When trying to use e.g. ADR{cond}L in the unified syntax, the GNU assembler warns that the conditional infixes are deprecated. The preferred form is ADRL{cond} instead. It is also in line with arm.com and keil.com documentation. This applies to other instructions that have optional parts (e.g. "S" for updating condition flags) - the condition goes last.
69 lines
2.7 KiB
69 lines
2.7 KiB
setlocal iskeyword +=.,_,\$
syn keyword armTodo contained todo fixme danger note notice bug author date
syn match armNumericOp "[+-/*%<>=&|^!]"
" Assembler identifiers/labels
syn match armIdentifier "\<[.\$_A-Za-z0-9]\+\>"
syn match armLabel "\<[.\$_A-Za-z0-9]\+:"
" dec
syn match armNumber "[#\$]\?\d\+\>"
" hex
syn match armNumber "[#\$]\?0x\x\+\>"
" bin
syn match armNumber "[#\$]\?0b[01]\+\>"
" floats
syn match armNumber "\%(\d\+\.\d*\|\d*\.\d\+\)\%([eE]\?[-+]\?\d\+\)\?\>"
" Comments
syn region armComment start="//\|@" end="$" contains=armTodo
" syn region armComment start="^#\|//\|@" end="$" contains=armTodo
syn region armComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=armTodo
" String literal
syn region armString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
" Ascii character literal
syn match armString "'\\\?[\d32-~]'\?"
so <sfile>:p:h/gas_directives.vim
so <sfile>:p:h/arm_directives.vim
syn match armCPreProc "^\s*#\s*\(include\|define\|undef\|if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\|else\|endif\|error\|pragma\)\>"
" Registers
syn match armRegister "\<R\%(1[0-5]\|[0-9]\)\>"
syn match armRegister "\<C\%(1[0-5]\|[0-9]\)\>"
syn match armRegister "\<P\%(1[0-5]\|[0-9]\)\>"
syn keyword armRegister FP SP LR PC SPSR CPSR CPSR_c CPSR_cxsf BP
syn match armRegister "\<A[1-3]\>"
syn match armRegister "\<V[1-8]\>"
" Conditional field to avoid repetition
let armCond = '\%(AL\|CC\|CS\|EQ\|GE\|GT\|HI\|HS\|LE\|LO\|LS\|LT\|MI\|NE\|PL\|VC\|VS\)\?'
" ARMv4 and thumb instructions
exec 'syn match armv4Instr "\%(ADC\|ADD\|AND\|ASR\|BIC\|EOR\|LSL\|LSR\|MLA\|MOV\|MUL\|MVN\|NEG\|ORR\|ROR\|RRX\|RSB\|RSC\|SBC\|SMLAL\|SMULL\|SUB\|UMLAL\|UMULL\)' . armCond . 'S\?\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4Instr "\%(ADC\|ADD\|AND\|ASR\|BIC\|EOR\|LSL\|LSR\|MLA\|MOV\|MUL\|MVN\|NEG\|ORR\|ROR\|RRX\|RSB\|RSC\|SBC\|SMLAL\|SMULL\|SUB\|UMLAL\|UMULL\)S' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4InstrCond "\%(B\|BL\|BX\|CDP\|CMN\|CMP\|LDC\|MCR\|MRC\|MRS\|MSR\|NOP\|POP\|PUSH\|STC\|SWI\|TEQ\|TST\)' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4InstrCond "ADR' . armCond . 'L\?\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4InstrCond "ADRL' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4LDR "\%(LDR\)' . armCond . '\%(B\?T\?\|H\|S[BH]\)\?\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4LDR "LDR\%(B\?T\?\|H\|S[BH]\)' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4STR "\%(STR\)' . armCond . '\%(B\?T\?\|H\)\?\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4STR "STR\%(B\?T\?\|H\)' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4Stack "\%(LDM\|STM\)' . armCond . '\%([ID][BA]\|[EF][DA]\)\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4Stack "\%(LDM\|STM\)\%([ID][BA]\|[EF][DA]\)' . armCond . '\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4SWP "SWP' . armCond . 'B\?\>"'
exec 'syn match armv4SWP "SWPB' . armCond . '\>"'
"syn match armRelative "@R[0-7]\|@a\s*+\s*dptr\|@[ab]"