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;;; plugin.fnl - plugin configurations
(import-macros {: bind! : hook!
: use! : setup!
: module-call! } :macros)
(fn [use]
;; Packer
(use! :wbthomason/packer.nvim)
;; tangerine.nvim (auto fennel compile)
(use! :udayvir-singh/tangerine.nvim)
;; Treesitter
(use! :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
(setup! :nvim-treesitter.configs
:ensure_installed :all
:sync_install false
:auto_install true
:highlight { :enable true
:additional_vim_regex_highlighting false }
:indent { :enable true }))
;; nightfox.nvim (colorscheme)
(use! :EdenEast/nightfox.nvim
:after :nvim-treesitter
(vim.cmd.colorscheme :carbonfox))
;; Devicons
(use! :kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons)
;; lualine.nvim
(use! :nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
:after [ :nightfox.nvim :nvim-web-devicons ]
(setup! :lualine
:options { :section_separators ""
:component_separators "│" }
:sections { :lualine_x [
{ 1 #(.. "recording @" (vim.fn.reg_recording))
:cond #(not= (# (vim.fn.reg_recording)) 0) }
:filetype ]}))
;; bufferline.nvim
(use! :akinsho/bufferline.nvim
:after [ :nvim-web-devicons :nightfox.nvim ]
(setup! :bufferline
:options {
:always_show_bufferline false
:mode :tabs
:numbers :buffer-id
:show_buffer_close_icons false
:show_close_icon false }))
;; fzf (a fuzzy finder)
(use! :ibhagwan/fzf-lua
(let [fzf (require :fzf-lua)]
(bind! :n :<leader>fq fzf.quickfix)
(bind! :n :<leader>fr fzf.registers)
(bind! :n :<leader>fj fzf.jumps)
(bind! :n :<leader>fa fzf.marks)
(bind! :n :<leader>fh fzf.help_tags)
(bind! :n :<leader>g fzf.live_grep)
(bind! :n :<leader>fg fzf.live_grep)
(bind! :n :<leader>G fzf.grep)
(bind! :n :<leader>fG fzf.grep)
(bind! :n :<leader>b fzf.buffers)
(bind! :n :gb fzf.buffers)
(bind! :n :<leader>fu fzf.git_status)
(bind! :n :<leader>fm fzf.man_pages)
(bind! :n :<leader>fe fzf.diagnostics_document)
(bind! :n :<leader>fE fzf.diagnostics_workspace)
(bind! :n :<leader>d fzf.loclist)
(bind! :n :<leader>fp fzf.spell_suggest)
(bind! :n :<leader>i fzf.files)
(bind! :n :z= fzf.spell_suggest)
(bind! :n :<leader>ff (fn []
(let [code (os.execute "git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1")]
(if (= code 0)
(fn jump-or-open-terminal []
"If no terminal buffer exists, create one. Otherwise, open new one."
(var term_count 0)
(var last_id 0)
(var terms [ ])
(each [_ id (pairs (vim.api.nvim_list_bufs))]
(let [name (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name id)]
(when (vim.startswith name "term://")
(table.insert terms name)
(set term_count (+ term_count 1))
(set last_id id))))
(if (= term_count 0)
(= term_count 1)
(vim.cmd.buffer last_id)
(fzf.buffers { :query "term://" })))
(bind! :n :<leader>t jump-or-open-terminal)))
;; Nvim surround
(use! :kylechui/nvim-surround
(setup! :nvim-surround))
;; Leap
(use! :ggandor/leap.nvim
:after :nvim-treesitter
((. (require :leap) :add_default_mappings))
(bind! :o :z "<plug>(leap-forward-to)")
(bind! :o :Z "<plug>(leap-backward-to)")
(vim.api.nvim_set_hl 0 :LeapBackdrop { :link :Comment }))
;; Leap spooky (remote operations)
(use! :ggandor/leap-spooky.nvim
:after :leap.nvim
(setup! :leap-spooky))
;; Flit (leap for 'till' and 'forward' motions)
(use! :ggandor/flit.nvim
:after :leap.nvim
(setup! :flit))
;; Comment.nvim
(use! :numToStr/Comment.nvim
(setup! :Comment))
;; nvim-find-other
(use! ""
(setup! :nvim-find-other
:c [ "h" "H" ]
:h [ "c" "C" "cpp" "cxx" "c++" "cc" ]
:cpp [ "hpp" "hxx" "h++" "hh" "h" "H" ]
:hpp [ "cpp" "cxx" "c++" "cc" ])
(let [find-other (require :nvim-find-other)]
(bind! :n :go find-other.find_other_current_buffer)))
;; illuminate (same symbol highlight)
(use! :RRethy/vim-illuminate
(module-call! :illuminate :configure)
{ :providers [
"ragex" ]
:modes_denylist [
:gitignore ]
:delay 0 }
(hook! :FileType :lua #(vim.api.nvim_set_hl 0
;; vlime (lisp environment)
(use! :vlime/vlime
(set vim.g.vlime_cl_impl :my_sbcl)
(set vim.g.vlime_address [ "" 52842 ])
(vim.cmd "function! VlimeBuildServerCommandFor_my_sbcl(vlime_loader, vlime_eval)
return [ \"/usr/bin/sbcl\",
\\ \"--load\", a:vlime_loader,
\\ \"--eval\", \"(vlime:main :port 52842)\" ]
;; Snippy
(use! :dcampos/nvim-snippy
(let [map (require :snippy.mapping)]
(bind! [ :i :s ] :<tab> ((. map :next) :<tab>))
(bind! [ :i :s ] :<s-tab> (map.previous :<tab>))))
;; nvim-cmp (autocomplete)
(use! :hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
:requires [ :hrsh7th/cmp-buffer
{ 1 :ray-x/cmp-treesitter
:after :nvim-cmp }
:dcampos/cmp-snippy ]
(module-call! :plugin.cmp :configure))
(use! :ziontee113/icon-picker.nvim
:after :fzf-lua
(setup! :icon-picker
:disable_legacy_commands true)
(bind! :n :<leader>ci "<cmd>IconPickerNormal<cr>")
(bind! :n :<leader>cy "<cmd>IconPickerYank<cr>"))
;; guess style from buffer
(use! :NMAC427/guess-indent.nvim
(setup! :guess-indent :auto_cmd true))
;; lspconfig
(use! :neovim/nvim-lspconfig
:after [ :cmp-nvim-lsp
:fzf-lua ]
(module-call! :plugin.lsp :configure))
;; nvim-jdtls
(use! :mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls
:after :nvim-lspconfig
(module-call! :plugin.jdtls :configure))
;; Sync all packages on first launch
(if _G.first_launch
(module-call! :packer :sync)))