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// This file is part of river, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.
// Copyright 2021 The River Developers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const std = @import("std");
const os = std.os;
const mem = std.mem;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const wayland = @import("wayland");
const wl = wayland.client.wl;
const zriver = wayland.client.zriver;
const zxdg = wayland.client.zxdg;
const root = @import("root");
const Args = @import("args.zig").Args;
const FlagDef = @import("args.zig").FlagDef;
const Globals = @import("main.zig").Globals;
const Output = @import("main.zig").Output;
const ValueType = enum {
const Context = struct {
display: *wl.Display,
key: [*:0]const u8,
raw_value: [*:0]const u8,
output: ?*Output,
pub fn declareOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(3, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const key = args.positionals[0];
const value_type = std.meta.stringToEnum(ValueType, mem.span(args.positionals[1])) orelse
root.printErrorExit("'{}' is not a valid type, must be int, uint, fixed, or string", .{args.positionals[1]});
const raw_value = args.positionals[2];
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(key, if (output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
switch (value_type) {
.int => setIntValueRaw(handle, raw_value),
.uint => setUintValueRaw(handle, raw_value),
.fixed => setFixedValueRaw(handle, raw_value),
.string => handle.setStringValue(if (raw_value[0] == 0) null else raw_value),
_ = display.flush() catch os.exit(1);
fn setIntValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
handle.setIntValue(fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid int", .{raw_value}));
fn setUintValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
handle.setUintValue(fmt.parseInt(u32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid uint", .{raw_value}));
fn setFixedValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
handle.setFixedValue(wl.Fixed.fromDouble(fmt.parseFloat(f64, mem.span(raw_value)) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid fixed", .{raw_value})));
2021-02-09 22:53:17 +01:00
fn modIntValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, current: i32, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
const mod = fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid int modificator", .{raw_value});
handle.setIntValue(current + mod);
fn modUintValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, current: u32, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
// We need to allow negative mod values, but the value of the option may
// never be below zero.
const mod = fmt.parseInt(i32, mem.span(raw_value), 10) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid uint modificator", .{raw_value});
const new = @intCast(i32, current) + mod;
handle.setUintValue(if (new < 0) 0 else @intCast(u32, new));
fn modFixedValueRaw(handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1, current: wl.Fixed, raw_value: [*:0]const u8) void {
const mod = fmt.parseFloat(f64, mem.span(raw_value)) catch
root.printErrorExit("{} is not a valid fixed modificator", .{raw_value});
handle.setFixedValue(wl.Fixed.fromDouble(current.toDouble() + mod));
pub fn getOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(1, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = undefined,
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, getOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
pub fn setOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(2, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = args.positionals[1],
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, setOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
2021-02-09 22:53:17 +01:00
pub fn modOption(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !void {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7807
const argv: [][*:0]const u8 = os.argv;
const args = Args(2, &[_]FlagDef{
.{ .name = "-output", .kind = .arg },
.{ .name = "-focused-output", .kind = .boolean },
const output = if (args.argFlag("-output")) |o|
try parseOutputName(display, globals, o)
else if (args.boolFlag("-focused-output"))
try getFocusedOutput(display, globals)
const ctx = Context{
.display = display,
.key = args.positionals[0],
.raw_value = args.positionals[1],
.output = output,
const options_manager = globals.options_manager orelse return error.RiverOptionsManagerNotAdvertised;
const handle = try options_manager.getOptionHandle(ctx.key, if (ctx.output) |o| o.wl_output else null);
handle.setListener(*const Context, modOptionListener, &ctx) catch unreachable;
// We always exit when our listener is called
while (true) _ = try display.dispatch();
fn parseOutputName(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals, output_name: [*:0]const u8) !*Output {
const output_manager = globals.output_manager orelse return error.XdgOutputNotAdvertised;
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
const xdg_output = try output_manager.getXdgOutput(output.wl_output);
xdg_output.setListener(*Output, xdgOutputListener, output) catch unreachable;
_ = try display.roundtrip();
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
if (mem.eql(u8, output.name, mem.span(output_name))) return output;
root.printErrorExit("unknown output '{}'", .{output_name});
fn xdgOutputListener(xdg_output: *zxdg.OutputV1, event: zxdg.OutputV1.Event, output: *Output) void {
switch (event) {
.name => |ev| output.name = std.heap.c_allocator.dupe(u8, mem.span(ev.name)) catch @panic("out of memory"),
else => {},
fn getFocusedOutput(display: *wl.Display, globals: *Globals) !*Output {
const status_manager = globals.status_manager orelse return error.RiverStatusManagerNotAdvertised;
const seat = globals.seat orelse return error.SeatNotAdverstised;
const seat_status = try status_manager.getRiverSeatStatus(seat);
var result: ?*wl.Output = null;
seat_status.setListener(*?*wl.Output, seatStatusListener, &result) catch unreachable;
_ = try display.roundtrip();
const wl_output = if (result) |output| output else return error.NoOutputFocused;
for (globals.outputs.items) |*output| {
if (output.wl_output == wl_output) return output;
} else unreachable;
fn seatStatusListener(seat_status: *zriver.SeatStatusV1, event: zriver.SeatStatusV1.Event, result: *?*wl.Output) void {
switch (event) {
.focused_output => |ev| result.* = ev.output,
.unfocused_output, .focused_view => {},
fn getOptionListener(
handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1,
event: zriver.OptionHandleV1.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.unset => if (ctx.output) |output| {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared on output '{}'", .{ ctx.key, output.name });
} else {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared globally", .{ctx.key});
.int_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{}", .{ev.value}),
.uint_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{}", .{ev.value}),
.fixed_value => |ev| printOutputExit("{d}", .{ev.value.toDouble()}),
.string_value => |ev| if (ev.value) |s| printOutputExit("{}", .{s}) else os.exit(0),
fn printOutputExit(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
stdout.print(format ++ "\n", args) catch os.exit(1);
fn setOptionListener(
handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1,
event: zriver.OptionHandleV1.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.unset => if (ctx.output) |output| {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared on output '{}'", .{ ctx.key, output.name });
} else {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared globally", .{ctx.key});
.int_value => |ev| setIntValueRaw(handle, ctx.raw_value),
.uint_value => |ev| setUintValueRaw(handle, ctx.raw_value),
.fixed_value => |ev| setFixedValueRaw(handle, ctx.raw_value),
.string_value => |ev| handle.setStringValue(if (ctx.raw_value[0] == 0) null else ctx.raw_value),
_ = ctx.display.flush() catch os.exit(1);
2021-02-09 22:53:17 +01:00
fn modOptionListener(
handle: *zriver.OptionHandleV1,
event: zriver.OptionHandleV1.Event,
ctx: *const Context,
) void {
switch (event) {
.unset => if (ctx.output) |output| {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared on output '{}'", .{ ctx.key, output.name });
} else {
root.printErrorExit("option '{}' has not been declared globally", .{ctx.key});
.int_value => |ev| modIntValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.uint_value => |ev| modUintValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.fixed_value => |ev| modFixedValueRaw(handle, ev.value, ctx.raw_value),
.string_value => root.printErrorExit("can not modify string options, use set-option to overwrite them", .{}),
_ = ctx.display.flush() catch os.exit(1);