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Common Lisp
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2024-10-07 01:29:11 -07:00
;; hill.lisp - A very bad implementation of a hill cipher along with some
;; unnessesary, insecure PRNG key stuff.
;; This file is free software under the terms of the GPL3 license. You can find
;; a copy of the license at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
;; PRNG subroutines
(defparameter *system-rng-stream*
(open "/dev/random" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(defun number-bits (num)
"Return the number of bits in NUM."
(ceiling (log num 2)))
(defun get-random (&key (size 8) (rng-stream *system-rng-stream*))
"Read SIZE random bytes from the systems high-quality random source."
(let ((read-buf (make-array size)))
(read-sequence read-buf rng-stream)
(loop with out-val = 0
for part across read-buf do
(setq out-val (+ (ash out-val 8) part))
finally (return out-val))))
(defun xorshift*64 (seed)
"Generate the next number in the xorshift* sequence starting or continuing
from SEED. That is, SEED should either be an initial, non-zero seed or the last
number generated in the sequence."
(setq seed (logxor seed (ash seed -12))
seed (logxor seed (ash seed 25))
seed (logxor seed (ash seed -27)))
;; #x2545F4914F6CDD1DULL
(logand (* seed 2685821657736338717)
(defun rand-clamp (num &key (bits 64) (min 0 has-min-p)
(max (1- (expt 2 bits)) has-max-p))
"Clamp the randomly generated number NUM to between [MIN, MAX]. The random
numbers is assumed to be between 0 and 2^BITS - 1."
(if (or has-min-p has-max-p)
(+ (* (- max min) (/ num (1- (expt 2 bits)))) min)
(defclass xorshift*64-stream ()
((state :initarg :seed
:initform 1
:documentation "The last generated number. If no number has yet been
generated, this is the seed."))
(:documentation "A stream of random numbers generated and xorshift*64
(defun make-xorshift* (&key (seed (get-random)) (bits 64))
(case bits
(64 (make-instance 'xorshift*64-stream :seed seed))
(t (error "Invalid prandom number size: ~d" bits))))
(defmethod next-int ((stream xorshift*64-stream) &key (max #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
(min 0))
"Get the next random integer between MIN and MAX from STREAM."
(with-slots (state) stream
(setf state (xorshift*64 state))
(floor (rand-clamp state :bits 64 :max max :min min))))
(defparameter *default-rng* (make-xorshift*)
"The default RNG source to use when generating matrices.")
;; Matrix subroutines
(defun mat-minor (transpose-mat i j)
"Find the minor of MAT for I and J."
(destructuring-bind (height width)
(array-dimensions transpose-mat)
(let ((minor (make-array (list (1- height)
(1- width)))))
(dotimes (row height minor)
(dotimes (col width)
(unless (or (= row i)
(= col j))
(let ((out-row (if (> row i)
(1- row)
(out-col (if (> col j)
(1- col)
(setf (aref minor out-row out-col) (aref transpose-mat row col)))))))))
(defun cofactor-sgn (i j)
"Return the sign of the cofactor at I and J."
(expt -1 (+ i j)))
(defun cofactor (mat i j)
"Find the cofactor for I and J in MAT."
(* (cofactor-sgn i j) (det (mat-minor mat i j))))
(defun first-column-cofactors (mat)
"Find the cofactors for the first column of MAT."
(let* ((height (array-dimension mat 0))
(out-arr (make-array height)))
(dotimes (i height out-arr)
(setf (aref out-arr i) (cofactor mat i 0)))))
(defun det2x2 (mat)
"Find the determinate of a 2x2 matrix MAT."
(let ((a (aref mat 0 0))
(b (aref mat 0 1))
(c (aref mat 1 0))
(d (aref mat 1 1)))
(- (* a d) (* b c))))
(defun det (mat &key first-column-cofactors)
"Find the determinant of MAT. If the cofactors for the first column have
already been calculated, they can be supplied in FIRST-COLUMN-COFACTORS."
