
241 lines
8.6 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package :cl-quantum)
(defun pprint-complex (n &key parens)
"Pretty-print the complex (or real, rational, etc.) number N. If PARENS is
non-nil, surround the output with parenthesis if it is multiple terms."
(let* ((real (realpart n))
(imag (imagpart n))
;; Also put parenthesis on fractions to make them easier to read
(has-frac (and parens
(or (and (not (integerp real))
(rationalp real))
(and (not (integerp imag))
(rationalp imag))))))
((zerop n) "0")
((not (or (zerop real)
(zerop imag)))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a ~:[-~;+~] ~ai~@[~*)~]"
parens real (>= imag 0) (abs imag) parens))
(format nil "~@[~*(~]~a~@[~*i~]~@[~*)~]"
has-frac (if (zerop real) imag real)
(zerop real) has-frac)))))
(defun pprint-format-bits (index size)
"A state formatter that converts the index to binary and pads it with zeros."
(format nil "~v,,,'0<~b~>" (ceiling (log size 2)) index))
(defun pprint-format-linear (index size)
"A state formatter that just returns the index +1 as a string."
(declare (ignorable size))
(format nil "~d" (1+ index)))
(defun pprint-state (state &key (formatter 'pprint-format-linear))
"Pretty-print STATE, a quantum state represented as an array. FORMATTER is a
function which takes the index of the quantum state and the total size of the
state. It should convert these to a printable representation. This
representation will be put inside of a ket after each coefficient."
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with need-sign = nil
for i below (length state)
for coef = (aref state i)
when (and need-sign (not (zerop coef)))
if (>= (realpart coef) 0)
do (format out " + ")
do (format out " - ")
and do (setq coef (* -1 coef))
unless (zerop coef)
do (format out "~a|~a>" (pprint-complex coef :parens t)
(funcall formatter i (length state)))
and do (setq need-sign t))))
(defconstant +parse-state-regexp+
:extended-mode t)
"The regexp scanner used in `parse-state'.")
(defun parse-bits-state (state)
"A `parse-state' parser that parses its state as a binary string."
(parse-integer state :radix 2))
(defun parse-state (str &key (parser 'parse-integer))
"Try to parse STR into a quantum state. PARSER should be a function of one
argument that will take the string inside each ket and return the index of the
(loop for start = 0 then (+ start (length whole))
for (whole matches) = (multiple-value-list
(ppcre:scan-to-strings +parse-state-regexp+
:sharedp t
:start start))
while whole
for coef = (if (zerop (length (aref matches 2)))
(parse-complex (aref matches 2)))
for index = (funcall parser (aref matches 4))
unless (eq (not (aref matches 1))
(not (aref matches 3)))
do (error "Mismatches parenthesis: ~s" whole)
when (and (complexp coef)
(not (aref matches 1)))
do (error "Coefficient without matching state: ~s" whole)
collect (if (equal (aref matches 0) "-")
(* -1 coef)
into coefs
collect index into indecies
maximizing (1+ index) into state-size
(let ((state (make-array state-size)))
(loop for index in indecies
for coef in coefs
do (incf (aref state index) coef))
(defun normal-state-p (state &key (places 5))
"Return non-nil if state is normalized. PLACES is the number of places to
round the norm of STATE before checking."
(= (round-to-place (dot state state) places) 1))
(defun normalize-state (state)
"Return a copy of STATE that is normalized."
(/vs state (norm state)))
(defun make-uniform-normal-state (bits)
"Make a uniform normalized quantum state of BITS qbits."
(let ((size (ash 1 bits)))
(make-array (ash 1 bits) :initial-element (/ (sqrt size)))))
(defun bit-unset-index (bit n &key (period (ash 1 bit)))
"Return the Nth index in a state in which BIT is 0."
(multiple-value-bind (quo rem)
(floor n period)
(+ (* 2 period quo) rem)))
(defun bit-set-index (bit n &key (period (ash 1 bit)))
"Return the Nth index in a state in which BIT is 1."
(+ (bit-unset-index bit n :period period)))
(defun bit-probability (state bit)
"Return the probability that BIT is set in STATE."
(setq state (normalize-state state))
(loop with period = (ash 1 bit)
for i below (/ (length state) 2)
for index = (bit-set-index bit i :period period)
for coef = (aref state index)
summing (* coef coef)))
(defun nmeasure (state bit)
"Collapse BIT in STATE by measuring it. This will return t or nil depending
on the state the bit collapsed to. Note that this will also modify STATE."
(loop with prob = (round-to-place (bit-probability state bit) 5)
with limit = (* most-positive-fixnum prob)
with rnum = (random most-positive-fixnum)
with result = (>= rnum limit)
with period = (ash 1 bit)
for i below (/ (length state) 2)
for unset-index = (bit-unset-index bit i :period period)
for set-index = (+ period unset-index)
for unset-coef = (aref state unset-index)
for set-coef = (aref state set-index)
for new-coef = (sqrt (+ (* set-coef set-coef)
(* unset-coef unset-coef)))
if result
do (setf (aref state unset-index) 0
(aref state set-index) new-coef)
do (setf (aref state unset-index) new-coef
(aref state set-index) 0)
finally (return (values result state))))
(defun make-operator (bits operator target)
"Create an operator matrix that can act on a state with BITS bits and will
(loop with out = (if (= (1- bits) target)
for i from (- bits 2) downto 0
do (setq out (tensor-mm out (if (= i target)
finally (return out)))
(defun make-controlled-operator (bits operator target controls)
"Create an operator matrix that can act on a state with BITS bits and will
apply OPERATOR to TARGET if CONTROLS are all set."
(labels ((matrix-for (bit target-operator control-operator)
((= bit target) target-operator)
((member bit controls :test '=) control-operator)
(t identity-2x2)))
(tensor-chain (target-operator control-operator)
(loop with out = (matrix-for (1- bits) target-operator
for i from (- bits 2) downto 0
do (setq out (tensor-mm out (matrix-for i target-operator
finally (return out))))
(+mm (tensor-chain identity-2x2 unset-projector)
(tensor-chain operator set-projector))))
;;; Gates and Operators:
(defconstant unset-projector
#2A((1 0)
(0 0)))
(defconstant set-projector
#2A((0 0)
(0 1)))
(defconstant identity-2x2
(make-identity-matrix 2))
(defconstant pauli-x-gate
#2A((0 1)
(1 0)))
(defconstant pauli-y-gate
#2A((0 #C(0 -1))
(#C(0 -1) 0)))
(defconstant pauli-z-gate
#2A((1 0)
(0 -1)))
(defconstant hadamard-gate
(let ((oort (/ (sqrt 2))))
(make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents
`((,oort ,oort)
(,oort ,(- oort))))))
(defconstant phase-gate
#2A((1 0)
(0 #C(0 1))))
(defconstant cnot-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 0 0 1)
(0 0 1 0)))
(defconstant cz-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 0 1 0)
(0 0 0 -1)))
(defconstant swap-gate
#2A((1 0 0 0)
(0 0 1 0)
(0 1 0 0)
(0 0 0 1)))
(defconstant ccnot-gate
(nswap-rows (make-identity-matrix 9) 7 8))