tags: ?u32,
/// Number of views in "master" section of the screen.
master_count: u32,
/// Percentage of the total screen that the master section takes up.
master_factor: f64,
/// Number of pending configures sent in the current transaction.
/// A value of 0 means there is no current transaction.
pending_configures: u32,
@ -53,17 +41,8 @@ pub const Root = struct {
self.outputs = std.TailQueue(Output).init();
self.focused_view = null;
self.current_focused_tags = 1 << 0;
self.pending_focused_tags = null;
self.master_count = 1;
self.master_factor = 0.6;
self.pending_configures = 0;
self.transaction_timer = null;
@ -80,19 +59,23 @@ pub const Root = struct {
pub fn addView(self: *Self, wlr_xdg_surface: *c.wlr_xdg_surface) void {
const node = self.server.allocator.create(ViewStack.Node) catch unreachable;
node.view.init(self, wlr_xdg_surface, self.current_focused_tags);
/// TODO: move this to seat, it's just a stop gap hack
pub fn focusedOutput(self: Self) *Output {
return &self.outputs.first.?.data;
/// Finds the topmost view under the output layout coordinates lx, ly
/// returns the view if found, and a pointer to the wlr_surface as well as the surface coordinates
pub fn viewAt(self: Self, lx: f64, ly: f64, surface: *?*c.wlr_surface, sx: *f64, sy: *f64) ?*View {
var it = ViewStack.iterator(self.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
if (view.isAt(lx, ly, surface, sx, sy)) {
return view;
// Iterate over all views of all outputs
var output_it = self.outputs.first;
while (output_it) |node| : (output_it = {
const output = &;
var view_it = ViewStack.iterator(output.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
if (view.isAt(lx, ly, surface, sx, sy)) {
return view;
return null;
@ -109,10 +92,11 @@ pub const Root = struct {
/// Focus the next visible view in the stack, wrapping if needed. Does
/// nothing if there is only one view in the stack.
pub fn focusNextView(self: *Self) void {
const output = self.focusedOutput();
if (self.focused_view) |current_focus| {
// If there is a currently focused view, focus the next visible view in the stack.
const current_node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack.Node, "view", current_focus);
var it = ViewStack.iterator(current_node, self.current_focused_tags);
var it = ViewStack.iterator(current_node, output.current_focused_tags);
// Skip past the current node
_ =;
// Focus the next visible node if there is one
@ -124,7 +108,7 @@ pub const Root = struct {
// There is either no currently focused view or the last visible view in the
// stack is focused and we need to wrap.
var it = ViewStack.iterator(self.views.first, self.current_focused_tags);
var it = ViewStack.iterator(output.views.first, output.current_focused_tags);
if ( |view| {
} else {
@ -136,10 +120,11 @@ pub const Root = struct {
/// Focus the previous view in the stack, wrapping if needed. Does nothing
/// if there is only one view in the stack.
pub fn focusPrevView(self: *Self) void {
const output = self.focusedOutput();
if (self.focused_view) |current_focus| {
// If there is a currently focused view, focus the previous visible view in the stack.
const current_node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack.Node, "view", current_focus);
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(current_node, self.current_focused_tags);
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(current_node, output.current_focused_tags);
// Skip past the current node
_ =;
// Focus the previous visible node if there is one
@ -151,7 +136,7 @@ pub const Root = struct {
// There is either no currently focused view or the first visible view in the
// stack is focused and we need to wrap.
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(self.views.last, self.current_focused_tags);
var it = ViewStack.reverseIterator(output.views.last, output.current_focused_tags);
if ( |view| {
} else {
@ -160,79 +145,13 @@ pub const Root = struct {
/// Arrange all outputs and then a transaction.
pub fn arrange(self: *Self) void {
const root_tags = if (self.pending_focused_tags) |tags|
const visible_count = blk: {
var count: u32 = 0;
var it = ViewStack.pendingIterator(self.views.first, root_tags);
while ( != null) count += 1;
break :blk count;
const master_count = util.min(u32, self.master_count, visible_count);
const slave_count = if (master_count >= visible_count) 0 else visible_count - master_count;
// This can't return null if we pass null as the reference
const output_box: *c.wlr_box = c.wlr_output_layout_get_box(self.wlr_output_layout, null);
const outer_padding = self.server.config.outer_padding;
const layout_width = @intCast(u32, output_box.width) - outer_padding * 2;
const layout_height = @intCast(u32, output_box.height) - outer_padding * 2;
var master_column_width: u32 = undefined;
var slave_column_width: u32 = undefined;
if (master_count > 0 and slave_count > 0) {
// If both master and slave views are present
master_column_width = @floatToInt(u32, @round(@intToFloat(f64, layout_width) * self.master_factor));
slave_column_width = layout_width - master_column_width;
} else if (master_count > 0) {
master_column_width = layout_width;
slave_column_width = 0;
} else {
slave_column_width = layout_width;
master_column_width = 0;
var it = self.outputs.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
const output = &;
var i: u32 = 0;
var it = ViewStack.pendingIterator(self.views.first, root_tags);
while ( |view| {
if (i < master_count) {
// Add the remainder to the first master to ensure every pixel of height is used
const master_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, master_count);
const master_height_rem = layout_height % master_count;
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + i * master_height +
if (i > 0) master_height_rem else 0),
.width = master_column_width,
.height = master_height + if (i == 0) master_height_rem else 0,
} else {
// Add the remainder to the first slave to ensure every pixel of height is used
const slave_height = @divTrunc(layout_height, slave_count);
const slave_height_rem = layout_height % slave_count;
view.pending_box = Box{
.x = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + master_column_width),
.y = @intCast(i32, outer_padding + (i - master_count) * slave_height +
if (i > master_count) slave_height_rem else 0),
.width = slave_column_width,
.height = slave_height +
if (i == master_count) slave_height_rem else 0,
i += 1;
@ -243,25 +162,30 @@ pub const Root = struct {
// to reset the pending count to 0 and clear serials from the views
self.pending_configures = 0;
var it = ViewStack.iterator(self.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
// Clear the serial in case this transaction is interrupting a prior one.