(destructuring-bind (height width)
(array-dimensions mat)
(if (and (= height 2)
(= width 2))
(det2x2 mat)
(loop for i below height
when first-column-cofactors
summing (* (aref mat i 0) (aref first-column-cofactors i))
summing (* (aref mat i 0) (cofactor mat i 0))))))
(defun map-mat (function mat)
"Return a new matrix of the same dimensions as MAT, with each element being
the result of applying FUNCTION to each index of MAT. FUNCTION is passed two
values, (i j), where i and j are the row and column of the element."
(destructuring-bind (height width)
(array-dimensions mat)
(let ((out-mat (make-array (list height width))))
(dotimes (row height out-mat)
(dotimes (col width)
(setf (aref out-mat row col)
(funcall function row col)))))))
(defun extended-gcd (n1 n2)
"Return the greatest common denominator of N1 and N2. As a second value,
return a cons of (x . y) such char x * N1 + y * N2 = GCD."
(if (zerop n1)
(values n2 (cons 0 1))
(multiple-value-bind (div rem) (floor n2 n1)
(destructuring-bind (gcd (x . y))
(multiple-value-list (extended-gcd rem n1))
(values gcd (cons (- y (* div x)) x))))))
(defun modular-multiplicative-inverse (n m)
"Find the modular multiplicative inverse of N with respect to M. That is, some
integer i such that (N * i) mod M = 1."
(destructuring-bind (gcd (x . y))
2024-10-07 01:59:12 -07:00
(multiple-value-list (extended-gcd (if (minusp n)
2024-10-07 20:54:07 -07:00
(+ m n)
2024-10-07 01:59:12 -07:00
2024-10-07 01:29:11 -07:00
(declare (ignorable y))
(unless (= 1 gcd)
(error "N and M must be coprime. N: ~d, M: ~d" n m))
(+ x m)))
(defun modular-inverse-det (mat modulo &key first-column-cofactors)
"Calculate the inverse determinant of MAT under MODULO. If MODULO is nil, this
is just 1/det."
(let ((det (det mat :first-column-cofactors first-column-cofactors)))
(if modulo
(modular-multiplicative-inverse det modulo)
(/ det))))
(defun invert-2x2-mat (mat &key modulo)
"Invert the 2x2 matrix MAT."
(let ((a (aref mat 0 0))
(b (aref mat 0 1))
(c (aref mat 1 0))
(d (aref mat 1 1))
(ood (modular-inverse-det mat modulo)))
(make-array '(2 2)
:initial-contents (list (list (* ood d) (* ood (- b)))
(list (* ood (- c)) (* ood a))))))
(defun invert-mat (mat &key modulo)
"Invert MAT. This naively assumes that MAT is not singular."
(destructuring-bind (height width)
(array-dimensions mat)
(if (and (= width 2)
(= height 2))
(invert-2x2-mat mat :modulo modulo)
(let* ((first-column-cofactors (first-column-cofactors mat))
(one-over-det (modular-inverse-det mat modulo
(map-mat (lambda (i j)
;; this calculates 1/det * adjugate[i][j]
(* one-over-det
(if (and first-column-cofactors (zerop i))
(aref first-column-cofactors j)
(cofactor mat j i))))
(defun transpose-mat (mat)
"Transpose MAT."
(map-mat (lambda (i j)
(aref mat j i))
(defun dot-row-col (mat1 mat2 row col)
"Take the dot (scalar) product of ROW of MAT1 and COL of MAT2."
(let ((sum 0))
(dotimes (n (array-dimension mat2 0) sum)
(setq sum (+ sum (* (aref mat1 row n)
(aref mat2 n col)))))))
(defun *mm (mat1 mat2 &key modulo)
"Multiply MAT1 by MAT2. This naively assumes that these matrices can be
multiplied without issue. The result will be taken under MODULO, if it is
(let* ((width (array-dimension mat1 0))
(height (array-dimension mat2 1))
(out-mat (make-array (list height width))))
(dotimes (i height out-mat)
(dotimes (j width)
(let ((dot (dot-row-col mat1 mat2 i j)))
(setf (aref out-mat i j)
(if modulo
(mod dot modulo)
(defun *mv (mat vec &key modulo)
"Multiply MAT by VEC. This naively assumes that these can be multiplied
without issue. The result will be taken under MODULO, if it is non-nil."
