Allow floating views to appear at the mouse
This commit is contained in:
@ -298,9 +298,11 @@ matches everything while _\*\*_ and the empty string are invalid.
with make: _HP Inc._, model: _HP 22w_, and serial: _CNC93720WF_, the
identifier would be: _HP Inc. HP 22w CNC93720WF_. If the make, model, or
serial is unknown, the word "Unknown" is used instead.
- *position*: Set the initial position of the view, clamping to the
bounds of the output. Requires x and y coordinates of the view as
arguments, both of which must be non-negative. Applies only to new views.
- *position*: Set the initial position of the view, clamping to the bounds
of the output. Requires x and y coordinates of the view as arguments, both
of which must be non-negative. Optionally, the string "mouse" can appear
as the only argument. In this case, the view will appear at the mouse's
position. Applies only to new views.
- *dimensions*: Set the initial dimensions of the view, clamping to the
constraints of the view. Requires width and height of the view as
arguments, both of which must be non-negative. Applies only to new views.
@ -58,11 +58,21 @@ pub const HideCursorWhenTypingMode = enum {
pub const PositionType = enum {
pub const Position = struct {
x: u31,
y: u31,
pub const FloatPosition = union(PositionType) {
absolute: Position,
pub const Dimensions = struct {
width: u31,
height: u31,
@ -98,7 +108,7 @@ rules: struct {
ssd: RuleList(bool) = .{},
tags: RuleList(u32) = .{},
output: RuleList([]const u8) = .{},
position: RuleList(Position) = .{},
position: RuleList(FloatPosition) = .{},
dimensions: RuleList(Dimensions) = .{},
fullscreen: RuleList(bool) = .{},
tearing: RuleList(bool) = .{},
@ -678,8 +678,17 @@ pub fn map(view: *View) !void {
if (server.config.rules.position.match(view)) |position| {
|||| = position.x;
|||| = position.y;
switch (position) {
.absolute => |pos| {
|||| = pos.x;
|||| = pos.y;
.at_mouse => {
const cursor = server.input_manager.defaultSeat().cursor.wlr_cursor;
|||| = @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(cursor.x));
|||| = @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(cursor.y));
} else if (output) |o| {
// Center the initial pending box on the output
|||| = @divTrunc(@max(0, o.usable_box.width -, 2);
@ -54,10 +54,17 @@ pub fn ruleAdd(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, _: *?[]const u8) Error!void
const action = std.meta.stringToEnum(Action, result.args[0]) orelse return Error.UnknownOption;
var pos_is_mouse = false;
const positional_arguments_count: u8 = switch (action) {
.float, .@"no-float", .ssd, .csd, .fullscreen, .@"no-fullscreen", .tearing, .@"no-tearing" => 1,
.tags, .output => 2,
.position, .dimensions => 3,
.dimensions => 3,
.position => blk: {
if (result.args.len >= 2 and std.mem.eql(u8, result.args[1], "mouse")) {
pos_is_mouse = true;
break :blk 2;
} else break :blk 3;
if (result.args.len > positional_arguments_count) return Error.TooManyArguments;
if (result.args.len < positional_arguments_count) return Error.NotEnoughArguments;
@ -111,16 +118,24 @@ pub fn ruleAdd(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, _: *?[]const u8) Error!void
.position => {
if (pos_is_mouse) {
try server.config.rules.position.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = .at_mouse,
} else {
const x = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[1], 10);
const y = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[2], 10);
try server.config.rules.position.add(.{
.app_id_glob = app_id_glob,
.title_glob = title_glob,
.value = .{
.value = .{ .absolute = .{
.x = x,
.y = y,
} },
.dimensions => {
const width = try fmt.parseInt(u31, result.args[1], 10);
@ -277,7 +292,10 @@ pub fn listRules(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, out: *?[]const u8) Error!
for (server.config.rules.position.rules.items) |rule| {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .left }, writer);
try writer.print("{d},{d}\n", .{ rule.value.x, rule.value.y });
switch (rule.value) {
.absolute => |pos| try writer.print("{d},{d}\n", .{ pos.x, pos.y }),
.at_mouse => try writer.print("mouse\n", .{}),
.dimensions => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user