Add module stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,60 +7,98 @@
(require 'eshell)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defun eshell-starship--file-names-present-p (&rest names)
"Test if any of NAMES (wildcards supported) exist in default directory."
(catch 'found
(dolist (name names)
(when (seq-filter #'(lambda (name)
(not (string-prefix-p "." name)))
(file-expand-wildcards name))
(throw 'found t)))))
(defvar eshell-starship-modules nil
"List of modules used by eshell-starship.
This should be an alist of (name function). The macro
`eshell-starship-defmodule' can help modify this list.")
(cl-defmacro eshell-starship-defmodule (name &body body
&key files
icon color allow-remote)
"Define a starship module called NAME.
FILES s used to detect weather to call the module. It is a list of wildcard
expressions. SYMBOL and COLOR control the output of the module. BODY should
return the string for the module, or nil if it could not be found."
(cl-defmacro eshell-starship-defmodule (name &key pred files dirs exts icon color
allow-remote action)
"Define an eshell-starship module called NAME.
The module will be added to `eshell-starship-modules'.
:PRED - a function that should return t if the module should be run
:FILES - a list of file names and wildcard expansions that will be used to
determine if the module should be run
:EXTS - save as FILES but mach any file with the given extensions
:DIRS - same as FILES, but for directories
:ICON - this is the string to print before the modules text
:COLOR - the color to print the modules text in
:ALLOW-REMOTE - weather to allow the module to run on remote machines
:ACTION - a function that will return the module text, or nil"
(declare (indent defun))
`(defun ,(intern (format "eshell-starship--module-%s-func"
name)) ()
,(format "Module function for eshell-starship module %s." name)
(or (when (and ,(if allow-remote t
'(not (file-remote-p default-directory)))
(eshell-starship--file-names-present-p ,files))
(if-let (res (progn ,body))
(concat " via " (propertize (concat ,icon " " res)
'face (:foreground
`(setf (alist-get ',name eshell-starship-modules)
,(list 'list pred files dirs exts icon color allow-remote action)))
(cl-defmacro eshell-starship-find-version-function (command pattern
&rest format)
"Return a lambda that calls COMMAND.
COMMAND is in the form of (exec args...). The temp buffer that was used to run
COMMAND will then have `re-search-forward' run with PATTERN and FORMAT should
arguments to pass to `concat' to format the output."
(declare (indent defun))
`(lambda ()
(when (zerop (process-file ,(car command) nil t nil ,@(cdr command)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward ,pattern nil t)
(concat ,@format))))))
(eshell-starship-defmodule cc
:files '("*.c" "*.h")
:exts '("c" "h")
:icon "C"
:color "green yellow")
:color "green yellow"
:allow-remote nil
:action (eshell-starship-find-version-function
("cc" "-v")
"^\\([-a-zA-Z]+\\) version \\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\)"
"v" (match-string 2) "-" (match-string 1)))
(defun eshell-starship--cc-status ()
"Return the current CC version if C files exist in `default-directory'.
Returns an empty string if no C .c or .h files exist or if current dir is
(or (unless (file-remote-p default-directory)
(when (eshell-starship--file-names-exist-p "*.h" "*.c")
(when (zerop (process-file "cc" nil t nil "-v"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward
"^\\([-a-zA-Z]+\\) version \\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\)"
nil t)
(concat " via "
(propertize (concat "C v"
(match-string 2)
(match-string 1))
'(:foreground "green yellow")))
))))) ""))
(eshell-starship-defmodule cmake
:files '("CMakeLists.txt" "CMakeCache.txt")
:icon ""
:color "blue"
:allow-remote nil
:action (eshell-starship-find-version-function
("cmake" "--version")
"cmake version \\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\)"
"v" (match-string 1)))
(defun eshell-starship--exts-exist-p (&rest exts)
"Test if any files with EXTS at the end of their name exist in default dir."
(catch 'found
(dolist (ext exts)
(when (seq-filter #'(lambda (name)
(not (string-prefix-p "." name)))
(file-expand-wildcards (concat "*." ext)))
(throw 'found t)))))
(defun eshell-starship--files-exist-p (&rest names)
"Test if any of NAMES exists and are files in default directory."
(catch 'found
(dolist (name names)
(when (file-exists-p name)
(throw 'found t)))))
(defun eshell-starship--dirs-exist-p (&rest names)
"Test if any of NAMES exists and are files in default directory."
(catch 'found
(dolist (name names)
(when (file-directory-p name)
(throw 'found t)))))
(defun eshell-starship--execute-modules ()
"Execute all the modules in `eshell-starship-modules'."
for (_ pred files dirs exts icon color allow-remote action)
in eshell-starship-modules
when (and (or allow-remote (not (file-remote-p default-directory)))
(or (and files (apply 'eshell-starship--files-exist-p files))
(and dirs (apply' eshell-starship--dirs-exist-p dirs))
(and exts (apply' eshell-starship--exts-exist-p exts))
(and pred (funcall pred))))
concat (if-let (result (funcall action))
(concat " via " (propertize (concat icon " " result)
'face `(:foreground ,color))))))
(defun eshell-starship--replace-home-with-tilda (path)
"If PATH beings with $HOME (the environment variable), replace it with ~."
@ -210,7 +248,7 @@ For example, a revert. If there is no current operation, return nil."
(when (zerop (vc-git-command t nil nil "status" "--porcelain=v2"
"--branch" "--show-stash"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(cl-destructuring-bind (oid head upstream ahead behind stash)
(cl-destructuring-bind (oid head _upstream ahead behind stash)
(let ((file-status (eshell-starship--git-file-status stash ahead
@ -277,11 +315,13 @@ END-TIME is the time when the command finished executing."
(dir (eshell-starship--get-current-dir))
(prompt (concat
(if (file-remote-p default-directory)
(propertize "🌐 " 'face '(:foreground "light blue")))
(propertize dir 'face '(:foreground "dark turquoise"))
(unless (file-writable-p dir)
" ")
(eshell-starship--last-command-time end-time)
(propertize "\n" 'read-only t 'rear-nonsticky t)
Reference in New Issue
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