view.pending_serial = null;
// Iterate over all views of all outputs
var output_it = self.outputs.first;
while (output_it) |node| : (output_it = {
const output = &;
var view_it = ViewStack.iterator(output.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
// Clear the serial in case this transaction is interrupting a prior one.
view.pending_serial = null;
if (view.needsConfigure()) {
self.pending_configures += 1;
if (view.needsConfigure()) {
self.pending_configures += 1;
// We save the current buffer, so we can send an early
// frame done event to give the client a head start on
// redrawing.
// We save the current buffer, so we can send an early
// frame done event to give the client a head start on
// redrawing.
// If there is a saved buffer present, then this transaction is interrupting
// a previous transaction and we should keep the old buffer.
if (view.stashed_buffer == null) {
// If there is a saved buffer present, then this transaction is interrupting
// a previous transaction and we should keep the old buffer.
if (view.stashed_buffer == null) {
@ -317,45 +241,51 @@ pub const Root = struct {
// Ensure this is set to 0 to avoid entering invalid state (e.g. if called due to timeout)
self.pending_configures = 0;
// If there were pending focused tags, make them the current focus
if (self.pending_focused_tags) |tags| {
"changing current focus: {b:0>10} to {b:0>10}",
.{ self.current_focused_tags, tags },
self.current_focused_tags = tags;
self.pending_focused_tags = null;
// Iterate over all views of all outputs
var output_it = self.outputs.first;
while (output_it) |node| : (output_it = {
const output = &;
self.focused_view = null;
// If there were pending focused tags, make them the current focus
if (output.pending_focused_tags) |tags| {
"changing current focus: {b:0>10} to {b:0>10}",
.{ output.current_focused_tags, tags },
output.current_focused_tags = tags;
output.pending_focused_tags = null;
var it = ViewStack.iterator(self.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
// Ensure that all pending state is cleared
view.pending_serial = null;
if (view.pending_box) |state| {
view.current_box = state;
view.pending_box = null;
self.focused_view = null;
// Apply possible pending tags
if (view.pending_tags) |tags| {
view.current_tags = tags;
view.pending_tags = null;
var view_it = ViewStack.iterator(output.views.first, 0xFFFFFFFF);
while ( |view| {
// Ensure that all pending state is cleared
view.pending_serial = null;
if (view.pending_box) |state| {
view.current_box = state;
view.pending_box = null;
// If the pending tags caused the currently focused view to no
// longer be visible, focus the next view.
if (self.focused_view) |focus| {
if (focus == view and
view.current_tags & self.current_focused_tags == 0)
// Apply possible pending tags
if (view.pending_tags) |tags| {
view.current_tags = tags;
view.pending_tags = null;
// If the pending tags caused the currently focused view to no
// longer be visible, focus the next view.
if (self.focused_view) |focus| {
if (focus == view and
view.current_tags & output.current_focused_tags == 0)
@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ pub const Server = struct {
// toplevel surfaces are tracked and managed by the root
/// This event is raised when the layer_shell recieves a new surface from a client.
@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const Box = @import("box.zig").Box;
const Output = @import("output.zig").Output;
const Root = @import("root.zig").Root;
const ViewStack = @import("view_stack.zig").ViewStack;
pub const View = struct {
const Self = @This();
root: *Root,
output: *Output,
wlr_xdg_surface: *c.wlr_xdg_surface,
mapped: bool,
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ pub const View = struct {
// listen_request_move: c.wl_listener,
// listen_request_resize: c.wl_listener,
pub fn init(self: *Self, root: *Root, wlr_xdg_surface: *c.wlr_xdg_surface, tags: u32) void {
self.root = root;
pub fn init(self: *Self, output: *Output, wlr_xdg_surface: *c.wlr_xdg_surface, tags: u32) void {
self.output = output;
self.wlr_xdg_surface = wlr_xdg_surface;
// Inform the xdg toplevel that it is tiled.
@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ pub const View = struct {
pub fn configurePending(self: *Self) void {
if (self.pending_box) |pending_box| {
const border_width = self.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = self.root.server.config.view_padding;
const border_width = self.output.root.server.config.border_width;
const view_padding = self.output.root.server.config.view_padding;
self.pending_serial = c.wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_size(
pending_box.width - border_width * 2 - view_padding * 2,
@ -132,12 +133,12 @@ pub const View = struct {
const view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "listen_map", listener.?);
view.mapped = true;
fn handleUnmap(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "listen_unmap", listener.?);
const root = view.root;
const root = view.output.root;
view.mapped = false;
if (root.focused_view) |current_focus| {
@ -153,18 +154,18 @@ pub const View = struct {
fn handleDestroy(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "listen_destroy", listener.?);
const root = view.root;
const output = view.output;
const node = @fieldParentPtr(ViewStack.Node, "view", view);
fn handleCommit(listener: ?*c.wl_listener, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
const view = @fieldParentPtr(View, "listen_commit", listener.?);
if (view.pending_serial) |s| {
if (s == view.wlr_xdg_surface.configure_serial) {
view.pending_serial = null;
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ pub const View = struct {
// }
fn focus(self: *Self, surface: *c.wlr_surface) void {
const root = self.root;
const root = self.output.root;
const wlr_seat =;
const prev_surface = wlr_seat.keyboard_state.focused_surface;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user