(let* ((width (array-dimension mat 1))
(height (array-dimension mat 0))
(out-vec (make-array height)))
(dotimes (row height out-vec)
(setf (aref out-vec row)
(loop for col below width
summing (* (aref vec col) (aref mat row col)) into sum
finally (return (if modulo
(mod sum modulo)
(defun generate-matrix (width height &key (rng *default-rng*) max)
"Generate a random matrix of size WIDTH x HEIGHT. Use RNG to get the random
data for this matrix."
(map-mat (lambda (i j)
(declare (ignorable i j))
(if max
(next-int rng :max max)
(next-int rng)))
(make-array (list height width))))
(defun generate-invertible-matrix (width height &key (rng *default-rng*) max)
"Generate a random invertible matrix of size WIDTH x HEIGHT. Use RNG to get
the random data for this matrix. This generates a strictly diagonally dominant
(let ((rand-mat (generate-matrix width height :rng rng :max max)))
(dotimes (row height rand-mat)
(let ((sum 0))
(dotimes (col width)
(setq sum (+ sum (abs (aref rand-mat row col)))))
(setf (aref rand-mat row row) sum)))))
;; Base64 subroutines
(defparameter +base64-alphabet+
"Lookup table for base64 encode.")
(defparameter +inverse-base64-alphabet+
(loop with alph = (make-array 123 :initial-element 0)
for i below (length +base64-alphabet+)
for char = (aref +base64-alphabet+ i)
do (setf (aref alph (char-code char)) i)
finally (return alph))
"Inverse lookup table for base64 decode.")
(defun base64-encode-block (b1 &optional b2 b3)
"Base64 encode B1, B2, and B3, each of which should be a single byte. The
result of this function is a list of the 4 encoded characters."
;; allow B2 and B3 to be nil, so we can't just check if they where passed, we
;; need to know if they where nil when the function was called
(let ((has-b2-p b2)
(has-b3-p b3))
(unless b2
(setq b2 0))
(unless b3
(setq b3 0))
(let ((e1 (ash (logand b1 #b11111100) -2))
(e2 (logior (ash (logand b1 #b11) 4)
(ash (logand b2 #b11110000) -4)))
(e3 (logior (ash (logand b2 #b1111) 2)
(ash (logand b3 #b11000000) -6)))
(e4 (logand b3 #b111111)))
((and has-b2-p has-b3-p)
(list (aref +base64-alphabet+ e1)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e2)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e3)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e4)))
(list (aref +base64-alphabet+ e1)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e2)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e3)
(list (aref +base64-alphabet+ e1)
(aref +base64-alphabet+ e2)
#\= #\=))))))
(defun base64-encode (data)
"Encode DATA, a vector of numbers, as base64."
(loop with output = ()
for i upfrom 0 by 3 below (- (length data) 2)
do (setf output (nconc (nreverse (base64-encode-block
(aref data i)
(aref data (+ i 1))
(aref data (+ i 2))))
(coerce (if (< i (length data))
(let ((b1 (aref data i))
(b2 (when (< (1+ i) (length data))
(aref data (1+ i)))))
(nreverse (nconc (nreverse
(base64-encode-block b1 b2))
(nreverse output))
(defun base64-decode-block (e1 e2 e3 e4)
"Base64 decode E1, E2, E3, and E4, each of which is a single character. The
result of this function is a list of 3 bytes."
(let ((i1 (aref +inverse-base64-alphabet+ (char-code e1)))
(i2 (aref +inverse-base64-alphabet+ (char-code e2)))
(i3 (aref +inverse-base64-alphabet+ (char-code e3)))
(i4 (aref +inverse-base64-alphabet+ (char-code e4))))
(list (logior (ash i1 2)
(ash (logand i2 #b110000) -4))
(unless (eq e3 #\=)
(logior (ash (logand i2 #b1111) 4)
(ash (logand i3 #b111100) -2)))
(unless (eq e4 #\=)
(logior (ash (logand i3 #b11) 6)
(defun base64-decode (data)
"Decode DATA, a string, as base64."
