;;;; Example Bell state creation circuits (in-package :cl-quantum/examples) (defun make-bell-phi+-circuit () "Return a circuit that makes a Bell phi+ state. That is |00>+|11>." (with-build-circuit (:h 0) (:cnot 1 0))) (defun make-bell-phi--circuit () "Return a circuit that makes a Bell phi- state. That is |00>-|11>." (with-build-circuit (:h 0) (:cnot 1 0) (:z 1))) (defun make-bell-psi+-circuit () "Return a circuit that makes a Bell psi+ state. That is |01>+|10>." (with-build-circuit (:x 1) (:h 0) (:cnot 1 0))) (defun make-bell-psi--circuit () "Return a circuit that makes a Bell psi- state. That is |01>-|10>." (with-build-circuit (:x 1) (:h 0) (:cnot 1 0) (:z 1)))