river: change order of colums in list-rules command
This will make it easier to extend the command later for new rules
This commit is contained in:
@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ matches everything while _\*\*_ and the empty string are invalid.
If multiple rules in a list match a given view the most specific
rule will be applied. For example with the following rules
action app-id title
ssd foo bar
csd foo *
csd * bar
ssd * baz
app-id title action
foo bar ssd
foo * csd
* bar csd
* baz ssd
a view with app-id 'foo' and title 'bar' would get ssd despite matching
two csd rules as the first rule is most specific. Furthermore a view
@ -121,40 +121,35 @@ pub fn listRules(_: *Seat, args: []const [:0]const u8, out: *?[]const u8) Error!
if (args.len > 2) return error.TooManyArguments;
const list = std.meta.stringToEnum(enum { float, ssd }, args[1]) orelse return Error.UnknownOption;
const rules = switch (list) {
.float => server.config.float_rules.rules.items,
.ssd => server.config.ssd_rules.rules.items,
const max_glob_len = switch (list) {
.float => server.config.float_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
.ssd => server.config.ssd_rules.getMaxGlobLen(),
var action_column_max = "action".len;
var app_id_column_max = "app-id".len;
for (rules) |rule| {
const action = switch (list) {
.float => if (rule.value) "float" else "no-float",
.ssd => if (rule.value) "ssd" else "csd",
action_column_max = @max(action_column_max, action.len);
app_id_column_max = @max(app_id_column_max, rule.app_id_glob.len);
action_column_max += 2;
app_id_column_max += 2;
const app_id_column_max = 2 + @max("app-id".len, max_glob_len.app_id);
const title_column_max = 2 + @max("title".len, max_glob_len.title);
var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(util.gpa);
const writer = buffer.writer();
try fmt.formatBuf("action", .{ .width = action_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf("title", .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf("app-id", .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try writer.writeAll("title\n");
try writer.writeAll("action\n");
switch (list) {
.float, .ssd => {
const rules = switch (list) {
.float => server.config.float_rules.rules.items,
.ssd => server.config.ssd_rules.rules.items,
for (rules) |rule| {
const action = switch (list) {
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.title_glob, .{ .width = title_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try writer.print("{s}\n", .{switch (list) {
.float => if (rule.value) "float" else "no-float",
.ssd => if (rule.value) "ssd" else "csd",
try fmt.formatBuf(action, .{ .width = action_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try fmt.formatBuf(rule.app_id_glob, .{ .width = app_id_column_max, .alignment = .Left }, writer);
try writer.print("{s}\n", .{rule.title_glob});
out.* = buffer.toOwnedSlice();
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ const util = @import("util.zig");
const View = @import("View.zig");
pub const MaxGlobLen = struct {
app_id: usize,
title: usize,
pub fn RuleList(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
Reference in New Issue
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