(coerce (loop for i upfrom 0 by 4 below (length data)
append (delete-if 'null
(base64-decode-block (aref data i)
(aref data (+ i 1))
(aref data (+ i 2))
(aref data (+ i 3)))))
;; Hill subroutines
(defun nth-hill-block (plain n &key (size 4))
"Get the Nth hill block in PLAIN. If there are not enough characters in PLAIN,
pad the block with zeros. Each block is SIZE characters."
(let* ((start (* size n))
(end (+ start size)))
(when (< (length plain) end)
(setq end (+ start (- (length plain) start))))
((> start (length plain))
(make-array size :initial-element 0))
((>= end (length plain))
(loop with out-vec = (make-array size :initial-element 0 :fill-pointer 0)
for elem across (subseq plain start (length plain)) do
(vector-push elem out-vec)
(setf (fill-pointer out-vec) size)
(return out-vec)))
(subseq plain start end)))))
(defun hill-block-count (plain &key (size 4))
"Return the number of hill blocks in PLAIN."
(ceiling (length plain) size))
(defmacro do-hill-blocks ((var plain &optional retval) (&key (size 4))
&body body)
"Evaluate BODY once for each hill cipher block in PLAIN, with VAR bound to
that block."
(let ((i-var (gensym))
(plain-var (gensym)))
`(let ((,plain-var ,plain))
(dotimes (,i-var (hill-block-count ,plain-var :size ,size) ,retval)
(let ((,var (nth-hill-block ,plain-var ,i-var :size ,size)))
(defun make-hill-matrix (key &key (size 4))
"Get the hill cipher matrix for KEY and block size SIZE."
(let ((rng (make-xorshift* :seed key)))
(generate-invertible-matrix size size :rng rng :max 128)))
(defun hill-process (data mat size dict-size)
"Perform hill encryption or decryption on DATA. Each block is SIZE bytes. MAT
is taken to be the key matrix (or its inverse). DICT-SIZE is the modulus."
(let ((processed (make-array 0)))
(do-hill-blocks (bl data (map 'vector (lambda (elem)
(mod elem dict-size))
(:size size)
(setq processed (concatenate 'vector processed
(*mv mat bl))))))
(defun hill-encrypt (plain key &key (size 4) (dict-size 251))
"Encrypt PLAIN using a hill cipher, using KEY as the secret and SIZE as the
block size. DICT-SIZE is the largest character code in PLAIN."
(hill-process (map 'vector 'char-code plain)
(make-hill-matrix key :size size)
size dict-size))
(defun make-inverse-hill-matrix (key &key (size 4) (dict-size 251))
"Create an inverse hill matrix for KEY. SIZE and DICT-SIZE are as they are to
(invert-mat (make-hill-matrix key :size size) :modulo dict-size))
(defun hill-remove-padding (plain-vec)
"Remove trailing null bytes from PLAIN-VEC."
(loop for i downfrom (1- (length plain-vec))
while (and (>= i 0) (eq (aref plain-vec i) #\Nul))
finally (return (subseq plain-vec 0 (1+ i)))))
(defun hill-decrypt (cipher key &key (size 4) (dict-size 251))
"Perform the inverse operation of `hill-encrypt', restoring the plaintext
of CIPHER that was encrypted using KEY with a block size of SIZE. DICT-SIZE must
be the same value originally used to encrypt the text."
(coerce (hill-remove-padding
(map 'vector 'code-char
(hill-process cipher
(make-inverse-hill-matrix key :size size
:dict-size dict-size)
size dict-size)))
;; Local Variables:
2024-10-07 01:59:12 -07:00
;; jinx-local-words: "adjugate cofactor cofactors coprime det plaintext prandom unnessesary xorshift"
2024-10-07 01:29:11 -07:00
;; End: